Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 7

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dence nere. Mr. Betts was .born ini Cairo, N. Y., in 1840. He camne west in a covered wvag-on in 1860, but xvas overtaken by illness in 'Missouri .and was unable to 1)roceed f arthier. He started in business at St. Catherine, Mowhere ini 1869 lie marri cd Lydia Stolp.' Mrs. . Betts <l ied' last May 16. In 1871 Mr. Betts came to Chicago and: eîitered the employ of J. V. Far- %Vell and compan Y, with %'hom hie re- inained until. le ret.ired in 1926.: let i survivied by one son, Norman S Bietts, th'ree 'granidcid'(ren, Normanî D., Richard S., and Barbara 1L, and onie sster, Mrs. -Emily Wallâce of Cairo, N.. Y. Thle f uneral services were hield at his late- residence l1ast Thursday, with the Rev. John. G. Hindley of the \'i1- mette Congregational chuirch oficiat-, ing. Burial was at Rosehili cemeter,.' Th'le palll)earers were old time business associates of r.ë Betts. Eiba L. von Glahn Dies Suddenly Here iL) \-on Glahun, 602 Fifteenth street (lied suddenly of a lieart attack MNtdgy morning at his--home. He. was \ir. %-on ('la ni,, ývh0 Wvas in the ini- surance busine .ss, vas. weil kuiown throughout *the village. lie wvas bori. hiere :and hiad.spent biis entire lifetinie iii this %icinîty. 1 lu wvas a mieniil)er of -St., Augustine',\ l piscopal clitrch and of Wilmnette Lodge -No. 93(), A. F., and A. M. Nlasonic 1fuperal services .vere lbeki \\edpesdav aft.ernoon at ScOtt's, iun- cral hioie. 11 Greenleaf avenue, at 1 (,'clok-, olloed b. services at St. Augu.tstiine's churchi at 2 o'clockTe Rev. :Hubert Carletoà, rector o 'f st Augustinc's, officiiated at the ýservices ni -the churcli. Butri'al took place at Kenosha, \Vis. Mr. von Glabin is survived liv lus \\îidow. Nrs. Èlla -von Glahun. anpd. by tvo sisters,: the, Misses 'Meta 'and N.ellita von Glahni, botb of \Vilnmette.ý Paul Schmidt, 18, Dies After Lingering Illness Dr. G'orp'e, Craig Stewart, for t'eiti-fiz'e. yrars re ctoîr o St Lutke's chiirch. !i7'ansto n, and 110Wu bishop> of th .Chiicago diocese of the Episcopal cli nrch, will be the speaker 'atthe WiTVlnette Suîîdav Ez'cning club .iJfarclz 27. Dr. Stewç- art i s a clergypnan of initernational rcnown1. fle is zctll kilown to Sip- da3 vcîigchlbaudiences, hav'ig spoken ini.JJilmetl' nnoneca sionls. HERE FOR WEEK-END Miss josepine RZeddy. daugiter o M r. and NIrs. 1-Ililp, J. Reddy of Chiica,,o and St. Petersburg. Fia. vdho is attendiuug the Sacred Heart academyv in Lake. Forest, spent tlu past week-end a.s the gitest of lieri auint. Mrs. George Ortseifen of 3371 Essex road, Kýenilworthi. Miss -Mar- garet Schaýger of Wilimette, also a student at Sýacred He.art. passed th~e wveek-end lwith bler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Scliager of 105(1 .Chestnut avenue. CHILDREN FORM CLUB Agi otI) of sniall children have or- ganized a club for the purpose. the inembers. tate, of 'Giving monley tc the poor people of Wilniiette." The mienubers of the club' are Janet Ilol-, Stritly fresh 20C Ham*, Armour's i9 Stair or, Globe, lb. Leg, of 'Lamb,.28 Rib Roast of Beef, Sth auJ 7th Rib,25c; 2 Shoulder Veal, p lb., . . .. . . Pork Loin Roast. IL . ...... Fresh Ducks,29 lb ......... Rolled Pôrk Loini 27 Rslb.27 Hills Bros. Coffee lb. , ........37ec BUTTER Brick, or Rois. 2Sc Genuine Sporiggg Lamb lb. . . . . .. Hindquarters, lb. ....35c Bef Plot Roast, 2 Breait of Voit. lb ............ . . . Fresh Pork Tenider- A a loin,. lb.,. Turkeys,35 Jones, S&usage' lb. Pearson's Coffee,35 When it corne f romi "Pearson'a" it's the beàt. EASTER GIFrs atthe.Rexail Dr"ug Storfes Choose the C A N D Y wth the famous "$50,000 Chocclat ," . ... . . . . For your next permanent phone ... AL BRIGHFiT BEAUTY SHOP I167 W imefe Avenue ýWiImtte 4517 Contra'i-WiImte Avenues Phones; Wi1paet. 28 and 29 Specials for Friday and Saturdayý(

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