Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 16

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However mnùch of pride we may bave in our village, however nuch of faith in its future, candor conmpels the admission that it does flot and bhas not oc cupied its proper place in that, constellation of beautiful north shore suburbs, that is Chicagos front yard. -WbyP There is oniv one answver and that is: Iack' of co-grdinition of civici To say that Wilmette bas no0 civic consciousness would not be true. It is revealed in the activities of the WMomnan's club, Chamber of Commerce and many other organizations and groups. The trouble islthat these ef- forts are. not co-ordinated-do not dovetail one with the other-wýith the result that there is often duplica- tion, if îîot actual conflict, of effort.1 Civic consciousness finds its finestj and trut-est, expression through pridej and interest in the domestic l)rob-j lenis of the Village and an eagerwxiii- i4giess to leil'd a hatd. in their liappý. solution. It is flot an abstract or intangible thing, because by cold cal-ý culation it cani be reduiced to a dol - lars-anid-cents basis that mnigbtt well be startling. Its eff ect upon the, de-7 sirability of the village as a place of residence is definite and its influence upon reai estate values is positive. Wilmette's claims to the favor of the horne-buving public,-are pot now re- ceiving their f ulli measure of deserved attention. What is the reason? Why should arteries, be in tne PrIO L LAbb c<t i north shore bome-owning villages? Certainly not because of deficiency insocial activities, recreational, edu-' cational or religious facilities, for in these Wilmette is not second to a ny commurlity. * Waated-Leaderihip, It can be charge& only to a lack. of intelligent, forceful leadership-a *leadership that is capable of inobiliz-ý nend -rnginm into ixarmionious, it may provide an harmonious and effective metbckl of procedure , i selecting candidates for ail elective offices -of the village. . The objective, as outlined on this page, is to eliminate destructive f ac- tionialism. and encourage "intelligent, and forceful leadership cap~able of mobilizing and bringing into bar- motilous, well-directed, sustained ac- tion that civiv consciousness that is lno.wexistent, but. inelTecçtive." The plan, as submitted, may flot be perfect. -We 'do, however, regard it. as a step in the right direction and, theref ore, worthy of, careful con- side ration. It, is herewith. suhmitted,, at, the instance oftsý non-partisan and civic-minded sponsors. for con- sideraitioi hy the groups (and others that may be interested) that are logicaily suitéd to give impetus to this or- any other effective plan'that %vill encourage an amicable selec- tion of. local politidal candidates. We suhmit the plan to these or- gan-tzations q: Wilimette; Post'-Arneri-, cati 1 egion. P. J. Huerter Post American Legion, Catholic Wom- an's club, Wilmette Woman's club, 'ilimette Chamber of Commerce, * Wilnietté Business and Professional Women's club. Wilmetteý Civic league. Wilmette Federation of Clhi rches, Rotary Club of Wil- mette. Optimist Club of Wilmette, \Vilmette T.eague of Women Voters, Northwest Men's club. North Ridge N\Vowati's club, Womnan's Auxiliary, Peter J. Huerter Post American Leiion. Womians Auxiliary, Wii- PracticaIl y> every ýelection is a ba t- tie between factions, with seldom an issue tha t could n ot be amnicabiy and Justly settled. by non-factional offi- cials. In the hurre of .seiecting can- di dates before the final filing date mediocritv often finds a place onl the tickets~.. The campaign arouses fceel- ing to a bigh pitch, and as it progress-. e-, enmities are created and breaches ermed that often take years to heal. If the time and energv expended in of nive itns of tne villaEe (fot Furtber, -the convention miust be I mmbers of- the convention), whose created in an absoiutely fair and im- duty it shall be to select meinhers of partial mariner, with nothing but the 1 the convention for the following year,. hest interests of the village in view to take the places of those mnembers Also, wben created it. must. be wbose ternis expire.. No retiring. independent of its creators, so that member shall be eligible to réappoint- there can be no suspicion .of control, ment, Cail Committee. Perpetuial Harmîony Convention Two persons- (for example, the The %uty of the Perpettual H4armonu.%" priesidenit of the. Woman's club and convention* shahl be to select ic ai- týheépreside.nt of. the Chamber- of Coni- didates for aIl elective offices of the mèee), will each seleci one member Village' except for the Schooàl board, of a committee to he- known as. the %vhicli las always. by tacit agreement, Caîl committee. This onstitutes the hee'i ,kep'- apart from al politicalinii- entire dutx' of the two persons.mn- terests.. The convention shall inquire tioned. and, thev xili have nothing intolthe, fitniess of citizeils for public m' ý-e to do with the niatter. For this service and seek to 1prev'ail uiponi those reason it mrakes' no difference xvho of pronou*nced abilities toseete asks the, to persons to select the village. two members of the Caîl committee. Tmmediately uonitsceto.tî The twAo members of the Caîl coni-I convention shall convene and effect miittee so cliosen shall select a third its own organization, electing Éroui it, i ember of that committee. 1 inmembersbip «a cbairman. secretarv Creative Cotmmlttee F. and. treasurer. It. shahl have powe r The Caîl commiittec shaîl request to"keep its niembership complete Iby the fiters of thé fol1owing organiza- filling Iany vacancies that may occur tions (and such others as miav be through death, removal or other suggested) to appoint two (or more) causes., Such vacancies are to be mlembers eacb, to serve on a commit- Ifilliéd f rom the samne votingý precinicts tee to be known as the Creative coini- represented_ bv the former titemlberN. mitte, -th duy o whch vii heto j or at large, as the case may, be. select the *membership of the Per-F Public Meeting petual Harmionv convention: Aýs the public, as represenited by - anv Wilmette Post Americani Legion. fact ion or group. clearly lias -a righit Peter J. Huerter Post AiTerican to a vt)ice in the selctonofca I.egion. .* didat("s f.r village offices, it *- îal 1 »'t- Catholic Woman's club. the dut%- of the convention to cail Wilmette Womnan's club.* a ptlic'nieetinig,.niot later tha-- Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. of each ycar, for the purpose of hear Wilmette'Business and Professional ing. the qualifications of such persotn, Women's club. . as any faction or group may desire Wiimette Civic league. I to piresent as candidates. This mecet-, 4ýWilmette Federation of Churches. ing shal be weii advertised two weeks Rotary Club of Wiimette. jini adx-ance. The qualifications of Optimist Club of Wilmette. Isnichlroposed candidates shtali 1)e Wiimette League of Womren -Vot- faithfuilv and careft.llv considered by ers. the convention, but the convention ,Northwest Men's club. is not to bie bound in a,îv wav.-and nit North Ridge Woman's club, nominations are to be.made at suchi Woman's Auxiiiary, ee .He-meeting. ter Post Ameriican Legion. The convention shail select' can- Woman's Auixiliary, Wiliimette Post didates. not 'later than - of each. American Legion. year, in order that such candidates .When these organizations hiave ai)- rmavlhave tinie to attend official . meet- pointed two (or more) members eacb. ings and tiius become famliar with and the Cali committee bas assurance the routine before election. of their willingniess to serve, the Calil 'Questions of Public Polie, -ig public must be laid to its lage offices. As its namne implies. it years. As soon as these me mbers las been doue in some cases .because uer of choosing elected officiaIs, is to function contiuuously. bave been chosen and their consent o f it. The Convention plan is in step h has developed election contests Obviously, such a convention must be to serve secured, the Creative coin- with the prog-ress of our ýday, and its have created prejudice against non-factionai, 'non-political and in its rittee will have fulfilied. its duties adoption will mean an immediate co- village and injured its, reputation activities controlled by no group or and wiil disband, turning its records hesion of al factions into an irresist- a igh-cIass,, forward-looking, interest. It must represeut the enire over to the convention. ible force, for the raoîd advancement ressive res'idential commnufity. illage and have for its sole purpose* This, hrings the cnnton inooturvlae uInn

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