£ eace 8oncerorc %_)1 gç N A IJLO"F . 2 il &"% "Although the board feels that the Code Bc Employed Rere emiployment of the additional police Acomnatn r heC- patrolmen d'uring the past winter Acomnatnfrm heC- was highly advisable and tîiat the izenis' Traffic and Safety commission service rendered by them was bene- of \Vilt ette suggesting that the Vil-. ficial, in keepi.ng professioniai panl- lage board arrange for the prepara- iantdiers out of town durinig. the da,% tion of a niew traff c code for Xii- anidpre venlting burgiaries an(1,'boid _- me tte . modeled af ter. that used by tips at. 'night, s uch additi onal policel the city of Chicago wvas rgead at the service can1r be dispenised Nvithx at1 regular meeting of the, Village board least durifig the suninier mioiths. ami[- Tuesday night. tiherefore the police.-budget lias beeni The communication,. xhich vas re(Itcc(l accordingly. signed by E. J. Mllraith ýaschaïc-- *Wîîecert ain ec o nomIes are beingmia of the' Traffic and Safety. coin- ruîmeddin Other items of gênera mission, called attention, to the fact exîns. ,gee are offset by thé- Inter,- est w'iih ilitimst bc, paid on tax a ntic 1 -J that the code no'w.in i use in Chicago jiatilofl warrants. The Village: board' is alniost identical, with aàinodel, tils ei able, to:avoid. this. itemi Of 1 traffic, code suggested by the Xa-. t~'ts !~lWl5QIl. tC ast Itional Conference on Street and ]Finance Comnlttee .Reî)ort HIighway Safety. The cities of Evans-. -nt.îe detailed report of the Fina nce ton and Oak Park are consideriug (('Uhlitt-.-is s fllos:a similar standardization of their t~; U(Od~tiCC ith the resolutioli 1tsdby* the Village, board at its!txËaffic codes. î;-ein. f arh, 7, '1939- dretingI'[i atte vsreferred to Vil- t bis conttee 'to Make' a study of the leudget and the financial sItuatiotn lage. Attornev, Willis D. Nance. asit ýaffects the Village and be lire-, îti'- o subinit detiilte re-commeknda-ý ILATN RD tiýýils at lhe 'Apri iihé-titg of the IBordWILÂT D R E largadto any changes ia salaries Miss Florence Branson, 817 Ceti- ai; muicialserice wlic ifdeeustral avenue, is leaving 'on Saturday ~;,'esayso that suohi changes, if, :;ipoved by the Board, rnay be nmade for Hannlibal, , to attend Miss - e!ffetive o a 1, 1932, the beginniing,[.ucy Nýeeér as maid of honor at the. ,f thé rfiscal year,' we hereby relliort as latters marriaâge on -Thursday. Both fol lows "Wehav gien onsderbl. stdyMis.s Brandon and 'Miss Neeper were 10 tilt question eof niaking a reasoniable classmates at Monticello seinary. es-tijiiateof actual conitemiplatud revenue After the wedding -Miss Branson tiil çîuring tia- fisc.al year and hlave cone I go to Galesb)urg, Ili., where shie vil tg tliti 4 1eclusion that vve should noti nt en aniy inome fromi 1928 or 19211 meet 'Miss Eleanor Robeson, and to- 'dinqiuenit taxes; that we niay counlt gether they ý,vill rettnrinto\Viet on receiviflg a tggtal of 61 percent of: tlï.- 1 3Qtaixes ($43,250) before tilt, 1y motor. endi iu the fiscal year; thiat enay 1- - coint on sciiing a total of $41,000 in 'islalKat êundt Vl * :ct tax antiélipation warr-ants, by di- Ms lzlKatreundt VI r ý.- ale cor in paynieîit efbis,,fot mette, Tuesday. fronti the Uniirersity1 tit, .- i- of' the fiscal y ear, andtlitat of 'Wisconsin to spend bier spring va- ij~li.r mscelanOUsrevnues; icuin 'e;eeta.N, garba*ge, and ash service caim tbrhm.13 rewo eI;~'e. Ieess, tes,e.v.tcI, -ilW t tlboulevard. '.uiewc havà,ýe given cnieal stiŽ'to the .uetion of indîiNd(lualii sz.h.,riüs andi are convinced that ani a\.rierduction of 10IxmLtYit m p.--.ntshuld be.imade, we teel thaJt -ÔO tL O,.es a Ià t lie- ietail (!<distribution fthese redug- tios l;uldbe determined 1-y the nlew villagc board1 as soon after its' organi- . ztjib.u;ias poss ible, tind before M.Nay 1 .1 2. f. u ii "SznIalyw~e have given econsidtý-- abi.. studly to the question of reducing . Loan & bank of' willianm A. Ve4ckland, draitmatie ý reader of Radio Station. WLSý, wili bethe offcianpuuertth radio enttertainent, sponsored by the Logan-Howard P., T. A., to-. lmorrowv (Priday) even ing, April 8at 8:15 o'clock, in the Horeard scl:ool auditorium. The Maple City Four, Three Littli Maids, the Cumxberland 'Ridge Runners and Hugh Cross will also make per- sonal appearances as entertainers ati this radio revue. Tickets mnay be se-, cured by calling Mrs. T. V. Smnith, Wilmette 3208, or Mrs. S. Van Lnwag-ý en, 'Wilmette '374. BAHA'I LECTURE "Universal Depression Needs a Uni- versai Remedv" is the. subject chosen by Albert Vail for bis tàlk lui founda- tion hall of the 'Baha'i temnple, Lin- den avenue near Sheridan road, Xilý mette, at 3 :30 o'clock Sunday after- noon, April 10. this an INTESTINAL 1931 Summer 1Hats Restyled .. $147s, ma:dup. Hats mmd. t. -*rde *.0mmd p rittsd exilîaodeled Ail head aises. PETER' VAN BREE glu Cone ry B di. 1RM, S. State St. 'Chioejs Week: End, SpeciaIs, Non-Run Rayon Panties and Bloomers 2-for $1.0.0 Brigjhten Up your wnt.r cos- turne, adorn tii.e Springc creation, with an ýatractive coliorful scarf, r.lar $! .25.1 Safur1.00 o~n .açh mr Ivs (larbage and Asi Fund ........,423.89 4,910.00 Total ExPend.- ' Ail other Gen. Expenses 23,307.81 2 3,3 83. 'Grind Total $77,893.22 $62,86875 -'WVh le we have, made a detailed study of ,incone 'and expenditUres in 'the Water departmoiiti this departinent. CentraI-Wilmette Avenues Phonos: Wjlnîtte 2%8and 29 Phone Wilmptie- 4406. I Corridor Brown Building I