enlsuilg year were ain.oiuceu t the miuliyieetinlg oi the Kenilwvortlh Village board M oiflay night. T iicr \,ariotns appoliitive Village official, CJ also were nanhi ait this meeting, at, t uell as the menibers of the differem 11, commlisiSonls. 'The appointruents r rnade bv -the Village president %vith the approval of the Výillage. board. Trhe standing conmittees 'of the Kenilwvorth hboard frtTe ensuing,, v'ear are: Finance-LIarry V.. Crooks, chair- man' Richard Wolf e, Walter A.' Knoop and.Porter F ox. Police .and, fire--Richard Wolf e. chairman. Richard G. Johnston,, Por- 1 ter Fox and WN1endell H. Clark. Public service and bui ldings-Rich1ý- ard C. Johnston,. chairman, Harrv V. Cropoks, Henry G. Zander. Jr., aid Porter Fox. .Streets. ighting and sewerage--- Henrv G. Zander, Jr.,chairman, Rich- ard C. Johnston. andl Porter Fox. Special Conimitteet 'l'iefolowngwere 34poifted as. iinibers of the variouis .special corn-, iniittees, of the Village board- WVater sp)yand beach-\alter A. Knoop, chairinan. Richard Wlv aiid Harry V. Crooks.. North shore grade sepaýration--j Portier Fox, chaîrirain, Richard WVolfe, ,Henry G,. Zanider, j r,, and El mer F. J ackson, ailvisor. -North Shore line franichis-Porter-' Fox, chairinan, Richard WVolfe, Hel-l ry G. /.an(ler, _Ir.. aid Filmer Eý*. jack--, soli. I1egal advice atid couniselIýPortvi- Fox, chiairinain, ichard \Volfe, Hen -' ry .G. Zanider, Jr., and Elier E. jack--; soli. ýBoard of Iiealti-Richlarl-\(l i. chiairman, Richard C. Johinstonl, P>,r- F .ter Fox, Wenldell H1. C lark,. andl Dr.1 1-l. A. Orvis. secretaryý.' 'Fax v'luat îoiHerîri>; C. 'Zandei.! J r.,. chairunani. Richard C.J.ohnsto!i. .aidf \Valter, A. Knoop. >1lectrical comimission-Richard. 'C. J hutochairînan. Heury G. Zanu- t ýIer, j r., Robert J. Sample, F. 1L. . Strvied alfd 'Iclient C. Ley. Plan Com mission Théw permiianenIt plan comhmission o keil]t>(rtlx i il be the saine this yejr ai, ast N'ear, with onie- exceptioni. \Valter A. Knoop bas replaceti *Ar- tlîur B. Adair. The full membership) the t r a eks representatioli on U board of aî>peals andi architectural commission Herman G. Seely was au'- t pciite(l to fili the vacancy. Otber inembers are Robert S. Smith, Wal- ter N. Gillett, >-Lloyd. M. Willi.s and -Harry Eý..Weese. The varîous appointive officers and lu.________i_ AU.00 CARD PARTY. 'l'ie k.ova I Xeighibors wiII have a Mr. and M'rs. Harry G. Clark ard and(i unco party Friday evening nioved tins week enromIN317 Green- MUG t thie home oi Mrs. Charles F. Beixn- wood avenue, Wilmnette, to their new 1FI&FETEEU» ck, 2343 WVilinette avenue-. home at 140 Hlazel.aveniue, Glenctoe. TheL Lcal Telephone Dire, r Goes to, In* the'interest of good service -subserihers are requested to call THETELEPH,,ONE COMPANY' t' ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY