Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 52

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Two hwxlred and forty-three New Trier High school students, 148 girls and 95 boys, are listed on the school's honor roll for the first semester of the 1931-1932 terni. To be on the honor roll a student's average. niust be above "." itv-thrèeegirls and *80 bovs re- ceived honorable mention for. the. semester. Students who have an av- erage of "B" are given honorable mention. Sixteen girl s anîd eight boys had' straigzht- "A" averages to lead the school in scholarship during the first semester., These, studetts. are: Giris--Grace Bartliug, senior; Eni- nia Bickham. Jaile-Horton. Juine. Kehl, Hielen, Parker, Jeanne Stout, Cecelia Wagner and Barbara WVilder, juniors; Alice Ebeling. Kathlyii Holway, Alice Holloway. Ora Jean Jacobs and Ethel Jane Moe. sophomorçs, and Anna- marie Booz, Eleanor Clark and Mar- garet Cree. freshmen. Bos-johni Darnehil. senior ; Syvd- ne-y Date and Charles Kîîapp, jun- iors; William. 8oweai, Burrage Far- well. John Mathieson and George Maxwell. sophomiores, and, Harry G4ottlieb. freshman. The highi school lias an enirollinien t slighitly Iess than two thousand. Fol- lowing-are the namnes of the honor roll and honorable mention students for the first semnester: SENIOR GIRLS JiHonar Roil Grace Bartling, Nancy Harris, Jacinta *Kampmeier, Evelyn 1&tten, Caroline Yerkes, Margaret Ebellng, Daphne. Bjorkiund, Jane Nordstromi, Virginia Rich, Ellen Sager, Jaine Snyder, Dorothy' Borgh, Jane Denient, Betty Hamilton, * Margaret Meleney, Marie Skog, Jane Thomas, PhliIs Bosley, Jane Crawford, Beatrice Driver, Martha Ericsoîi, Mar- garet Gould, Helen Gr-eeni, Helen Hoi-. ton, Helen Janows, Marie Kirkwood, Virginia Lang, Jane Lundahi, Ruth Moîl, Esther Plepmieier, Caroline Pres- ton, Evelyn Stromr. Honorable Mentioni Elizabeth Baihatchet,' Helen Bower'. Jeanne Elnxer, Margaret. Freyn, Rose- mayGash, Kathleen Harvey, Grace Hlrschberg, W inifred Hawxhurst,'Helen. Jones, Margaret Kahler, Mary Jane keilogg, .Ann Boyd Linn, Lucy Murdi- son, Ursula O'Herm, Florence Oison, Ada Pancoe. Helen RathbÔne, Dorôthy Reynolds. Jeanette Rugen, Doris Tan- sfll, Ruith Thompson. FRE5HIMAN i*IAUB Honor' Roll Anna Marie Booz, Eleanor Clark, Margaret Cree, Marcia Ennis. Jeanette Farwell, Nancy Gordon, Dorothea Hoi- way. Jeanette Barroll, Marie Burg, Alive Dernehi, Virginla Glenz, Marion Hall Katharine Hillinger, Lois Lam- berg, Pauline Newton, Jean Perrili, Betty. Rucker. Jane Weston, Eleanor Willianms. Dorot*hy Deacon, Jan Oison, Francis StoWeIl, Betty Barr, Ann Bay- lIss, Virginla Brooks, Janet Harris, Edith Hernien, Jeane. Horstlnig, Aima Katz, Mlarilyn Kehl,* Jean Lawrence, Ceillia MaeKlnnon,. Mary Maistrovich. Mary Ellen McKee, Jean ýScribbins9 Margaret, Thalmnan, Cynthia Walsh, Mary Wood. Honorable Mention Ferti Ahlstrand, Betty Barrie,, Mar- garet, Bird.- Jane, Blaylock, *Shirley Botthof, lÉleanor -Burpee, Julia Bar- roll. Barbara J. Cherry, Barbai-a Clark, Judith Cunningham,., June Englund, Jeane Fisher, Amy, Henischel, Jeanette Hoaglund, Martha' Huif, Ruth Kerner, Hielen Kram,. Carol Llnn, Natalieë Mac- Donald. Joan. McAdams, Jean Ann Iloulding,, Harriet Newton, ,Tdamae Obernîler. Mayelia Payne, Betty Solo- mon. Jane-t Weber_ Mary Weber, Jane Weese; Maýrgery Weil, Marjorle: WeiI- ler, Marian Wes4t, Lois Wolfe. SENIOR BOYS Honor 1Roll John I7erniehl, John DèBeers, Jon Robinsoni, .Tevonie Straus,. Locke Car- ruthersx, SeNvelr Andrewson. A rthur Bo)yajian, Jack Bi-nad, George Jones, Arthur Weldgn, Pauil Williams, Ted Wachs, John ('hapmlan, Richard Joslin, Shelley Miner, Gordon Ray, S.'tçpheni Brooks. 'ereCole,. Georg£ Everitt, Ohsniond Field, John Hellimnuth, Wilbert Kuinz, Charie.s Larson, John Mil&er. Honorable Mention Foster Bennett, Ear-le Blomiieyei-, Worthy Chamibers, Frank Church. Roger Delander, Ed. F'rankel, Defrees Hoîniies, Ed. Howard, Donald* Hughes, -Gilbert Keith, Pred Leason, Richard Nelson, Paul Netterstronî, Pauil Philips, Neil Putnainî Jerry Rosenberg,' Williami Shermnan, 'Milton Vo're, C4lyde Warble.. Charles Whetstoil, Frank Williams, Walker Wolford. JUNIOR BOYS 1ionor Roll S.ydniey tDate, (C.harle.,; Kniapp, Lewis Birdsall, George Hunt, Ed. Johnson, Charles Reynolds, Williami Rolfing. Thomiae Thale, Burton! Weber, Harry Weese, Albert Acýkernian,. William Bremmer, David Eisendrath, William Jackson. Norman Modl'ne. D ick, Oliver, Richard Piekard, Jack Stebbîsà, Wil- llani Blair Edinund, Frazer, William Nordberg.. Williamn Ray, Jodhn ,Van der %,ries.. Robert Walpole. Honorable Mention Rioger Barre tt, John Beekman, Char1es Brown, Laurence Buckmaster. Walter H-ow a radio prograni goes on the air is to be shown Friday eveniîig, April 8, ini the Radio Revue spoti- sored by the Logan-Howard Parent- '!'cacher association, at the lfovard School auditorium. Proceeds fr011) the entertainuient will go into the P. T. A. weliarc funià an(! will be drawvn upon for- the <en- tai clinics, qÀ!liicli will be carricd into thec spring tcrm. These clinics have beeti held durin g the winter uadier thec leadership of thé scho9)l nur. Because you, Parent-Teacher association; Mrs. R. B. DeVinny, treasurer; Mrs. J. V. Siith. talent chairmiat, assisted hb- the Maple1 City Four of WI.S who are headiners ini the "show, ai-d Mrs. C. B. Coclîran, publicity. Trhe Ernest A. Rich f amily. of 210- Abingdon 'avenue, Kenilmiortlî, have rented their home for a, year to the D. G. Raymonds of Wilmette, and arc moving to Minneapolis on May I., Mr. Rich is now Practici.tg law ini Minne,- apolis. Zouldn'1' Easter- b. able l'o tske advantage of the mues Evanston merchants are offering season. jeyt Francia ma ry K. JO] peggy Mécab Sandberg, M Turck, 1Louise Ntý 'luili, r-stlet- ieailemJ'au '*1pe-'**sPl du l t--u sOl t, Jane Mauiand, Anne Marvin Brand, James Christensen, Rob- rShapiro, Elleen Prevai- ert 0Gaîretson, James Gerrard, Thomas y, E.sther Blichen, Jane Hildebrand, Fred Homann, Carl John- ledlander, Brenna Haw- son, Harry Levine, William Martin. loffman. Jane Johnson, Edward Mee,. James, Meige, Lawrence non, Elizabeth . elier, Schwall, Donald. Toeppen, Robert'Wetà- Doreile Moulton, -Lois er. rian Sehauffiler, Betty Honorable Mention 7arney. Arthur: Adler, F211. Ballard, James Marshall Field,&. Co, The Hul, Wieboldt's- Eva nston' Who Sa ys the Bizzard Blew No- Good? t 1 .4 + shop the earlypart of the week EVANSTON STORES WIL.L REMAIN OPEN THURSDAY,. FRIDAY and .SATU.RDAY UNTIL 9 P. M 'will Yom rerni 4

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