D,,a...,...l cents a lino in one paper. 25 cents a lins ln aaY two paperta. ~~~30cents a lino in 81 tll ree papem M. XMNCHARGE ONiE »OLLAR. Average of 1iv. wordu to the lins. No black face type iieed. j@% il@@ouut ça al cash with ordir gdvtigOeDgte whez brougbt teo 01 eftu t 1838 Central Ave., WIImet tO, *r 511 selaAve., Wlnretka. "-"~ for e lfied advertisemêllts wl b. c DeadinetorInsetioS-cetedup to, Tuesday 9, P. I. for Wrà;METTEB LIFE or' all three - paperm; Wednenday Q P. ML for WINNETKA TALK and Thursda.y ,5 P. M. for , QLINCOE NIWS. Telophones: Wlmette.4300, Wijknetka. 2006, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 587. 3 LOUT à FOUND DISAPPEA REI). TUESDA)Y XIG FIT, 2 Vic ycles, Henderson Ekcelsior atnd l-awthorni Flyer, froni rear (if ('on- gregatiolial . .urchi, Reward for î'e- tUrn. Tel. WI!mette 2632. ' 2L49-1tp, * *UILDING AND coTrAl.âCTINti CARL I3ENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND) REPAIRING, PH. WINNETKA 2480. 8LTN47-tfc 9 BUSINESS SERVICE DAVID JOHANSSON, CLOCK EX- pert - Chime hall, antique, dlock re- palrlng. Learned trade in old coun- * try. (F'ormerly wlt.h Tiffany.) Cal! at :your home, Estimiates free. Phone Diversey 2041, Chicago. 9LTN47-5tp FOR YOUR NEXT B~RIDGE CLUB serve Ange! Food, deliclous creamy double iclng, large size $1.00, Sunshine cake. 70c. P'h. Wilmnette 3407. 9LTN46-tfe Il DRESSMAICIN@ WILL MAKE NEW DRESSES IN order to keep my work room busy during depression. Claire Modiste. Winetka 147. 11LTN41-tfe COLLETTE SOEURS--DRESSM Remodeling, alterlng. AIse cuti tlng and bastinig servIce. Wi 24 "PAINTING AND DEcQUlt FOR FIRST-CLASS PAINTIN -decorating,, at moderate prIc [AKERS ting, fit- wn. 1011. L'N49-ltp 'G AND ces, cal! lsU ON LOANS 'TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lot and '2nd mortgages. EVANSTON OD& T.CO. 618 GroveS. Greenleaf.50 41 IT. WANTrED-FEMALE, EXPERJIENCEI) HELP. 'No charge to employer.. Mêfilent service for the No. Shore.homes. We Investigate refermese. PÂULIN4E*S EMP. AGENCIES 5, uburban Offices 748 Elm Wlflnetka 2662 41LTN36-tfe RELIABLE WOMAN WISH-ES TO talie care of children, day or night, 35e hr. Also coliege girl to do saméë. Can do servlng. Ph. Wllmette 4203. 41LTN49-lnc DAY WORK WANTED, WASHING, ironing, cleanlng, by white woman.' Can furnlsh good references. Ph. Glencoe 1543. 41LT49-ltp) PART TIME JOB AS. BOOKKEEPER .o)r general office work. Best North Shore referertees. Ph. Glencoe 1612. 41Lr49-1n(- EXPER. COLOREDWOMAN% WANTS generai housework part time by the -week. Bundle washing to bring ýhomie. Ph. University 4047. 411LTN49-ltp EXPI. NURSE OR GENERAL a0L'USE- work, plain cookin g. Write Miss R. Bure, 321. Oak St., Waukegan. Ph. Majestic, 1224-R1. 41LTN49-ltl) FdealCHILDBENTO BOARD Idaihom-e .for children, best mte' care. Ph. Winnetka 3629. 41LTN4-lnc EXPER. REFINED NURSE GIRL, fond of children. or will do se(-ond ,work. Rtef. Ph. Wilmiette .4470. 41LTN~%4)-Inf EXPER. AND REýLIABLE WOMAN wishes iaundry work to do) at home. Wl!! cal! for and deliver. Ref. Pli. Kenilworth 4730. 41LTN49-lnc EXPEFR. WOMAN WILL DO SILK et*t>nsi* rea.sonably. Also cooking and Serving., Ph. Wilmiette 3206. 41ILTN49-lnt- VOL'NG 'GIRL WISHES GEN'sERAL housework or care of cilidren.' Ph. Kenilworth 4730. 41LTN49-1lnc EXP. WOMAN, GOOD. QUICK WORK- er. Laundry, fioner, or. cleaning. Wilmette 4113. 41LTX49-lnei( EXPE.R.ý WOMAN W. %NTS WAS HING, ironing an leanîng.. Ph. Wil. 480. 41LTN49-lnt! COO0K, MA ID, A-], THOROUGHLY experlienced. best N. S. ref. Ph.1Ken- wood 0136. 41LTN49-Itp EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES cooking or temporary work. by day or week. Deerfield 5011. 41L49-ti) E.XPIeR. GIRL WISHES SPRVI.NG OR -care of hiden Ph. Wilmette 4333. 41LTN49-Ine EXPER. GRRMAN GIR1L WISHES Part tie work by day or hiour. Win- netka 3238. 411LTN49-ltp J42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE IF YOU REQUIRE ANY CARPENTRY or cabinet maklng~ cal! E. Ander- son, 833 Fi'ftee.th St. Ph. Wl!!mette 4965. Work clone either in your home or mine. My work and prîces are right. 421,TN49-1 ne Y 0UN ( GERMÀN, HOUSEWORK. driving. garflening, an%, 'work around house or vard in exchange for m. a nd board, or' snall wage. Sara miento 0392, ask foi' Apt. 7. 42LTN49-1 tp EXP. MIAX VA NTS .HoLUsEcEAN- ing, raking leaves, cleaning base- mnents; or any odd jobs. 1418 Wi!mette Ave.,. Cal! 0'Hara. Wilmiette 911-W. 42LTN49-î tip EXP. GERMAN-HUNGARIAN MANX- wishes: position as, chauffeur, gar- dener, housemian and ýbutler. Best N. 'S. ref. Ph. Diversey 9156. 42LTN49-Itip EX-,PERI. YQUNG. GERMAN. . AN wishes Position as chauffeur, gaîr- * 5 Suburban Offices 42LTN45-tfc EXPER. MAN. HALF DAY A. WEEK, ope-n for permanent house and lawn work. Ten yrs. N. S. ref. P'h. Walsh, Wiliiette 2088.. 42LTN49-lny ciXPflR. MAN WILL COME TO YOUR homne and wash and simoni: yotir car, for, $5. Ph.. Willmette 4203. 42LTN494lnt EXP. AND RELIABLE MAN ýWANTS housework or odd, jobs of- any klnd; also gardenlng., Ref. Ph. Wil. 31É6. 42LTN49-1n bEXPER. >IN WANTS GRASS ('UT- tingiindo-,rwgwshing, or any odd Jobs. Work reasonable. Cal! Glen- coe 1465. ask for Ed. 42LTN49-l1nu <1ARDEN WORK DONE BY EXPER. and reliable man., Also hou.sework ort' <dd jobs of any kind. Ref. Pi. Wil - mette 2345., 42LTN49-lnt(1 EXP. GARDENER WILL WOItK BY the day or month. Ref. ('aIl Wil- mette 1.691. 42LT49-lnv( mXP . MA N WISHES HOUSECLEA 1N- ing and gardêning. Ph. Wil'. 31.66. 42LTN4!4-ltie EXPER. CHAUFFEUR ANI- GARt-' c1ener, best N. S. r*ef. Ph, W'innetl,. 186. ask for j.ack. 2'4-tî pEXP. ciARUENER WANITS %WoR>K 14 hour o)r day .S. ref. Cal! wii-. mette 9073. 42LTN49-1lc 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE BFENALE COUPLE, ('ÔLORED; GOOD ('00ç,: houskeeerhutier -and houseman. 1-tfs.4 y< xperýience. Phi. Engle-ý. wood 9089. 43LTN49-ltp) EXPER. L 1 G fi T COMIPLEX IONED) colored couple ~man chauffeur, hôbuse- nman, wife 'good cook; N. S. ref. Ph. I)rexel 7278. 43LTN49-1tip 44 HELP WANTEO-VIMALE NOTICE The Pauline Agencles will flot charge a registration fee after March 2e. Oct Yotir naine on our file, plenty of posi- tions open. V. Baker, Manaiger., 44LTN49-1t<ý SALES WOMEN Cail on, homes il, WIIIette, Winnietka t an d (lencoe and vielnity., Attractive pr1)oosition. Write JAS. TETEAK CO., 35 W. Killzie 8t, Chicago. Ph. Sup. 06.44LTN4*94-lp 376 331,T49-ltp WIS'F TO PLACE HOUSEMAN, EXP. _____-~EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WANTS bhauffeur and gardèner. Excellent s? . *NVSTMNTBgeneral housewnrk and conkinz. Refs. worker. Colored. Wlnnetka 3040. ________________________ h. Wilniette, 430!). 41LTN49-lnc. 42LTN49-ltp, CHAIN 0'*ýMINES - OWNE.R WILL sel! 200 -hrsat big discount. Wrjt~ EXPER. COLOnED WOMA'AX ISHES EXPERIENCED GARDENER WA1JTS N.D . 720 BUrlingurme. Detroit, work by: the day. 4~ e.-P. wnk. all Glenicoe.1237 fe .M à iclh. 37LTN49-ltc Genef97.41LTN49-ltp .42Lt49-lnc 48 FOR $AI K-AUTOB 1930 LASALLE TOWNSZDAN i SMALL down paynent; prlvaite party, must sel!, bargain. Ph.,Greenleaf 7079.. 48LTN49-Itc I I