WOMAN OF EDUCATION AND RE- finement destres to take mnail boys, for July and Auguat, into ber home on heautiful laiteln, northern Wis. Home care and Influence. Fine N. S. ret. Personal interview May 23 or 24. Rates reas. Address BR-49. Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 91L2-2tp VILLAGE 0F KXXILWORTH IN THE SUPEBIOR CO1URT 0F COOK COUlqTY, ILLINOIS GENERL NIJBEE646107 SPEIALASSSSENTNOTICE NOTICE 1S8IIEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Vil- lage of Ienilworth, Cook County, 1111- noisi having ordered. that a local hnprovement be made conisisting of, the construction of. a conneeted system of conierete, àldewalks ln certain parts of Ashland Avenue, GlendinIng Road, - niSa»*rtJh Avenue, Park .-Drive, Gren Bay.. Road, Wayland Avenue, Sterling Road, Roger Avenue and Melrose Ave- nue, as in the ordinance therefor specificaliy provided, ail wlthin the Vil- lagre of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance. for the $ame being on file ln the office of tbý Village Clerk of saad Village, and the said Village having applied to the Superlor Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said- Inwrovement according to the benefits, and a speelal assessmeflt therefor hav- Ing been made and returned.10 said Court, General Number 546107 .he final h..ovlnu' tberien will hA hAld on the on the hearing and tuake. their defenise. Said ordinance provides for the collec- tion o! sald assessment in five (5) an- nual Instalîments with lnterest thereon at the rate o! six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Kenilworth, Cook County, 1111- oiMay,16, A. D. 1932. FRANK ýR. YOUNG, Person appoinited by the President o! the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Kenil- worth, Cook County, Illinois (and sueh a.ppointmenl approved and confirmed by th~e SuperlrCurt o! Cook County, Illinois), to make were given the toxîin. Dr. F. D O'Donnell, one of the local physicians, and Dr. Martin H. Seifert, healîh commissioner, assisted by four trained nurses, willconduct the, same program Friday afternooh, May 27, at 1 o'clock. and àgain on Friday, June 3, at, 1 o' dlock. The Infan t Welfare cincwilI fot- be Éeld at the Health Center uiflil Wednesday, Ju ne 8. The Chest clinic will be'conducted. Monday, June.20. The Dental- clinics will be held Tues- day and Friday mornings uitil school is out. The Healtb ene is located.at 1901 Schiller sîreet. The telephone number is Wilmette 12402. Office bours are between 1 and 2 o'clock daily. Auto Trucks and Felin e Occasion Fire Summions The Wiltnette Fire departnint %vas called to .2149 Glenview road lasI Fril- day morning shortly after 6 o'clock when a truck belonging to Philip' Doetsc h of that address caughit fire' froi a. leaky gas tank. The cab of the truck was badly burned. Later the saine day, about 3.:15 o'clock in the afternoon, the firemven made a run to 1144 Wilmette avenue when a roofer's tan wagon caught fine.' The damage was slight, Fine Chef nignîens went te 347'V nue toemovea 'caL f sinîngton ave-, in Iee. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. Mark, Cnesap of Woodley road, Winnetka, formerly of Kenilwortb,. en-. tent ained b er bridgeclub on Tuesday of this.,w.eek. .The grounds surrounding the Cresap bouse are parîiculanly beau- tif ul at this season. Froin ber formal gardens wbich lie close to the house there extends an avenue of apple trees, now in bloom, and in the far distance .whose interest in Nature work began there, entertained the members of the comimittee with stories of their da3-s at Arden Shore and of the re- suits of those days and contacts made there. Both of these 'young people are nio%, holding paid. teaching po- sitions 'as nature study teachers. Miss Annabelle Ferrier gave a short .îalk wbich, added g reatly as, a spur in working for this cause. Her Mie is entirely wrapped up, in the work of this charity and she realizes more than anyone else the inmport- ance of it. Cancel Bicentenn ial Observance Program Atnnouncement was made this week, by the committee.in charge. of tbe cancellalion -of the proposed George Washington Bicentennial prograiin the village. It had been planned, to set aside july 3 and 4 for this patni-.ý otic observan~ce. Circuinstances, bow- ever, have made it impossible 10 carry through, the plans as ouîlinied by the committee, il was stated. Directs Two Plays at Congregational Church Miss Marion Ortseifeai of Kenil- worlh directed the two îplays giv-en atI the CongregatiQnal chturch \Vecnes - day evening. Trhe freshmian group presented 'Slippers' of Cinderella" hy Graham Robertson, and thie upperi terission during whicn an exnaoît.. wvas: held. and the second play was givenl at 8:30. IN OLYMPICS Clif ton Osgood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Osgood of Kenilworth,, a studen1t at. Princeton university, had the honon of being elected presidènt of theý Elms club, eanly Ibis month. Clifton bas been outstanding in the field of athletics and %011 nepresent Princeton at the Olympic rnyme wnicn read as toliows : "Th e Pageae t of the WVedding t'UC ho tiothaeverytoite-in tow& 11'Vill sec t/he brides walk do-u>n tic aisie To ic'dding iizistc ail the whltile. Thci;- qttkps-how love/y to beholdf Sonle naian ad somne so quaint land oldi A4nd <iii thé groomis left in thé turci. For these brides cone to heif c'ur. For al! t/ais elegancé' a Charge iMost nomîinaal. To help enlarge Oui- Prcsbyterican butildog funed TVa tinie Jatue 7, 8 P. MW. The place.i Wilmette J'o mon s club a udilo riii, Sophomores 'Are Choseri toô Carry, Daisy Chain The' Misses Helen Jameson, Mary Jones. and Betty Ohi of Evanston and Dorothy Paley of Xilmiette are includeil in the group of twenty sophomore .s chosen' by their class ini tbe National College of Education ini recognition of their .outstanding con- tribution to stuclent affairs, for the honor of carrying the daisy chain trghwhich the graduating clascses pass on Comnmencement day, June 8., Other members'of the group are: .Virginia. Anderson, Marjorie Black- ,burn,.Adelaide Brown, Verita Flora, Hatsuko Fu ruhashi, Jeanette, Gard- ner, Marianna Gilman, Janet Grubb, Jane W. Johinson, Esther KovinskY. Marian Mansfield, H-enrietta M-\cEI- roy, Janie Newinark, Gladys Patntoil, Edith Stewart, and . Marjorie \\'Il- MONDAY CLUB H AS TRIP Milf-Rr>v Osgood entertained> ber Monday club Ibis veek ith a mtost in- teresting trip, to thé, Littie Chburch at the End of. the Road, fôolloWed by.a luncheon at Mrs. Howard's tea room ini NWestern Spri'ngs. The "UtIle Chur.cW' is ýa real art center. -Its. walis are literally covered with rare paint-. ings, manuscnipts, wood carvings and %-ahiable bits of, art. The members of the club motored ini the morning and visited. the Little Church before noori; It was a day well spent. The tea room Il ecetlypresented play of BcmsEléctna" by'Eugçne JxoaAUU 0-- iorning Mr. and Mrs. Arthun B. Adair, 3e0 ,k dis- Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, will mo- sas a tor to Wellesley on .june 15, to attend to the the,,graduation of their daugbîen, jane. mrning Tby will Iben go to Pelican Lake, qeill. Wis, for î'ne ,summen nîmonths. *Mr. and Mrs. Conger Reynolds- and their family have moved f rom Evans- ton to 602 Earlston road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Reynolds returned early this week froi a fortnighî's.visit in Kan- sas City$ Mo. Vien Sm D Oppftaa. I.Tel. Lon Aise OP] I1Loopc cio & m t N. Li