Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 50

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owner of the Ridge Aventue pharmacy, is now greeting bis f riends at the W. f tis, m< to learti lahbe nyao r~iigjinlpir epniîyfrthm. he om l'iherg drtig store,47Lidnof their candidates for Congress on $150. sale price $35, perfect condtion. mission will have nio direct contact avenue, whlere lie is lii charge during important questions of public interes l'J. Wllnette 2200 88LTN47-ltc with the private agéncies, but ivili tlîe IiUIess of \V. W, \V'Iilber,. owner somne two weeks before tliey go to the 09 WANTED TO *UY-MISC. ac0hoghteJin1negec fthie busineCss. polis to indicate, thieir choices in the ________________________________Relief fund, whi.ichi will continue IiiArlpiais WE WILL BUY WASTE PAPER ý0F' existence as long as.it isheeded as CrltePbrsisrtruîgfrm The league does liot proesti- aiv description in any quantlty. *-Will thè agent of ithe cmiso udea.-Diahl,\7lee3,Ms. rý'Ndct i -" pan.aiPh. Maywoodw2039.Paler4Stfcigwt h riaesca genlcies jaahal Wlese.Mas Fia. ictei1 ts"andidates Records" sup- C.Ph.. fair ric. d 39,es 1tNertck oo c to spend spring hôlidays Nw.itlî lier port or Opposition on thc part of pros- oCokcut.parents, Nîr. and L\rs.,Johii Marsl- pective public servants to any pro- Want Rkation Discontinued ail Robetis of 328 Wa.rývick r.oad posals. Candidates. have been i requested -t.i n hei g t it, fo Keilworth'. She is p-assitiL, the first to give 1 er o ino s o ssues w hch letterý which ivas recent.ly sent . to - eek of lber . re-eeFaster'va- are. bclieved to be of outstanding im- on D srb to d'r L. Ryerson, j r., tha lic cation m-ithi a frielid iii Kafisas City I portance to the Nvelfarc of .lîbuio's citi- of Farnily Relief Chicago, Federatîii, of Settlilments i zenls.. Questions, dealiîîg with efficient çFrinBuletn f ounilof expresses the hope that the. ration -o expenditure of::public funds, and mnore. Soil gnie)îiii now be discoîùtit.ued iii favocr. <1), Mrs. Cv*rts A. Barr, 330 Esscx1,, yononnecal administration 4f1 public of- Sinc Ili flrt ofFebrarv lier groery rders with, a small cash ai- road, Kenilworth is driv ing witlî lie'r Ilcshv engvl îcic iea bias been a comiplete change - n e mloiace for hotnsebold exnergenlcies.; son, 1Bol>, anid lier d:(augliter, jaie i u hs year. anIfcs loane nta tI addition to the~ attitudes* of Con- pl-frte distribution, iliCo n fcs lowîcsxîta to March 31, to IaJolla,. Cal. where rsiîacauiteleApiVor cony ftî tt ui o aîivgrocery orders for aIl fainilies, that they Wvill nieke their honie .cvgesThexaiiat., teAr oe Relif. Bcaue 50îiîav o us avecan buy car efullyand, welI. This Fed- bave leased their lînuse totleVjilasoge thevtn eo(so eration of Settleniei.ts also goes,011 R. 1,ishnan f 410 EIder laieibrsn ors adteSae given, geiîerously to this fiind anîd - s.le l1 gsàir ncran iufcn sse beas1 dyoi ea'qe-recoda -bleing tat relit must \Wii)tetlza tor two vears. ILgsaueo eti infcn sus baseevery da n ber us be coîîsidered'a necessary. exî)indi- .sncb. as- the, reorganization of admiinis-, tions froîîî aIl sides as to the adnini- tr o h aneacen aîi f n rs rbrB ebl rative* departients of the Federal istatin. f hisfuîd, C re ~~V>i'ýife. Gasg, wvhere there is inoklitcheîi5 Frést avenue, and Ntr. anîd 11r s'goernîct.etl.hnctfaedr- to l>e able to present the followi 1 State EnîIiploynunt aricead so on. stteens,~vic wreob1iedf1ou range, ýelectricity where* there are Jo-,,n11V. Culleni, 1226 Ashland ave- 'nie j.,iii Lea ',le of Womreîu \7(t- tue Conçil f Socil Ageîcies small childreni or illniess, clothing anîd nue, have retuirned froin a five weeks' r lola nfl i t fiea 0 Chicago. <d ~~~h'ousehold..supplies, anîd carfare, for niiotor tour ini Florida. Nri Vbs vîu.Cîcg.tî 1.TeBadchildren wlîo. ive bevond.ý walking i-- ,Th oar f Coînnissioners of Cook records of candidates for state offices Counity through -the Cook Co(unity Bu- distance f roni school are also recolin- . avlotî i-larvev.. ýwho( is i stU(lCflt at n h eneral Assernbly, This in- reau of Public e elfare shah assume mended as iniimum essentiais. '1le It~Uî~est fKe!îtiicky. .s comiîîg formtioe l h viall Gtepb administra.tive, responsibitity for corn-ope is ' i atiia snîalbevi st Rcects tiieoulid plet reief o fnijies n Cok Cun lso expressed. tliat tliere wiil thlis ý eekt(>pasthe sprin- V;iai ty iin need because of unenpfloyment be ,ino effort to conserve tie public itflv î laet1 i. n rs. lS. ýa end for whose benlefit state relief fundf at the expenise of a decet tii- avv.24Ni tre.he sent to, the State leatgu-e office iM funds are exp)ended. Chicag0.ý 2. That the Joint 1im>ergelley Relief muni standard of livinîg, but tliat silice - 1) reia ration andl arraîîgcîîîeît of the Service 'becomne a dep)artnwlnt of thie state funds arc obviously ilnadlequate e .1 fare for relief and service to fani- peeraio ucistn - nBelàit coliege on()idylu assdates Reors'luthe April \Voter iles in need primarily because of adec n.vr tenutnaele spring vacation witli lber parenits havetN, beeni iii chiargé of M\rs. W. W. unenîploynient, adtitteJitadec adeeyoenutMik ir. ib Emegecy af.4t4atmeJontan effort to secure federal aid before Mr and Mrs. . A..licI 210) Abing aîe of Chicago, cliairmian. of the tration Conîrittee, as at present 1 ý it is too late for congressî.onal acti.on. n-lotn avelne, Keilwortlî. l,(eagiie's . Comîinittec on Noitînationus stituted or reorganized as miay be Write your congressinaii concerning 0__ .and Elections: \Irs. L.T. Keller of found desirable by the County Boardisria atrfr itealstc Cah 1uca-ar iscnti Wîttk.dtrn he oe.an in an. advisory capacity to the op)er- of this retuirli to a mlore adcqîtiate îhomîe todfav froîn thelicLnîversltv ci Mr -S. )îChichstgr u(.îago, ation 0f the. department. ~~basis of, relief, societv ,\-Ill M iîte lonii htoi ospz bsEster vacation chirfan 'Ithe ,Recordscn'tee 3. Thaet the major fanîily weélfare agen - run menet Much iglier costs iii Il- wî ispr1ts r aî.r. .'li R.rd .ih per ucn cies,,cooperatting under the Joint Eni- . . aens.r ad"ie-eod" -l ppa-ij: o)- recyRelief Fund ofCook Cunyiiess, ne nintal coiidîtiOiis, (îenl le- loi t 1)ucaii-.Clark, 228 Ilio00d1courM. vûiîutly tabhulated fbruin i e\t transfer to the Cook County.Bureau hi Iiiîquency,' breakdowns, iii. fantilyand 1. :-o- 1oîths Vte wich.whlbe n1al of Public Welfare the fiamilles i) nlvda taîad fle vîlîi îogtî n ocal l's t hii"h m itthe lstael under .their, relief care and snvin divd . tnadso ie -h Jo0h1nFoley i n.n helca eaustlrl- lou h sae because of unemployinent. and for costs 'vill.be fai' "higlier tlin îvtnld sitv flhîossuetswowl .I____________ blioepe sat ele fns r t lî ost of adeiîuate relief at this hoime foi thec. sl)wItig vacationi. He i ROBERTS IS PROMàOTED b.Te Cooxi)endBueaeodPbe.'m. the sonl of Mr. and MNrs. C,,J. Fulevi For e\,celleîît services reîîdleredl as Welfare shahl assume entire resp)on- It is really a case of tiot jtist keep-) 143 liiîdletî avenue. ,.assatt ietrNraiTuo sibility of glving adequate service and asoisnt ' uîrcw Prcv rosby feTa-o relief to the following other typIes . o ing the w,%olf f roml the door but of on "SookN v, ievP'(,ý rsyfa vases: . uaking a real effort to preser\ve the Ms Alice 1'lescli, daîîghiter o i NMr., turcte)t be offeredl at thîe \Xilmcitte- <a) Aged persons, over 60 .yýear.s, mnoraieofteuoruaeIele i( Ns:AFecl,50Lk singleor imarfed îo.o ufrt-t ioueadMs:A lsh.16I . v-theater. aud',Maci'0 Steph et> (b etrn.wi idte.evswitlîout th<le iiù.C, xiIIl)be hr next wc r Iîvhet; ýi iw otatwicii (v) 'l'tie 4îind. minimum essentials of life, tlhriutghi the Vîîiversitv. of Illiuinis for tit- \,Ill ive hlmii fulier directorial lpr (d) Fauxtiies ireceNiing aid udrn aî fthi wî atrlioliday.s. ..tnîv the Municipal Lodguuîg touse is for lier soli aîd daughit er-, i-haw.v- th their use. For instance, there's a girl Rev. and Mrs. Leland ,Hobart Da-n- who is 25 pounds underweight and forth of Kenilworth. tieeds food, rest and careful diag- 0 nosis. Another.is a cardiac, and uiîust Mrs. Graham Duffield. and lier soli. spend part, of the tîme in. bcd., A Graham, of the Kenilwortlî Itii î eft third lias .varicose veins, and, a fourtlî nMna orafwdv iil ani abscessed back wlîicli îeeds at-' Detroit. Mrs. Edîvii i ecrick, .304 ,deIrose avenue, Keîiliworth who was Mt the Evanston hospital. hast week,.'s Coli- valescing at ier home. The H and W club met witlu M r. and, Mrs. O. C.' Eastman, 1027 Elm- Wood avenue, on. Tuesday, eveninig. i SMJ5 N. Western Ave., Chicago Oppoite Rothill-WeliternAue. enrance Trel. Longbeach 1161 Pree- boollet Also opp. Oalcwoods & Mt. Hope ent. Looi, office.,28 N. ljaS&l1e St. .4

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