of candidates for V ilage offies and their position regarding certain ques- tions of import to voters at the April 19 Village election, the Wilmette League of Women Voters is present- ing ýthe appended information. In this coninection it should bée x-, pl ained that the League ôf Women Voters is merely following .establishçd custom instituted by its national and state organizatioins, to* inform voters as thoroughly as possible. concerning candidates' records and their attitude toivard. certain important issues. Wii.NiITu , Lîi Eis happy to co- operate 'with the Women. Voters' League in this strictly non-partisa n endeavor to bring this material before the voters, the sole. purpose of the questionnaire being to assist the elec- torate .in making an analysis of can- didates and issues.. .The.report of the Voters' league., 1.with candidates, for Village trustees and Village rlerk listed ,in alphabeti- cal order follows: FRANK J. ELLERT Candidate for Village Truste, Tàx Reduction Pafrtyý, Addresik; 623 Gregory Avenue.. Educatiea: Common school, Art lusi-ý tute, et Chicago and Art league, New York City. Present Business Cenn etion: Architect, o wn office. Previonti Business 1ifcrd. Ten years In offices of prominent architects.- Fif- teen years own practice of Archi- tecture. Pablie Offire: -Now Hiolding-None. Formerly ield-NZone. 1. Arc youi On favor ef the Vilage Man-~ ager form eof Governîment? Yes, pro- vided that the Village manager bas the proper co-operation et an efficienit and capable adminfistration.' A :fgir test has evideutly 'not been made jùdg- lng by ever-increastiig taxes due ,ap- pareutly te tallure te curb expeudi- tures and.effeot econemnies. 2. Wiîat wenid be your progfrain te take rarse o the nueinployed 1 I 1favor the establishment of an uneWployment bureau te work in coopration with the Village -Goveruiment. This bureau should make an appeal te ail citizens. to give erployment te as many men. and women as possible. AUl such jobs te be given only threugh this bureau and to the unemployed citizeus ef out uIeetaIKti 1aiVeuit- 2. Whiit would be your program te take care o e i.upnrployed i Net In tavor of any* dole system., Çreate work to permit workmen te earn an honest living. giving preterenceto local laber. 8. What :*services oÈ activities would yen .eliniina*e or out down in yeur tai reductioù or eeonemy Iprograrn Non- productive and non-essential act ivIties and reduce excessive salaries te con- terinite the results actcempllshed. 4. ýArc yen 'lu!laver oft-th.e present zon. Ing Iawel Wlth amendments and êtricter enfercements. o. What Io, your attitude upon Grade separation! I favor Grade separation qnd will insist upon the ýrallroads puy- lng the ceat et same. 6.D o yn laver the aunexatien ef the properties knewu, as No Xan 's Land No. 1 and No. 2t Byreferendum only and withln strict . compliance of oui- zenlng laws. HARRY C. KINNE Candidate for Village Truste., people&. Ecouomy Party Address: .13Z4 Elmweod Ave. Educ-atlen: Englewood High schoel, Ilh - flois College of Law (ntJw DePatil t- niversity) Degrees et L.L.B.,. L.L.MN. Present Business Conneetion: Have been engaged lu the practice et Law, in Chicago since 1903. Offices new in * BunhamBuilding. Publie Office: Neiw holdlng-Chiirmnan, Wilmette Beard oet Appeals etf Wil- mette. _I. Are :-ou lu favor ef the Village aé ager terni of Governmenti Yes, but 1 believe that a manager should he the active working head ef the village, with no dupication o work, subjeet to the direction et the board. 2. What would be yeur program te talie (-are ef the unemployedtI un my opinion this question, under the preseut law. mnust be prlncipally solved by thee dli- zens tbreugh community organization.; such. as we have in Wilmette, except, of eourse, that the services of th.e unempeyedshould first be used by the ,ýillage wherever possible. 3. What services or activities would yen elinnate or cut down ln yeur tax r.e- duetion or. econoiny programti 1ari unable te .arswer thisý question defý- initely until I would have turther op- pertunity, te go ,nuiuutely'. inte the question, except te state that every possible Village expense must be cur- tailed te the limit comnieusurate with the needa ef the village. 4. Are yen ln tavor et the present zon- Ing. Iaws? 1 am thoroughly in favor of the spirit and in t et the present zoninz Inwi. niishes information on candidates for election. 'We will pubiish in i Vrre Lin, on April 7 brief records of candidates for local offices.. In order that your cah.didacv may le fairly presented, webespeak your cooperation in re- turniingbN, April 4, the information called for' on the accomPanyingý sheets. as otherwise it will be neces- sary1 to report vou as* drclining -to an swer. "we, present these questions both to i nforni you as to the issues which the people of. the village consider im-' Portant and to give you an oppor- tunit-v to transmit to.the voters ane statemne.it Von mav, wish to miake concerning these issues. 'NWe do not isl.to bleunderstood as, asking von, for a pledge to suip- port or oppose any proposaIs. We mnerely askfor a statement of 'your present attitude, if you are ready to .igive "it. A, copv of this letter is be- ing sent te> each candidate."~ should be enmloyed on thîe new wateil Plant. 3. What services or.actIvlties ývould.yen eliminte or entdown ln your tax Te. duètion or eenomny program i Tçio nmuch money has been expended on engineers. The village has paid. or obligated itself to pay thousands of dol- lasin lawyers' fees and nxany peophë. believe such tees te have been exces- ,;Ive anld unnecessarv. 4. Are you ln favor of the present zen- Ing lawsl Yes. 5. Wbat Is your attitudliupenGr Separaileu 1 noved juto the villagý- in 1904 and the question of grade separation was being agitated then. 1 prophesy that It -wil l ot coîme with- iu ten years. Lýocal politicians cant force it and 1 an frank te say I have a personal, c).nviction that our board s,pendiug our taxes- on special at- torney tees and surveys Nvithoùt j usti- fication. 6. DO o yn laver'the annexation of, the, praperti es known as No 3Man's Land! There is revenue lu suchan.nexation) for the village and protect ion for the *localities annexed. I arn for. it. DONALD H. MAX WELL Candidate for Vilage Trustee, Tax Reduiction Party sist in placlflg men anld womeri iu jobs. 3. What. services or actlvities , woultî yen elimliâte, or eut down lu your tax reduetion or eeonolny program i 1 would eliminate the expensive legal and engineering. services in connection with work net necessary. at this time. Mýany thousands et dollars have been wasted ln this way durlng thé past Year.with harm rather. than.benefit, t6. the ta xpayer. 4 Are you la favor ef the present zon- lut Iawsl Yes. 5. What Is your attitude upoR Grade Separation? It is my understauding that this imprevemnent wiil cest the taxpayers upwards of.eue illion dol-, lars. that belug roughly the estlmated share of the total censt that the village. under the law, will have to a 1ssume. This iniprevement should be deferred utlthe taxpayers are In, a better. position to assume the burden and until they.demjand that the work be done, after a full realization1 of- th, eost to them. As this. work le not likely te be undertaken In the near future, the uneconomicat handIIngý of the prelirninary legal werk and the lairge attorneys' tees recently incurred l>y the village in connection with tracik eleva tion. appear te. be a waste ef the taxpayers' money. 6. Do yon fàvôr the anneêxation ofthfle properties known as No lMaus Land No. 1 -ftft4Neo. 21 1 assume thâ.t these designations refer to the. triangular tracts between Wilmette and Kenil- ýwor1h at the lake fr'ont and: Immedi-, atelv east of the North Shore i--my tracks respectively. These tracts sýhould be made a part, of eue or ether of. th,- itwo villages, forthe best intere>sts <of both. S. N.TIDEMAN Candidate for Village Trustee, People's Econoniy Part Address: 1025 Llnàen Ave., Wilnitcttc. Edîîicatlon»' ('on-men scheols and night sehools. Present Business connectils: C4e-part.- ner, Pierce Electric e., ot Ie. (Elecýtîlcal contractors.) P1revieus, Businesfs Record: Ernuo:w Electrie Co. (President.) (Electrical Ihvebeen, eigaged li bsii s Publie" Ofdfc: X Hoildlng-,None. iorilleriIY 141-linEmloyed in the De- lsnrtmntt o" Ietrieity. (City of, 'hi-, vai,1907-1911, Duties ef office:. Ia regard to the duties of the office I -a n seekingý, 1 hope :te properly repre.ent the people. of the village and carry out terwsî vthnthe larw, and vith full reegii- tion of theé enn o care and eeonomy imposed by ýthe sevýerity oi the times. 1. Are yem n lufavor of the Village -JI.àit JOSEPH HEINZEN Candidate for Trut.., Peopl'£ Ec.nony Party AUdress: 1466 Lake avenue, Wllmette. Igdeattiu: Local sehools. 11 Preelt Business CommecUion: retlred. ignoed.-- u th Ineret Ôfecoemy These things have undermluned the 1 believe the office should be abolished. enfideneeofethlie taxpayprs ln the CWar t wfld ble your pro&arsm te take business abillty and cemmen ceuse car oftheunemployed? Ernployrees of those xnw managingour village who have doue flecessary work should affaira. be, re-employed. The savînzs effected 2. Whist wonld lie yonr pIregram te talke by the abolitilon et the offie etfVil- car@ ef the, unemployed 1 I favcr the lage Manager would, fil». LocSl mon village go a whole tackllng thîs prob-. eain in a a,, thîa no navolGaDie ex- ýendltures et taxpayers money Must be Ilowed lu the nexttwe yea. A statemnent ef My attitude on. ques- (Continued on Page 47)