Buckmaster, Jack Winter.î George Qiiinlan introduced the New to_ -anfls---,--gaetWene As there .is Typsts Eeanr M. yerandViginaTrier Boys' Octette which sang sev-1. ltthei Wh~su lao MyrsdVriiaea ubr itha enoe. i Kathleen Harvey,, Janet Mcllraithipeetec 1Wrlnubr it nenoe Ms r.,gr !Mickeyv accompanied tlîem. Then Bob Betty Sheldon, Dorothy Reynolds and quird i SOMETHING TO LEARN Cutler played some of the latest jazz! Jane Nelson. badges must Iducation is siot necessarilv acquired 1pieces on bis accordion. Ele1ae i ncage fteITuesday an, f rom books. -One of its purposes ý %drw Mrîsn he Border -M1ins- ecrtigcsnitea1 ebasst cou~d to teachus lîow to live With ecdi othrtresngsvral songs in dialcct and 'd- but wc dont succced in tis endeavor! toki .-orne jokes ý.vhich, while Scotch, lants are - Harritt Leach, Gladys De-jea unles w doour har. - wer f nnywithotit over-emphaàizingL.aing, 'Harriet McDcrmott, Helen - ()ne of the first tblings ýto -amaze a 1hifi1ss .Bower. Sallv Romig, Daphiie Bjork- EL arud The main ev nt oft the evening came 1 land. Ada Reasnier and Frances Cop- i1 On Fria: visitor at New ,Trier.:is the litter aoniext-Captaîn J. H. Hedley's talk. The! thornet. soet th cmps. Itisinreibe o eecaptai'., an English' flying, officer, re- Cpan nte Sae oiitctrouht childreî f rom cultured homes eat bars cu1edbs 1prenesdrig r- v ichbs inthe îSeimportan te f tumm tc of candy and drop the wrappers any- cen111t grcat war. lie told of -the lucky wj all- seligtice ot-a r thlande,ho atmean wliere. It show's thoughtlessncss and' fal he had Nvhlile an' observe vlin lack of loyalty. If it' weren't fortic at aohigh t tree miles o vere the son, Isabel Haskins. -[aile Snyder, Ali- also display( papers. wve would have a trim loôkiing emnuns nadiintobshm son Burge, Frances Ellis. Nancy ecswhc campus, becausethe grass is cut regu- <ru conso hsavi.ueh Garris, Mary Jane.Mle and CaIroline -L larlv and the buildingis well kept UP.dsridfîytcsnain fmd Yerkes. Son.eonc.t pick uI) the papers, but 1 ril flying. The contrast between tihe Besides these committees. thé club i m wvc doi't. so -wl'. carce? What spot-frtA ria arpnendteaet couniting on every NeNv Trier -grlt1__ manship! one îvas clearly brouglit out. sel ioe or more tickets andI1to support Y A It is tiot only the outside of the' Friendly rivalry was shown: by1 the the concert, tic procecds of. wbicb go campus that needs reforming.' Just go representatives of bt England and-1.te pay for scholarships. into tie XMess hall somne day after! Scotland when Andy Murdison came sixthi period and sec the littèr. Bottles mut again, dressed ini à di#ferent Scotch i HDREDS PLAY BASEBALL and papers and trays remnain on the: gari, te present a rèbuttal to tic re-; Despite tie chilly winds of last week, table, as thougi ticre werc no reccp- marks of Captaini Hedley. The meet-, more than 440 girls came to play Al taclics provided. Baskets are plentifuni.,'g ý'as closed by the singing of "Atild America's national, sport, basebaîl. Thec;,,- Iulon olwilmbau Why not use them? Ve may be placed- .ang qNne." games between advisor rooms will start targe.nogh 1 so fortunatcly that ail our lives- we this wcck, with twenty-scven teams Pmeel, li mav bc aile, tô have someone pick up S v issF i competing, so ast wcek was t1e o la~. 1 oeIu" after us, but our cli ssmates1 are. en- e nFis ati time for practice. Mrs. Abbott has.!io, Fxniv S titled tôe sofine consideration. Rcemm o etEv ntn issued ;i caîl for umpires among thei Via,m ber, a ricat appearance is ail inde-x to Ili a Junior track meet beld at girls. to which nianv have responded. as Boul a well iordered mmnd. Evanston on Tiursday, April 28, The'. halls, too, reflect Ilhe prcvailing Evanston wvon over New Trier, 55-40. disorder. Papurs are strewn every- 'Flic Ne-w Trierites .won seven firsts whcere. Tlh footpriîts. and dirt. that1eut of the eleven events but couldn't two tiotisand btudents track in. are corne throtigh with eticugh secondsi (-1101glto clcan-withoiit thie paper. and thirds whcre the Evanston men Thei Sttudý' hlalls are anothier great 1(10k firsts. blot in i te canîplaigii for cleaner roomns. Faymnonville wvas bigbi scorer for the C a i l ou aiier. inches th sho v aieathe sl7F Chairs are moved out of hune and news- rtiGan ti i ctor. i es ioftic shot 14D rif papers are left aroun<d,. Gum iis stuck l'It a%.icu.HsOeu f 2fe une is f-aelet it9inhs nth vo as extraordin- iJ S Tri. u onthe 'chairs, .are- soon scattcred on aiygowil i ako 0 et I the~~~ flo. njches in the 'discus was far ahead. Ncatnss ai orler re ~e ha its Mih Martin pickcd up 'another first ~- to cultivate. Remlemlber,,too, that one!frNwTir raigtctp i j.~f ~ U X ~ V slocny eron.ma ecorae iIlle 120 yard low hurdles. Jiimmy snt person te lie ncourgele y wbo basn't been beaten yet.NVACATIONFO likehùn.1. t tis year ini Junior compétition, won NO. try to be more thoughtf Il, show a littie I1tlc pole vault easily, wbilc Lou Bol- T No sglorIous wu::1(%C more school spirit and thus emulate leusen, took th 1e bigh jump witb a nt Excelsior SprIngs, one oi the virtues wAhih Reniamn _ -I.-- - C -d. A ;11 A... li. 1 .L Mlsrourl . . . f e , - .. ; barely enough time to, coin- ight hours of instruction re-. ls dcsiring to win their st practice twice a weelc, on md Friday. Tie tests wifl he last week of May, by an aniner. >0F ORIENTAL TRIP ay, April 29, Miss Sentney ie freshman girls on ber tn e. Orient,, ýwbich she to er. She :told of the dress,, 1ways of the Japanese, âWd 'ed thc many int.eresting. ob- i.she had with ber. geostabhed eo-edmgeational m alumul of.au.oemfudml bm.iâme«n to give Yom y00W b.nee. smuie rin edigsllegem. -- id .mue... .. Cataog on reqmem. writa or phomme R.udolp&15 75. Tu MUÇUSOAN AVENUO ANTE.D SREAL ATIONS ale werc decided this week. Sprimg sports Ail second round matches. complefed this week. were Ba.Dcock (H) > epond; i-au Distance-108 ft. and 8 ln. .y-Won by Evanston. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. WILMETTE- 1232 CENTRAL AVE. ILLINOIS