Exclusive. tenas W..I 980 Linden Ave.* 1 rent. Woods CHOICE,.APARTMENTS Corner Elm St. azid Arbor Vitae 1 Four room (1 bedrmi.). 1 Five room (2 bedrms.). REASONAÀBLE RENTALS SMITHl & GOSS, INC. 725 Elm St. Winnetka 142 56LTN945-tfc IND'2 RM. APT. W'ITI BEl)lUM. andIg. -i n., facig pairk. Eleetrieý iCing, cloe to transi).. Will decorate tgb suit., Very reasonable rentai. .,'al Wiîînetka 1(.561.TN47-Itu- 1 IM AND BATH FURN. AI'T'. imaid servive. 2 rins. furn.; 5 unfurn. Sl)ittish, Court. 1-roperties, 930 Si'îanish Coiurt. Ph. Wilmeittte 43112. 56LTN 47-1 te FoýR RENT-3 OR4 ROOM APART-i nients, tule bath ald shower, breakfast nook. electric refriger.ation. Reas-on-ý aible rent. Wolff-Griffis Hdwv. Bdg. Phi. IWIl.- 1724. .56LTN'I47-lte- A 14.MODERN. SKY -OOM a pa vIlIIeIt ivith il v onvenieni.es. 1111. %ýinetka 225 or Glencoe 122). ,çL1747-f FOR ItNT-2 ýAND :3 1121. H E DI aipts. aI. 1937 Wilmette Ave. For' sale ibr rent-ý-6 rm. bouse at 'NrthbrookýI. Phi. Wilinette 4978. 5LN7lî FOR lIENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN-, ette apartment near transportation. stèam beat, electrical refrlgeration. Cail Willmette 1800. S6LTN31-tfc ONE 2 IlMN., ALSO ONE 4 R'M. KITCHI- ,cnttte apt. H1umphrey buiilinig. Win- netka 198 or 3328. 56LTN20-tfc b.,ated, south and eaist front. Phl. Wlete2:,99 or 2427ý 5LT'N37 tt 5 ISSUN POR('I-, ANI) OIAE tg, niIlfamily. 1'honu 1nekaI631. %eiings and Smay.56rTN47-1 tp e7 FOR RENT-FURNISHEO APTS. FUINIIIL)I AND 4 1'00M A?~. conveniently located. Ph., Wilmette 2lq99 or Wilmptte 2427. !i7TTN3O%-te, 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES - Jt>I ODI;,fN DBUNGALOW VWITJI suin pOIi il ud garage. Cal Winnet- q)111v., -- Maut. . ý..... ....f; ;.uV 6 x*ms,. extra la'. I st, Wiimletteý 85,00 6 ms., So)uth Evanston.. ......115.001 6 vi North Evanston ......125.00 N rnis. 2 baths, Wilmette, ... 125,00 6 r'is., ultra fine, Liincolnwood ý135,00 L. D.. McKE NDRYý; 104 .0tate B'ank Bldg. Uni. 8383 Jlesidei.wle Phone Wilinette ý5172 60rL47-1tc Charnîing gray shingle holtise'. 2 large lx-( rms., sun rm., 1 bath.l *oi heat, 1 - ai garage,. large lot. $100. 1 LN 'i mliglish brick, ý3 bdrns, iepi ng poreli, 2 I,îhs av.' on ist foor, oit ht., att. garage. $150. DOROTIIY K. RObS 66: Ver~nonAve. (ilenvoe, Phone ftSI; or '31î5 60LTN7-1 tc FOR1 RENT AT VERY AýTTR ACTI1VE prive of $1 25--8 mi. brick honne, 2 bed- t-r'ý. andl bath on first fluor, 3 bed- rm.aiid( bath on seconid floor. Ele<triv refùig_ ration, hot water heat, with oul bu rne r. a ttached gaivage. 4101 LilîdeAve. wiinîette 40S' 601,47 - 1 t CliOIE HOSl- IIETALS S'. 1,- neta--7 r'nî. home, 4 bedrînis. 2 b-iths. q011lit. Uhide at $135., . EîtWinnetka-On benîttiful lot. 6 bed- fini. 3bath home, .suil. i.. ou lit. 2éaI ' garage anîd g'ehue V E.1 E. STULT.S IEALT'Y CO. 466î \\l unetka Ave. WlinnietkIt 1800 60 LTX47c-l t G001) JENT1ALý AI~~~~~~~iip ' -:, v olna oe 5bd'i. su>. lii.l.3battis, mv., Sunitm(tell, oil heat. Ct onve1ien1t 1 <a tb< $151.1 ak mointh. e t)ther rentaI's $75 )t4 51 nuîh Franices j.Winiscott 402 i'prînceSt.. bnta16 60OTX47-1 t<' 't'nIli eh.garage, 4 bd'i. large lilving. vn.. g -irc1îî ' Mvy1. ver ' v 1l<,d- 601.TN47-t s IM. OUSE, 4 iEît I. lATH~S. ..W. oit lit, 2ea'g. rlleaîutifl trees Mînil laîrdscaped l ws 82.5 Locust. * Winhetlça ?306. 60L.TN47-1 tC FIMS.. 2 BATHS'.1 0OR 2 YEARS. 2-<' r .'aed ai..$12. Lrgegroulnds. Ni'.sehols, maî<p. iiîntka2617. 61 FOR RENr- FURN. HOUBES 7.11MS., NEAR LAKE, EAST WIN-> netka. attractivýestudio nn., sun poirch, 3 bedrm-s. Near station.. 2-car garage.> Modera te rent. 6 months, beglnnlng Ma10v 1. Winnetka 293. 61LTN47-ltp 63 WT1D. TO RENT-IJRN. HEs»., HAVE TENANTS READY TO SIGN up. Now Iii the. time to list your furnished house for sprlng and sumù- mer rentaI.* Mrs. John Rosen, Win-, netka- 1633.6LT4-t et FOR RENTr-SToRteSBOFFICES FOR lIENT - STORE, 1 6x55, NEXT (14". to Woolworth 5 and 10. Sultable for ladies' %vearing apparel, slioe, or, biat shop, etc. Wolff-Griffis Hdw. BIdg. Wimt~1724. . 66bTNq47-ltc 7a FOR SALE-HOUeS Brick Colonial .N'->.ar 4i sehool and chiarch. 4 hedrnis., 2 tule baths, attic cati Ie flnished. Large sun pomch, oil heat.. Redueed to $27,500 or ivill i'erut at.$175 per ffionth. Ouii.lan & Tysoni, Imc., 1. 71 Shermaî Ave., Evanston Uni. 2600 72L.TN47-ltc LAKE FOREST GREAT BARGAIN in best, res, district, close to town. oembrilek res. on large lot; charm- ing living quarters, 4 master chambers. 3 baths, boudoir sleeping porch, 2, maids' i-ooms and baths. For appoint- *ment call LORD. RAYNEP. AND MURPHY, INC. LAKE FOREST 383 72LTN46-2tp II('K BOUSE IN GLENCOE, 4 BED- vi nîs., " 1ths, lai', on lst floor. 2-car MIag. lheat. $16,000. $13,000 lI nîoi't1gaîge; w' will î'ent foi' $125. l-)iOOTHY K. ROSS 660 Vet n *n Ave. (llencoe J>hnè 86or'35 'ZTN7-t fitVIý PC)~ F1 t SALE 1 N l-IIGHLAND 1Iý i k -6 ri. large enclosed sleeping pou-h, 2 baths, hot water hêatý, at- t'i(hed .gav'age. Wonderful light and smunlhî 'e, large yard, excellent neigh- horlhood. Near ýcho0I and transpor- lt iion W'%ilI sacrifice for cash. Caîl Iliuhbnd<i( Park 1743. 72LTN47.ltn) $30.000. Reduced to $25,000, and open to offer.1 QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave.. Evaniston' Uni. 2600 72LTN47-Itc Buy, Trade or Rent. Consuit oui' Fine Home offerings ti Winnetka,: Glencoe, Hlghland, Park. Phones: Briargate 1855, Glencoe 1554. 1071 Skokle Ridge Drive, Giencoe.. BAIRD & WARNERZ 72LTN47-Ite 73 WANTEP »TO SmUT-H-îOUSm WTD. SMALL HOME, 11,000: DOWN, give ftili pairticulars. Write A-174, Box.40. Wilmette, Illinois. 73LTN47-ltp 75 WANTrED TO DUT-VACANT WANTED - A 50 FT.- RESIDENTIAL lot. ea.,t location, Wlmette. Will pay cash but must, be. bargain. Write, A-173, box 40, Willrette, 85EXCHANGE-ftEAL ESTATEÉ FOR SALE OR TRiVDE FOR POUTRY farm - Suburban, red brick Colonial, house. 7 i'ms., 4 yrs. old, oil heat, 2-car garage. Flrst mortgage $12.000. Lot 5t1x125. landscaped. Write A-177, Biox 40. Wllmette. 111. 85L47-tp 86 FOR UALE-I4OUSEHOLD GOODS BEAUTIFUL MODERN FURNITtJRE for 4 rms., used only 4 nionths. Beauti- fui 2-piece, parlor set, odd chair; cüm- plete walnut bedrin. set, sprlng a.nd inattress; 87-plece, walnut dintng rn. set; two 9xl2 rugs: brea.kfast set; oil paintings, floor lamps, coffee table, other articles. wiîi tace '$275 for aIl,' or will separate. This furniture lo worth $1,800. O. .Carr, 6347 N. Ken-. more Ave., ni'. Sheridan Rd.. Chicago. 86LTN47-1tp FOR SA\LE - KIMBALL ]PIANO, 1J'u nsi('lç:Consolé phonograph, and L ove-seýat. Ail in good condition. Ph. Wýilmette 38i3. 86ILTN47-1tc FOR SA LE-SOLID MAHOGANY OB- long libvar'3 table in good condition. ileasonable, Phone Winnetka 1993. I 86LTN47-lte AS SORTMENT 0F FURNITURE AND rugs. also gas stove, ail In goodcon- dition.. Phone Winnetka 2765. WILM«ETTrE LuE Ai.fr more than 20 yearsth HOME PAPER f tàe communie>,* $ 'PHONE WILMETéTE,4300ý im .> 1