Premiuim or CertIfied. 1.0 to 1;; ilhs Whole onlyat titis low prIce IL 18c OX TNGUE 1'o:rly cornedIL l.22c N - ýW E have installed new equipment for roasting and salting nuts, in small uantitie s so that. freshness. and purity of cooking wilth best creamery, butter ean. be guaranteed. Imperial quality almonds, -pecans, B r a z il1 s, caihews and peanuts- the' finest, to, be, had for those who want something out of the ordînary. Special introductory Eater off er, mixed. saltid Ruts 9 c (np eanus) COFFEE Rtichelieui's supreme blend. 40 to 50 tups per lb. ."38 GINGER ALE Canada Dry in convenient HostesL cartons 3 WHIT E ROCK WATER Also packed in con- g ventent c artons, doz. ROQUEFORT The finest imp ort w e can buy..........lfb. 9c .Alb. 119e Schrafft's molasses chips, nouga- tines, dip caramels, sour orange creams, caramallows, butterscotch 7 Tiender euts of sureebeef. lb. 29c SLICED BACON W sosCetfid:2 lbi .,49c LAMB.SHDL R >fr raast or ,stewi..24 PEAS 1g ier02.N..2 in 4 for 79C SUGAR Pure cane gaulated 0 b. 9 CATSU P feptoidiyne. 2 pts ë 35c JExtra seloet, wet pack fo 29 SHRIMPS L o. 1 i w2ior Fauncy Importedea 25 CRABMEAT lit tinsib ti25c T UNA FISH Eim 112-1b #lts2 for 35c LIPTON'STEA ~eIow Label Orange Pekoeea49 TOMATO JUICE Inlre'o 2 tins 2 for 29c DILL PICKLES 't" qt. 23c TARTAR SAUCE -.bote ea. 27c QUAKER CRACKELS caronsea. 10c llihy taa t slpetfruit FRUIT SALAD 'i 'iee No 21,àtlins 3 for $1.00 FRUIT SALAD fiini>yNo.r%1Pefi 2 for 49c FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y ONL Y HAJ.IBUT. Fanciest qialitýý 29è LAKE TROUT. Strictly fresh......... lb. 35c LEG OF LA-MB. Choice roasts..... 28c GROCERY, and MARKET PHONE 510 PHONE 514, CENTRAL and TWELF TH ..WILMETTE,- -- I fficers of the two ordered recently are: HAMS- pameci Line.11, is speninig a week in and around Boston. GIVES HALE LECTURES The séries of Hale lectures are being given April 5-8, in the Western Theological seilary ' in Evanston by the Rev. John. Rathbonle Oliver. ,4d., Phd.. D. D. ROUND .STEAK *Salary reductions for the secretarv and assistant secretàry of the Cham- ber and credit bureau. Dropping affiliations with ail. organ- izations, where such affiliations are flot absolutely necessary. Discontinuance of th 'e practice of, sending post cards to merubers of the Chamber of Commerce notifying themn of. the. date, time, and, program. for each monthly meeting. No,,More Refreshmients Elimination, of cigars and. refresli- ments at ail meetings. Removal of one of the' two tele- phones, in the Chamber *of Commerce and credit bureau'offices. (The phone number for both organizations no0w is Wilmette 863). Sub-Ieasing of one of the three room s in the office suite occupied. by the two organizations. The, room, which is-to be rented starting May 1, ha.s been used for directors' meet- ings and. as a recreation and read-. iflg rooin. Reduction * of miscellaneouse- penses, such as office supplies' and other small itemns. B.T. Clark, secretary of the Chain- ber of Commerce, saàidthisWeéek that the foregoing changes would not iu- terfere iii aniy way with the.actiitiels -of -the --iham)er-or* the credit bureau., Th'le stiall Ïradio recently ins talied ini the Chamber offices xvas not pr chased with funds of the organiza- tion but wvas .donated by a miemiber of the Chamber, Mr. Clark explained. Lay Wrecker's Axe on Mansion of Other Days One of Wiliiette*s landmarks, tîhe old Savage home at 684 Sheri*dan ro_ýad, is being wrecked. Thé house,: wIich- hasý been,-unoccupied in recent months. wvas built hyj. 1\. Savage about 1905. X'ears, ago it wvas lone of the ýshowV places' of the north sihore becausýe of its beautiful à ardeiis. * Both Mr. Savage and his wife have .passed away. Their hiome and the prop-