Typists: Virginiia White, Eleapor Mayer, Ronald Fuermnann, BettY Kirwac. A CHANCE TO SHARE. For manly'years, thle Girls*, cluib of New Trier has given finan cia1 slip- (A)- (C).'I of the Tror rI,.A1i C.L. Barnhouse ... .. .. E. Grieg *-(B) "Asa's Death- nce"-(D) d'In the l{Ial King." elty solo, played by (A) "Slidus Trombone" M.L. Lake (B) "My Heart,. at Thv Siveet Voice"........Saint-San Accornpained by Mre. .Venekla.,en -Cavalry charge*-Descrilpti.ve fa.ntas.Iè -.Tudus. Cornet solo played býy J.,.net Wright-ý port to worthy studenits who other-' "Atanta Zephyr's' ....... G. Simors Wiîse would be forced to drop. their H. Gua rrany Overture. A. Garlo'Gornez educt loi afer hgh shool TheSe ecetions froni Een" éducaton aftr hig schoo. The romàantle.Iri-ýh-epera ..:Victor Herb ert scholàrshlip fund. lias. always 'been Three short numbers by combined band,. ampe o hlptw ortlreegils The band will give a concert this eay.Suniday atenonat teComMunity T he tiîe.. hovever, lias coine %%'leu House :in. Winnetka on the Lincoln it is necc.ssary- to' ask the public to Avenue front at 4 o'clock. The pro- aïd, in this beneficent activitY. granm will consist of "The Star Throughout this year. the. Girls' club Spangled Banner" and of several has met local needs and ;was among nunîbers plaved at last Friday's pro- the first t(.) respond to thie caîl for gramn. tax warrants with a, purchase of. on- thousand dollars.' Because of this in- vc-stmeint, -the ýscholarship fund is de"'. Vreslitconitiii»;iiik-escliolar- >hips more prized and more important, .Many girls, who. intended to go te , VolIley B.ll college and have prepared tliemiselves,, 'Navs s.enior" champs won the cannot go,: ls~teGirls' cluib helps sho hminhpb eetn theni. Coiidon's junior champs, 15-0 and 16-' For this reasoti the music depart- 6. Tiese seniors were by far the better nment.. throtugh Mrs. Cotton, lias ver.y ini the' final gaines, 'as the scores in- graciously consent.ed to appear in a . dicate. This teain will metet the deligît fui anîd beautifill prograni for j fac lt%. this week. thic sclîolarship funld. Studfents. the Girls" club. steppcd «in . Water Polo hiring the crucial period. Here is F~adssnoswntesho yoiir opportiuty to reciprocate. i)er pbli, 'ourcooeraion~ jchamipionship last w-.eek by defeating Dearpubicvou cooeraionis arîlet and Waters. .needed anrd will be appreciated. You arc sure to eiijoy the Spring festival'P~g.~dBi and yot il111bc pleased and proud IlyrudBl Of flic talent displayecd byý the young 11I classes are in the second l.rounid, miusi.cians. ith. approximiately ,,twenty *1gamnes Thib- undertakinis i aucd suc-played last week. cess: New Trier neyer.fail$!, Sare - lu ths ~ucess.Spring Sports AU tlir(l-roudmatches . ere play- ALUMNI NEWSi cd by.Wedniesday. The fourtlîrud .In,.a recent group of news letters'acdeWdîsa- a 8 -f rom Dartmouth college, Hanover. N. H., have comie the. foiloNwing bits. the four freshnîen recently elected to of information about New 'Trier the business boarcl of the 'collegedaily alumni:publication. Hie had 261 more lines * of, priait than al l te other under- Way Thonipson, '29, was elected jclassmen put together. fun and experience gained f rom the contests, the sarcastic remarks passed' bet'ween umpire antd players, and the far-too-many errors. Scores wvere: May 2--Wehrý over Mickey '40-33; Banker over Karst, 24-23; Fulton over Cole, 10-8; Murpby-Donham' over Evans-Moschel, 30-2;.Hadden over Wilson,, 24-13. May 4-Cookover Greidenbach 18-11; M. Hamilton over Pavton, 25-6; _Sentney' over Mundell, 14-13; Paul over Burchiard, 20-10; Brady, over Waltz, 16-12; Bredin over David, 27-18; ýValker over. Thorne, 19-13; Hall over L. Hamilton, 21-16., MNay 5-Cole over Wehr. 26-4;- Fulton over Karst,, 16-6; Paul over Cook, 21-14; David ov-er L. Hamilton, 21- là3, Thorne over Brady, 16-15; \V alker over Waltz, 18-15; Breclini over Hall, 25-11. Mfeanwhile thée almost conistant rain was proving just as great a hindranice to the golfers., the archers, and the tennis fiends. Every time the courts or greens or fields were pronounced ready for use, clown came the ramn, with the result that, the tennistourna- me nt is fai bebhind schedule; those coming out for archer' have receiired no credit, for they have . cone no, shoot ing; and the golf ers have badl few opportunities for play. Tennis Squad Conquers Morton to . Start Season The New Trier varsity tennis teamn inaugurated the season by defeating! Morton, on the New Trier courts l Thursday, May 5. New Trier won al three singles and two doubles matches in straight sets for an easy 5-0 victory. Captain Sinding, in the Number 1 singles match, defeated bis opponient. 6-3, 6-4; in the other two, singles matches, Bill Claver -wo n,6-2, 6-0, and Ray Bartieman won 6-2, 6-3. In, the doubles, Bob Wagner'and. Shelley Miner won, 6-4, 6-0,. and Charles Knapp and Ned Levinson de- feated their opponents. 6-4, 7-5. Newýl Trier was to meet Evaistoni here on Thursda%. and will play in ýthe dis trict. tourney at Oakc Park Saturday., it gave an opportunity to introduce more candidates than a Republican one would at, the present time. Ail the classes are being divided in- to states -and choosing their candidates and delegates, and other individual stu-. dents are actingas canipaigni managers; mnaking, speeches, spreading literatuire, iand generally boosting theirý special candidates. :' . According to the' pre8ent plans, the convention will be h.eld in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium on May 27. It. will starlt at 8:30 o'ciock in the morn- ing'and last until 10:30 ini an all1-school assembly . A similar convention was. held at DePatil un.iversity,>in April, and if ours lis anytbing like theirs,,we may expect a great deal of activity and cam- paign ex-citement during- the next few 1 weeks, it is, predicte Girls,' Club, Boosts 'Ticket, Sale Drive The Girls club held a pop a.sombiy Thursday morning of this week to en- courage the selling of tickets for the Spring concert. The glee club, the_ Boys' octette, Virginia Lang and Mr. Snyder each gave, a saniple of their numbers. Miss Wright and Mrs. Cot- ton gave pep talks and encouraged the girls to buy at least one ticket apiece. The concert promises to be a big suc- cess artistically, but it is up to the girls to make it just as big a success finan- cially, the leaders declare. Miss Wright .says that if 1,000 tickets are soid, the. Girls' club will hiave enough for thé îîsual nuniber of scholarships, so let's ail get busy and fil1 the treasury. Golf Team Wins Two Matches in One Week The varsity golf teain triumpbed over. St. George and La Grange High schooi last %veek 'at the Indian Hill club. New, Trier' scored 1.15 to 11122.in the-St. George nieet. -Eugene Belmont was iow ,!(%ith a 74, and Captain Weed-was next with an 81.* jLa Grange, uroved_à,.harderf oe, but ofeae sintivey-u-, Sch it Ac weekly newspaper of Sarah L4awrence the idea of buying 'tickets tc >2 opihiet"Aprec eodo college, Bronxville, N. Y. This is 'Spring festival, and also told oý ,J4fiv A' wil gvethe student an aver - one of the highest journalistic hon- many scholarships to be awardeÈ fie s il gveors granteci at Sarahu Lawrence, year. Miss Sentney th en conti age of 4, so Tom rates very high. where student, activities are made ber talk 'on japan and China, v part of the curriculum and placed she had begun the week before.. john C. Kingery, '31, was -among under professi 1o nal guidance. told of an' Qriental' wedding. VisSe, uia. or Plh... BndeI,& 157&