Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 30

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insure appearaflce ln current Issue. Resolutions of condole1nce, carda of thanicu, obitu- arles. notices of entertainmeflts or otiier affaira where an admittanlce charge la publlahed, will be charged at regular advertlatflg rates. IGrade Sepatation Will Save Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! Suilday, Ma y 8, is Motlier's Day. It'sa day that every son and daughter sbould' renienmber. and flot ilerel.y reniemiber and (ismniss quickly but cele- Motker'S brate by- Soule lpoving gift. DaySonie have, no ancestry ay~w orth mentioning. ,:Some bave no great endowvment of p '-sical beauty or mental strength, Many nowa- days have no uncomifortably big banik. bal- an ces. But ail have niothers. And. even if spome of those mothers are no longer in the land of the living, the memoÉy of theni is stili vital. When everyone else lost faith, in Our ability to makze good, our mnothers kcept tbat faith.ý Had they niot,*believed in us throughi trying days,, we. probably should nipt have -woni certain victories.« If the old home, miles away is, stili blessed by your mother's presence, send lier a reniembrance of some kind-flowers, candies. a letter of affectioflate apprecla-. tion. If she bias lef t you, tbink of her with espeiaIgratitude and exteild a helping hand to vour necedy neighbor. Renienmber Mother's Day! M&van rather lazyv-minded pe-ople hate to debate and hiate to heàr others debate. To them, debating Sceems 1uch I ikequarrei-, ing, to sonie degree like Wky actual pîiysicaî fighiting. Debate? on't invite such persons to Debate, hear a public debate. Don't wvaste vour inivitation on theni. But in this large m-orld of ours you can n-L *y ** I*S al1 I LCZ1 C'hildren -ports of these' agencies wpuld revealF the active in- terest of many nortb shore mien and wQmen. 0f ail. philanthropie -enterprises this child weifaire work is'.evidently the mnost important.,Like educational work,-ainong cbiidren, pbilantbrppic work among chil- dren is not. simply desirable;.it, is impera- tv.They are our future citizens.- As i§s their future physical and mnental healtb, sol iihibc the future ýwelfare. of our country. It is flot bard for one ivbo is, immersed ini his own act iv ities to forget' the needs of the children. How. patbeticaily' depend- ent they are on1their 'eiders! How long tbey r emain in this dependent -state! Wbat wvould happen to, tbem if this support were suddenly removed is flot,.pleasant to im- agine. ýLetitus then reniember belpf ully th e ttie ebidren of the poor. Wben we are calied upon to contribute money for their sakes, ]et us give giadly, as those to whomi such anl opportunity seemns a real privilege. W"e kow sorne admnirable persons who have the convention habit. If they hear that tiiere is to be a convetionm of c.-n- Tue Convention geniîal sotils within: 5ý00 miles of w\herc- Habit thev ive, they at oHceitia1e plans to attend. If they happen to bc teachers, these admirable personis would like to go to every education.al convention vhi 200 miles. Alniiost witiott exception these conven- tion-go)ers filnd their invêstnlent of titue . moncy,. and, energy very profitable. Theyv return to' their honework refreshed in ind-though usçuahl.y tired in body-fired with ambition to dIo their dailv tasks ith more than usual vigor aind insiglit. They corne back loaded with niew ideas anidne It is niot suirprising tlut atteindanice at conferenices'of' various kinids should pro~- Of simple coii7,crsation. Wkyf An April brectze witht sanguine breath Caresses rows of tulip heads; Clean, tali and dignified, the wvinds Have no az'ail against their pride; Onle day green buds are liard, the nexi Azln arrogant display of red. J Zuonder W.hyt Familiar. sounds of city streets Turu strange zcitlt iight's 'dark frown'; white stars Break through ta compensate day's loss, And fld the edges of events* About us close and zearm. Why does Nighrt knd finesse ta common formns? Why? . . . the question finds its way .4cross the ind-swept Prairie lands; A meadoaw lark sings clear at dawn. 1 pauïse an~d knaw.at last'one truili: WhenI haze ceased ta ponder,. then I shallhhave ceased to live. But whyt -Dorothy Duncan, Wilmfette. Kenilworth,ý we read, has permitted those ice. creamn autos to operate in the village on a sort of one mionth's good hêhavior basis, insisting, howevýer, that the conveyances negotiate the strects sans those familiar belis or chimnes or whathaveyou. Now, wveask you, *what is an ice cream wagon without. those cornpelling tinkies that promise a cool (we ai- Most saidl draughit) treat on, a hot summer's day? Ask Bahe, slht knows. Xiiitkalias gone (Juite British with the fora tion offly last Wveek of a. Cricket..club. ýWe ob- SerVed a game of thiat sort up in TËoronto a f ew years ago and are still wondering, what its'sair about. It resemhbled an uninterrupted barrage of homie runs ith a lot of fellows scattered about apparently at their. wits' end to know what was ex- pected of thüm. We shal have to consuit John, thie Baab, exstwhile miember of. the King's 'osses, and'. if he reconimends it for reducing purposes, w-e mav he constrained to join up. What ho ! Most deicdvwhat.hùl! as Mr. Wodeho.use would say. WINNETKA It's il zllii.ie with Pa» Iditan»name That the red mon found iwhen -he first came. S'nvbeach. bliu<' sky, «beautiful shore," Il 'ith ictc Nature 'outside ever'y door- That's. JVintetka! The lIcike s<'ntiells imnaody, sometimles gay, ".1 as mvslrias"o) a foggy day. Nat a loke zcith colqrs few; A iloke -t-iih ever ch4n.îgintg hue- That's Winnetkal It is our. opinion that no feature of formai education is more valuable than the debate. As a ciassroom metbod of developing tbe powers of the pupil this give-and-take exercise is,' when decently unique. Ot rattier sligiit trame with a> heavy whitish lock banging ovér and-ai- most covering bis' ieft eye, at times almost painfully *deliberate of speech, original in ideas, he makes an unforgeëtabl'e imnpres- sion. Witbout doubt a spelibinder. ri. i. u. A* i I. Aicnissc is siniply teiIing you, wh; while meditating upon th rence if we ever get over or is it springv-minter. bihties of a reoccur- shed wintry-spring- -MIQUE.

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