S for v. a a rnesOSUUW1 We d, a n d 77iura. URAWSEUIES, pot box 1<10 SWEET CHERRMES, plb ..25c..... TELEPHONE PEAS, f resh m, n 2 Ibn... .... OREEN mnd WAX BEANS,. 2 qis . ... ... kED RASPBERRIËS, per box .......... Fresh PINEAPPLES, a esstasty and refreShint dish. sc.... 14c CosMARS 1143 Wilnette Ave.' ,Phone , ,, WiIm-ette 2893-2694. Delipýe,4cgsDily IIT IS A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE IT!' I Member 'Wilmette Chamber of Commnerce asioed to clean riiem ul our Village beautifui' n used by the improveî joli. H.* C. Hintzpeteri of the organization. eis the ment as- is presi- Miss Marian Page,- dauighter of thie Albert -N. Pages, is t'o..be gradtiatcrl from n Wellesley college Junie 21. Mr. and Mrs. Page and their daughtcr, Sarah. are Ieaving about June .15,,to mnotor eas r or omenlcement. The Pages a re stopping at theO-r rington hotel until they re-occupy their homne in Wihmette a little later this seasfon. Reduetion of 12%,to 20% on Tonsorjal Service for men 'and women a ,t Belrofse Barber Shop,1124 Central 'Ave. Nýýext door Wilmette Theater. Adv. WeiI-Eyed Pike sand Dam Mo. Lo ... COI.w. Wmwq. aom ridi di" oliM e u «.1 da . Bflv h- b.f-uilr. Lme d "é,Memsmdae, - B .IIeml food. l the mvi ai Wimnumnv'3 Lob..An. M mm ped.mo Wrb e.for de- FIN& FAbtheU L*gî WNoYsABee Thor# .. INSTALL Gus Heat NOW ÉîMuItie P.aamensgMau be deferredi ati fai ,nses i4 TIIERE IS A SACK-TO-THI-UOME MOVEMENT golt season. Miss Barbara Anne Crowe ivili re-. turn to her home at 234 Raleigh roaci, Kenilworth, f rom Briarcl.iff school, Briarchif Manor, N. Y., on May 28. 5 Free Doliverits. Dal )l are due by june 1. The reason for the dog muzzling ruie between May 15 and September 15 is flot because the danger of rabies is anv less in winter than in summer but because.ichildren.do flot p!ay ýont- doors and minjkle with stray dogs as much in winter as in summer, it. is explained. The .principal regulation contained ini theKenilworth dog muzzling o)r- dinance may:be summarized as fol- lows t LIctE S TEQUIRED. .On or 1-be. fore June 1 'each year, every owner or~ keeper of any dog, regardless of lbreed, 1age, or si1ze, la req uired té pay a fee of $3.00 and secure a license tag, wvhi tag mu.mt bei attached to a collar s-eeure- ly fastened aroufld the dog's neek. LICENSE ýTAGS MUST BE WORN. The Police Departments of ail the ne-ar- by North Shore towns, includiîig Kenil-' worth, h ave joined in a campaigfl to impound (at any tinfie duirng the year) ail dogs found running at large with- out a license, In order to gèt stray d'.gs .off. the streets. In case tags are Icist, duplicates wvill be issued without hre MUZZING REQL'IRED. Betwecn .Nay 15 and Septemnber 15 eaeh yeair, al dogs, regardless of .breed, age, or size, are required to be securely mnuz-ý zled whlen runnlng at large: atany urnme (if flay or nigbt. Dogs strietly confintd to theowes premises or kept ln Ieash. are ,not 'running at large."' EMPROPER -.\UZZLES. The usual- type of leather strap rnuzgle la flot tight enough or secure enough to lrovent, :1 dog from nipping and dnes flot con)-. form to .lMe provisions of the ordinance.. IVire gauze or leather basket rniuzzles-. are required. FIERCE DOGS. Fierce or dangernus dogs may flot run at large at any time, \whe-theri muzzled or unmuzzled. ENFORCEMENT. Part-tine dog t-atc-herý, have been sworn in to as.is-t the, Police departnient !n the enforce- ment of this ordinance. Ail doga iktid ni) in violation of this od~newil t>e'impoujnded. for a period of five clays and then be destroyed if not dend Highcrest Bail Teamns Enjoy Busy Sehedules5 The boys' basebali, team of the Highcrest school had woiî six gaines and l'os t three this sp'ring up.to.thiis, wveek, wbile the girls' teani of t .he: SChOol wOn two of its four gaines.' "Last Thursday the Highcrest boys lost to the Sharp Corner school, 14 "i--l