*baturday Natluie Prices t. 4:00 p.rn. Adulte, 80e; Oilidrea Always 10e Do ors Open 1 :3 0 Show SgartS at 2 P. nm., Continuous TONIGHTS FEATURES-AP'RIL 7 "THE Hm ATCHET MAN" EDWARD.,G. ROBINSON and LOREITA YOUNG 'tarts 7 0M, 10: 13 "SIL5ENT WITNESS".9 LIONEL ATWILL and GRETTA NISSEN Starts S8«43' "Seat Skin'* Pltts &Toddl (oméîdy . irelaii Melohdy Isle-Tra ve1obue FRIDAY& SATURDAY, APRIL 8-9-TWIN: FEATURES ."LADIES 0FP THmE JURY" ED1NA MAY OLIVER'and ROSÇOE ATES Starts Fr1. 7:20; 10:23-Starts Snt. 4:10; 7:20; 10:22 "THE FINAL'EDITION"", MAE CLARKE and PAT O'BRIEN Malàsqluers Conedy "Witte 0Open Spaces"' . . . Ripley's Belleve It or Not Miekey Mouse SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, APRIL 10-11-12-TWIN FEATURES, "BUSINESS AND P=EASUE" Will Rogers and Jetta Goudal -tari~s*-un. 3:i'2; 7.11; 10:10-Starts M1on. & Tues. 7:10; 141:20 "11TOMORROW and TOMlORROW" RUTH CHATTERTON anid PAUL LUKAS starts Sun. 2:11; 5:39902-Starts M1on. & Tues. S:47 .Slio-Japaitýse War .,.Snap Sîot. . .uveuile Comèdy lItsHiou' News WEDNESDAY& THURSDAY, APRIL 13-14-TWIN FEATURES "Murders 'h' the.Rue morgue'" BELLA LUGOSI and SIDNEY FOX Starts 7:18; 10:08 "THEEWISE GRS JEAN HARLOWE a nd MARIEPREVOST Starts 8:42 .n dy Clyde <omiedy "'taxi Troubule".. "Tliat's M3faVI Catheýo ('onieuiy .. ew 1 'Lovers *Coura geous" . Wihnette; "Ladies of the Big Hous-,e" .Nituette "Business and Pleasuir- Varsity "The Passionate Plumb)er" Var siti * Friday, April 8 "Ladies oi the ýJUr3-" .Teatro dL Jago ,:The, Final EditioW *........Teatro cdel .a(ro flier MjsvLove" ConîmunItv o-use -Loyers Courageous ..\ilmnette "Ladies of tl.:é 1Big Hoiise- "Business and Picasure" "The PassioniatePulinlher" V Saturday, April -9 .... ...Teatro cl "TeFinal' 1'.ditioni* 'ilie tte Vars:ty- a r sity . eatro' del l.at.o, "Her 'Majestv Love" ...... C)lltn:nuitv IHot se "Business anid Plea.stré' Varsity. Thie Passionate Pluiiiier-" ast Sunday, April 10 -Toinorro)v and Tomorro\" "Bsnesand »IPleasure"ý ..... . Teatro (del Lago -Union iDepot" . .. Milnette "Cock of theIAir" \Vilmette Monday,,April, 11 1-Tomuorrcow and Toniorrow- -Bt:siness and Pleasure" . Teatro <II Iago "union Depôt" . . Wimette -Cock of the Air" Wilnmetde ':Arosmih". . arn,;I, v "The Beast of the City"- .Va r-;It'Y Tuesday, April'12 "Tomo--rrow', and Ton:orrtow%". .~Tatro del, ýLat~ .......tt 1 (e I agoJ.d~ *C in Dep)ot" :--..*,, . W*iltiietië "Cock of thie Air" .... Wilrnett e *'Arrowsmifl" . .Vait "The Becast of 'the Citv" , V-arS"it.v Wednesday, Ap3ril 13 "Murders In the Rue Morgue" .Teatro. del La-,:) "ITlire\Wise Girls" ~yre some. (of screendom's very finest- and pic-, tures full of, thrills. That's the situation this -week at the Wilmette theater. On* Thursday and Friday, April and 8, the films on the double feature program will be "Lo'yersý Courageous" and "Ladies of the, Big .HIous.e.", Ro- bert Montgomery,, at his wisecrack- igbest, and Madge Evans, one. of the screen's most vivid personalities,' w'ill star in "Loyers, Courageous,". the story of a. discontented vouth who, wafits to be a playwright. Sylvia Sidney and Gene Raymond give fine characterizations in the, powerful- draina, "Ladies of the Big House.". Dancing brings both happiness and. sadness' to James Dunni and« Sally Eilers in their new film' tri.umph, "Dance Team," at the. Wil:nette theater on Saturday, April 9. At thle, .matinee, the last chapter of the Rin- lýin 'ini serial, "The Lightning \VNar- rior," wl be shown. 11Hold Intèrest AIl The Way On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, April 10-12, excitement afforded b%, "Union Depot" and "Cock of the Air" will keep the audience leaninig forward. and %vondering xvhat -vl happen next.> M,ýystery,,Ia,ùghter, heartaches, and romanc e are ingredients of "Union Depot" 11which, stars Douglas Fair- banks, Jr., and. Joan Blondeli in..a story electric with breath-taking ac- tion. A story rich ini draina and hu- mani interest lias been created .agaàinst th e background of a vast railroad station. Lavish settings and daring. treat- ment .of a striking theme comb1ine to,. make "Cock of the Air" the sensation of comnedies. Chester Morris %vill be seen as the young aviator who would .rathier love than figlit; Billie Dove is his leading woman. Excellent. entertainment, Will be provided at.the Wil1mette ..theater Wedniesday and. Thursday, April 13 and. 14, by "ýStrictly' Dishono ral, the story, of the grand opera singer captured by the innocent littie girl froni Mississippi. Pa ul Lukas', Lewis Stonle, and Sidney Fo'ýx aregrleat. I' tro diel Lagol .r.M \Viltte Wife S Excited fe gives \Vill "6LAIDY WITJI A PAS' J"' "BEU~DTIIE 3AS1K" "SHANGHAI EXPRESS"9 "THE flOUSE UIVIDED9" 6"POLLY OF TUHE CIRCI'S". "THE GAY C'ABA LEtRO" Constance Blennett & Ben Lyon ...jack Bolt & Boris Karloif .arlene Dietrich & Clive Brook -Walter Huston & Kent Douglas Marlàn Davles & Clark Gable George 0'Brien à CoPehita Xontenegro, MA. . . 'I ______________ ance in '.'Waterloo Bridge," again AN EGLIHMANAGA141 scores in a picture at the Teatro del AN ENLISH AN A MN I Lago on Wednesday and Thursday. Robert Montgomery plays the part April 13 and 14. "Three Wise Girl:"« of an Englishman fôr the third con- with jean Harlow and Walter Byron,, secutive time in "Lovers Courageous," ni rks. Miis Clarke's second appear- bis newsarin Yebicl e now jat thée ance under -the Columbia banner; the Wilmtte heatr. .othr big in "The Good Bad Girl." i