Last i.'ame on "Dilot iur I' WHAT THE TAXPAYERS and VOTERS SAY of RALPH E. CHURCH The active committee favoring the candidacy of Mr. Chureh is composed of over 14,000 leading citizens from ail sections of ýthe Tenth District. ln a :wri*tten enoremntof. bis-qulifications for RepresentativeinConrss the following tax.. p~ayera and voters say: "6The best -test of, fitness for, any office lies in such an unchallengeable record of Public service. and trstasRALPH E. CHURCH bas consis tity established. 'His egtcneuietrsa tt representative' have -not olygve im«theecsvrylegisiativ xeincebuthave undeniably proved' bis ability and -integrity." Thos.' F SG. ,Ait Iusk Agi Mnf. ad Leslie G, IL M. la Edus Bf Geo. F. Bobert W. Lest B. Ross M. '. B Charles Bagene Dr. E. ' Art Mu Chicago and Evanston Lbcruathy W. P. Crame ..Airth Eunee S. Crocker 1Mns. Wm. I;ehard -F. CrOwder izander Guy Cuhley dorson Ibs. Maud G. Cubley 1Mis. A., 1. Frank 8. Cuningliam ýoit . James A. Çuirlae .Arines G.eorge S. Daigety Basbitt, Jr. Dr. W. C. Dauforth (eau Baker John N. Banner, Jr. Baker H. C. Da'ridson D. Baker. Mrs. Morton S. Bavîdmon ci Bail Clareuce B. Davis U Bartlcy ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry laisett L. Davis T. BeaW Marjorie BeGolycr Beck Dr. anid Mrs. Gt.o., F. r. Bec* Dick Wek 31r. sud Mrs. Karl W. Bell Hale Dixon 1 B. Beost George F. Didier 1 Ëshop L. Clauide Dallahan aw Chas. H. Draper lis Mr. aud lins. Wm., H. L. Blockman Dunhaim , oek W. B. Dyrenforth oni Ferry $.. Fade Dad Wia. - G. Eadie R. Boone Earuwn Edwards oth F. C. Elselci raithwalte Lais Engen jBramhail W-m. N. Ericksou Mrs. EddyS. Leroy H. Essig> * Alfred L. Eustle rIggs Mn.aAMs. T. Broche Win. R. T. Ewcu mer Brown CG. F.Falley Scc Brown Francis W. Farwell Bauer Mr., sud Mrs. Mis. D1 T. I. H. FathcIîiId ton Paul E. Faust G. Bîuann. Mrs. Paul Fecan Du llock . T. H. 'Miss Flora, N. Hay Mr. and -Mns. LouisF. Heinti Virgrinla and * Staudiford Helmà Bir. sud Mis. Wlilbur HeIm A. J. kennings Albert tE. Hoîbi Oscar molbe Miss Mary E. Holmes Beverly W. Have Mr. and Mrs. Wirt E. Humphrey Miss Lnvýrerii. Hunelker Joel B. Hunter Ray Jackson Ernegt R. Jaeobs Dr. sudMrs. James 'A. Jamies Robert E. James, Mrs, Ina Janicki 'Mr. aud Mis. Carl S. Jefferson. H. 1). jenkins Chancellor L. J'enks Herbent C. Jeuks MISS Anna Johanson C. C. Johnson Clar~ence 0. Johnson Harry iT..Johnason RIck Johnson .Mr.and Mis. G. B. Jones- Howard Joncs Ralpb Jozwick Mr. and Mns. Robert P. Kaeu John A. Kappelmain F. P. Kays Mr. aud Mis. Marry E. Kelly, John KeuduIora ,John F. Kennedy John R. Klmbftrk M. W. Kingr Mr. sud Mrs. F. W. Kingsley Robert oG. Marshlal Miss Zella Marshal Miss- Dorothea Marxien William S. Magon J. Matthicsefl1 . Mrs. Joseph L. Mecartliy Aý . J.mcIa-ughi!Y Mr. And Mn, Roland MclienrY, Thos. R. NeNamara Mr. and MrR., Newell Mec5rtuey H. J. Mertol c. M. Metigar Mr. sud Mis. Edw. A. Middleton Mr. sud Mis. Frank Milheuing Mrs. Amos C. Mller*. A. E. Miler Mni. and Mis. Edwin S. Robert F. Milne Charles M. Modcrwel Hiorace M. Moderwell J. T. Mntgomery, Joseph G. Moore Edwvard P. morse Geo. H. Murray A. C. Murrow C. A. Naum11uu Thomas C. Neal Edward T. Necison. J. W. I4eely Arthur E. Nelson Diek Nelson Geoé,. Nelson Guy R.LNelson G. T. Nesiith Ifai L. NIehols Leroy M, Nilles9 Wm. Nims Nathan I. Noach S'Ilerwoo0 K. Plat i. Poclank Theodore W. Poliniki Counad H. Pop>eiihSeU H. W. Porter Henry W. Prcee John E. Priestly W. W. Reed Edward L. Reiner EmwM. Reiter %fr.and Mrs. Irwiln Beýw c. *I. neynolds Mr. and Mrs. *Chas. P. Reynolds Mrs. EoIs D. Richadon~ Mr. and Mns. 1Vauce C. Roberts Davld G. Robertson- E. A. Robertson m. and Mis. B.G. Robertson Mr. and Mms C, Andrew Rogers> Heurietta Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John W. Roper Stanley Rorinski J. 1). Ross Fred Rulaling Nennetjl Rublug Maltt Rappert Xn. Elizsabethl M. Russell L. M. Russell Mme Russell Mrs. Albert S. Ryerson A. W. Saeger Dr. P. N. Salazar Fred W. $argent H. A. Scandrett Mr. mndMrs. J. A. Scanlon C. .W. ,ScIaul C. W. Sthal, Jr. Edward 1. Schaub A. K. Schctienhelm H. D. Schiller Fred W. Schuett James M. Stifier Meyer -J. Sturm George Sugarman S. C. Sumifteis HL . .Svebllius Br.. and Mrs. C. J. Swan naniel C., Sweey John H.:'Swenson John H. Taft Br. C. M. Tarkington _ Leo. J. Tauslig R. J. Tiain S.R. Tiornbuzrg Lýouis Edward Tilden Ernieat F. Tittie G. H. Tomlinson Mrs. Gair Tourtellot Mrs. Alli .E,.Towne; Mr. and Mis. L. D. Trabcrt W. B. Tulloch J. K. TîIly ýW. P. Turner Wm. P. Turner, Jr.- Win. Turnwall WnM. iwlggs Deibert llrik G. C. linger M1aurice L. Vandervort Adeibeit Veatek Frederlc P. Vose Frank H. Wager Fred F. Wahl George W. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. - Thos. B. Walton. Henry Waugerin Mr$. Chas. A. Wanner George B. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C., Ward Charles E. Ware Henry P. ;Wmsmund. Mr. and Mnr. Jesse M. WaiLklus Bertram A. Weberx "One of the ablest and most reliable members o- "Ending bis Eigbtb Terni, in wbich be served the have cbaracterized bis entire career as a legislator the Assembly."-Chicago Tribune Lditorial. ublie with the same courage and fidelity that -Le gisiative Voters' League Report, Feb. 1932. Signed. I ~