Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 34

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ICH ILDREN'S BOOKS CIIANDLEIrS LFo-untain square Evansfon a'... vi m crccveo jusianas % c'em. The son of a "fine odhue (Dodd, Me-èa--), b heloel raw- anlo very animated Iaw book. Mr. marries the. lightly-drawi daughitcr in o hrlsBturt hs saBker's Justinian on the other hand ofarbcJw.I migh eoe of a disric rcb n bauy ad qit sok-is a hardy peasant with a stern de- dQzen Englisb stories. But the pif- cd in associations, iterary and bis- termination and an ambitious wife. tures of the life of each home, donc torical. that- have to do with us or Unfortunately in introducing hlmi Mr. in excellen ealretilyc- with people in Wbomn we are especial- Baker does not make himi as real as * c nThetaeeing, rare ntiely, 01(- *ly înterested, and these pictures have he mrade Sulla -or Hannibal or Tiber- house which miother and son have -ia th reie toshri 'aiy, sot lus. leave for econamic reasons, is dce and graclous. The world in 500 A. D. was a con- and truc. The bouse-itself witb anel- JohePrOpen (Mro ,Enîan,"byfusing %world. There aet aW f ling, beautiful. gardens, narrow, aid- * Jhn rîoeau(Morow, s an ex- figures in the picture, figures witti time servants, iétederly descrbd celet otr uie y wllknwnnames too stranige and ýcareers tor« E,,en the extravagance and neyer- ncwspaper authority, on this type -of sottolttbemrneally live for us. satisfied aspiration o tenouve au travel. Hlere Is Englnd," by Marion The resuit is thàt, wbile this storv .o'f 1 riche- seern not ta be exaggeratcd. Balerton(MBrie) isfo moora n important'period reads easily -an(] Therie 15 an air of authority- about use ut ouI beuse fo peestianpleasatly, it lacks dramnatic unity. the scene. Characterralytk.T guidance. 'The Road to France," by Tevlm oerstatmp aAeiancr tayreate, thda- Go rdon Maxwell' (Dut ton), %is about- h oue. os- ;ôh. IlttoAéia ar t.ayrae h la the route fromi London ta Dover afiotva Gbo and Bu'aeou secletadWeil contra-ted along "WVatling Street." already donc for the' interpretatiî l1 -both as to subject matter and eN-' Thee i a ewediionofa fvorteof. Procopius, and Mr., Baker finds pression. Tre s we d okbýKiitino aoit dfitl éiie.t acp rt ne n traeboo b Kaheine Lee Bates. tdfici dinte aacetort Like1 so manvý of the yaugrog *From Grctna Green ta Land's End', abandon the historian 'ç "anc.cdote< lish riters, Miss Tbompson. seems (Crawell), and. -Dodd, Mead ýpub-ý he wavers in ýgood cmav andti tabc singing a sad farewell ta the "ild lishes the beautiful "1Pilgrim Shrincs what be'retains lcnds vivacity ta Ili. order, finding it hard, librnw of England," by B. C. Boulter. A narrative. -.gnaintaceptanw good bok~ flotonly for a patriotic With al of the. difficulties oftnl travelier but for al'ranging 'elebra- anid personality'Mr. Baker has don luîeYREIWOFFN tions ln sehools and the like, is Anne a service ini taking Jstinian out XVarton's "Englishi Ancestral Homes of bis sheepskin binding and rnaking BOOKS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, TY- ofNtdAniericans" (Lippincott). him strut bis part among the Greevns POGRAPHY. Edited by, Paul and the Blues of Constantinople., Johnston. Meriden, Conn. This> isý the first, number of a new~ ILATEST FICTION ,nonthlv devoted, to books and book J A t the Library 0HLRE F PLEASURE.. 13% prirnting. Itis in forin an ciglit-page Lrry Barretto. Farrar & Rinehart. newvspapcr, tbrce columns ta the page. (Published for the Wilniette. ubi GIRL INTO WOMAN., By1 Sophie!I The type is large and Weil handlcd, Library) PblcKerr. Farrar & Rinchart. and the printing is gooci. BOOKSWORTHREADIG 0W WINE AND NEW. By War- . The contents include a cniea AngIJ-Unsen ssasin" Bili ~ck Dceping. Kniopi. tion o the termi "ecition" lin boo'ý A sane, loOaldscussion at woman i b- _ _ __ _ _ _ ookc Jlnting in Manhattan, an arti- nsepsychiologist and psychiatrist. means mare ta him than people. [ans short reviews. This first number Domnes-"Symphonic Broadcasts."' BelI-"Silver Ley." An engaging is interesting and we shaîl await tue( Remritten versions of radio talks-chranicle of the author's initiation fuiture issues with expectancy. about Suntiiday pragranis of the-New inta the' secrets, beauiies and joys of York Philharmonic Symphonv or- farming in, Suffolk. PIEBO chiestra. Corbtt-"ýThc Young Mr$. Mceigs." P EBO Crothers-"As Husbands Go." Sa- Ilow,,a yonng:lady Of. eightY kecps Ther George >Louis Beerpre phisticated camiedy. ber zest for. life and ber indepen",gàtdaiuly Y h .Aeia Hîtoral association *fortebs Boleslavski-"Way of the Lancer." dence lu. spite ai ber rnanaging chil- Hu r oorntb, f E Startling adventures of the Polish dren. woko any phase of uropean.in- ternational history since 1895 bias juist. Lancers following th e Russian revo- Du Maurier-"Loving Spirit." A been awarcied ta OronJ ae f lution. -strain af restlessness, and ifltolerahle theIlnivpJ e. cf- oit YUI turc of farce, fantasy and quiet com- I mance, mystery v an U..d edy. excellenit andi moving prose Ashton-"Bricks and Mortar." A Tarkington - "Mary's N promising young arcbitect marries a amazing satire on New Engi .pretty. but braiffless woman. For tbe-j mer resortÉ and people wbc rest of his life bricks and mortar them. Good to read aloud. e. Dr. Powell is a nman of niany sides. Neck." An He bas been a preacher, a lecturer, eand sum- author, editor. and pi;blicist, and, was ýo frequent for five ycars president of: Ho(bart côl- lege. Sprint: Book sale le ROW ont 1IFition and iNon-PFltIon Reg ior Frcfroua 12.00 Io $.;.00 2 for $1.1 4 for $1.0 <Used roéu1es) Bay tbem by the dozen 't tlds 10w prie 1724 ORIIINGTON AvIINuH,. Orrington . Moel idg.

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