Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 42

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ph ysical training demonstration and athletic conipetition will be held Tuesday, june 7, it is announced by J. R. Hiarper, superintendent of. schaols, and Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation. ,The prograni will be an ail-dayaf- fair beginning at 9:30,o'clock in the niorning with a dance and gyninastic demionstration at Vattman park, and moving to the Village Green in the afternoon- for a track and field meet 1Wherein the,,best athietes of every grade and clàss will comnpete with those in other grades ai-d classes for the chanmponlships, of their grades. Mmcli Preliinary Work *Members of the physical training staff of the schools have.been using the regular- physical training periods during the past few weeks for prac- tice for the demonstration and atb- letic. tests to determine the entra nts in the.varions evrents, of each grade in the afternoon races to be con- ducted this week. Members 'of the staff who are in charge of the prepa- ration for the meet are Dudley C. Stone and Mrs. Olga ýS. BaIl at Stolp schooi, and- Mrs. Gertrude Fanck- bher and, Glen W.. Gathercoal at Howard school. Every grade in the, syst en, exclus- ive of kindergarten and first grades. will have a part'in both.the momning and, afternoon programis. The momn- i ng demonstration, Mr. Davis an- nounices, will include only dances or other parts of the regular physical trainîing program taught during the schooî year and no new iwterial will be iîîtroduced just for the program. . The demonstration will then be what it is termed-lIiterally a-demon- stration to the parentsî of the school children, showing, them. some of the things.. we have taught during the past school year." Mt. Davis 'said. Moraing Progm The morning's prograrn. will in- clude ini part: 1. Folk Dancing by second grades, 'Kinderpolka'" and "LoobyLo. 2. F'olk Dancing by third grades. "Carousel" and "Danish Dance of Greeting.» 3.' "Norweglan Mountain Match", by foirth grades. 4. Arnerican Couintry Dance by fifth gradéc7"Virglnla Reel." 1child's eligibility for competition. Uf a child is over age for his own roorn >he must compete with the grade higher up. -Fol lowing are the eligibility mies for the first five. grades: Second grade, eildren under elght ,year.e of age, February 1,' 1932. .Third grade, chlldren under nine years of age, February .1, 1932. P.ourth grade,. children..Under.t en years of age, February 1, 1932. Fifth grade, children under eleven years. of age, February 1. 1932. The, pupils, from the, sixth, seventh and eighth grades shall compete àc- cording to the regular school athletic classification chart in classes A, B, C, The events for the afte-rinon programi ,wlll be: Standing Broad Junp - Boys and girls In 3rd,. 4th, >and 5th grades. Running Broad Jump-Bovs and girls --Ail classes, A, B, C, D. El F. Runnlng Htgh Jump-Boys and girls. -Alh classes, A, B., C. D. E. F. 40 yard dashý-Boysl and girls in the' 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th grades. 50 'yard da.sh,-ys and girüls in ail classes, A, B. C . . EF. Shuttie Uelay-BOYS and Girls AIl classes. A, B, C, D, E, F. urge Womnen toJIn Sports Houjr Classes 'An open invitation to attend the Thursday evening sports hour con- ducted for the members of the wo- men's gymnasium classes is extend- ed to every woman in Wilmette. No previous. registration is necessary: any woman wantinz to join may do so by reportiniz to the recreation as- sistant ini charge at Vattinan Park at 7:30 O'clock on Thursday evenings. There are no admission charges. BALL LEAGUES POPULAR, More than one hundred participant's reported for the Airst' night's pîay- ground bal league for mnen on Mon- day evening of this week., Monday and Wednesday will be the nights for mieeting of teans in the "s low pitch- ing" league 'and Tuesday and Thurs- day nights the "fast pitching" league. wil meet. The "slow pitching" has bhecome very popular aIthough this is the first vear that it hias been in- troduced imbthe 'Piayground and ice Station vs. St'. joseph. V'illage Green. 7:15 p. m.-Men's Playground bail. Fast Pitching league. St. John's vs. Hoffmann Florists., Village. Green. 7:15 p. m.-Men's Playground bail. Fast Pitching league. MVimette Tailors vs. Schultz. & Nord. Tu«oday, May 31 7:15 'p. m.-ýMen's Playground bail. Fast Pitching league. West End Florists vs. St. joseph. Village Green. 7 :15 p. m.-Men's Playground bail. Fast Pitching league. Ankola Coffee A. C. vs. Wagnier's, Service Station. Village Green. 7:15,p. m.-Men's Playgroundbal Fast Pitching league., St. 4.-s Schultz and Nord. Village Green. 7, :.30 p. m.-Girls' Playground ball. Vattrnan park. Wedm.day, iune 1 7:15 p. m.-Men's Playground bail. Slow Pitcbing league, Washingtoni Parks vs.. Joe's Tigers. ,7:15, p.mn.-Meni's. Playground bail. Slow pitching league.* Methodist vs. Baha'i. Villaýge Gen 7:15 pam.-Men's ýPlaygrouind bail. Slow pitching league.,Lytiam's Texa- COS, VS. Hoffint Florist. Village Greeril. Thuraday, lune 7:15 p.m.-Men's Horseshoe league. Village Green. 7:30 p.n.--Outdoor Sports lîours. La- dies', gymnasiunx . class. Vattrnan. i)ark., Friday, June 3ý 7:15 p.m.-Men's Fast pitching FilristIs vs.St Green. 7:15 p.m.-Ilen's. Fast pitching Playgroun d all. league. Hoffnîlan Joseph. Village bail.l *teamsi tinisnein 111irst pIIlace i ti *second annual Invitational track and and field me et for suburban grain- mar schools held at the Village Green last Saturday morning. The lclteams finished the meet with M13/ points with Arlington Heights team.s in tcond place with 67% points. Des' Plaines and Highland Park finished in third and fourth pae with 593/ and 52-5/6 points, respec- tivelv. Glenview was fif th. In addition to having the largest- entry Iist of any meet conducted on the local igrounds, Saturday's meet also attracted the -largest number of- spectators recorded for the grain- Mar school meets with outside schools. Five schools' coipeted in the. variois, events. Banda Lemd ,CoIor A fort -piece b)and composed of 1Wilmette and Highland Park school 1H. -Hoor,.suplied music for the oi- casion. Mr. Hoor is dîrector of the Highktnd'Park ba.nd and also teachie. brass in the Wilmette zramnar schlonl b)and. The nienhers. of the band -p lav- igat the track meet were. selected from ihis. pupils of both schools. Winners of tle v'rious events dur- ing the mnorning,were:ý First place, tie I)etween Elmer Szasz. of Arlington H-eights and Win. Roberts. of Wilmette, third place, Harlow Trip- Iett of Wilmette. fourth plaee, tie - tenGordon Silgeston, Highland Park. Robert Scbneberger, Arlington Helgh-ts Raymond Tnnmon, H-ighland Park, Nor- man Shotts, Des9 Plaines. Height: feet 2 inchles,. Pole Voult. LIghtwveights: *First place, tic between JamesO'ei Wilmette and Don Roberts, MWilmette. third place, Earl Tlaas. Ies-Plaines. J{elght: 7 feet 6 mchs Pole VauIt. lien vywetglts1 First iplace, tic between George Kilner, H-ighland Park and Charles M, ceî Arllflgton 1Heights, third plae, fle be- tween George Martlnek, ýDes Plaines a nd rirank Intravatola, Des Plaines. Win- ners' Height: 8 feet 9 Inches. 40yard damh. Powees:q. First place, Vernoný Rudolph, High- land Park, second place Elmer Szasz, Arlington Jlelghts,. third place, Norman Durment, Highland Park, fourth place, Frank Schapfer, Wilmette. Winners limé: 6.1 seconds. arnî'etcs wnîcn- was inaugurated last fietss-~The fhrst meeting of the *Men's Des Plaines, third Place, Delos Morton, fie essgiven are entitled to a n Glenv, fourth place, Jlrn Versino, winter will be used in the, Field DaY bronze pin as award and those pass, horseshoe league will be held this Wlette inr"dsacev7fe events. OnIy the first five grades will ing the~ five tests are entitled to a evening at 7:15 o'clock at the Vil- .5 Inches. copt or gis orthe up- silver pin. Pins have been ordered road Jnmp. J'ewees.: comet romagans rom lage Green horseshoe courts. Dudley Plrst Place, Robert Richards, Arllng- per three grades, sixth, seventh, and. and wili be awarded in a 'special as- ton Height-, second place, Vernon eighth usink, the new method 'of clas- sembîy before the end of the sichool. C. Stone 4~ theý recreation.assistant Rudolph Heighland Park, . third place. sification., This classification is based year.' in chargeof the prograni.. (Cèntinued on Page 51) w

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