Reo-nominate: Çongressman, Carl R. Chindblomn WeII Known Winnetka Attorney, Leading R.pi.blicmn Candidate For Congressman - atm-Large The ' facts: Age 414; Lawyer 20 years; graduate of Princeton University and Northwestern University Law Sehool; lecturer on law at Northwestern 8 vears; naval officer with Atlantic fleet Republican Prirnary, April 12, 1932ý Congressman Chi*ndblom bas rendered excellent , faithful' service in the National House of Representatives and deserves, your support. He has constantlyý stood, utagainst, extravagant, and econsistently supported: retrencliment,-and economy.ý He bas devoted bis entire timne to bis constituents and maintains a Con- His, name is first in lican candidates for Congress. list of Repub- resentative in $!Qoot