tween E dw a r d eare, ArlUngton Heights, David Haas, Wilmette, John Collinge, Des Plaines, FrÎank Keller, Highland Park. Winners' Height: 4 feet 6 inches. siot l'ut. Heuvywelghts: Flrst plaýe,. Walter Wudzke, De, Plaines, George Martinek, Des Plaines third place, Arthur Morf, Wiihnette, fourth place, James Versino, Wilmette. Wjnlnelr's distance, 39 feet 11%~ inches.. .-ysxrd idash. Iewees: First pae Vernon 'Rudolph, High- land Park, second place, Miner Szaszi Arilnigton Ii-eighti, th ird place, John Allen, .>t-lington 1lHights, fourth place.. Frank Schaefer, Wilmette. Wlnner's tinie: 9.4 seconde. *j.TIfIdalit. Llgltwelghts: Fimst place, Buster Durnnent High- land Park. seconid place, Wm. Wade, Wilmette, third, place, Bill Smith, :Arlington,,Heights, fourth place, Jamee, O'Neill, Wilmnette. Winner's time: 8.7 seconds.- 100-yard aash. lleavYwelghits:- S Flrst llacee, John «KoulentLs,, Des Plainýes, second place, Joe, Dominik, Arlington Height s, third place. George Martfiiek, Des Plaines, fourth place, Robert Steffens, Wlilmette. Wînner*s lime: 1.6 seconds. sh<t l'ut. ees: l.irst place, G.eorge Garland, Aring- ton HeigItts, second place, Harold Borre, Wilniç.ttf., third plaee, Normani Shotts, D)es Plain"s,. fourth place, 'Paul Plesa, Airlington Heights. inneir's distance: 24 feet 8/2 inches. Blotea u ei'b. Llgiltwcýiltis: First place, Richard Adams, Arling- ton, Ilighits, second place, EdVard] Dere Arlington Helg.hts, third place,. lýowell Snorf, Wilmecýtte,.fourth place. But:ter Durmient, Highland Park. Wlnner's distance: 15 feet,11 inches. 111igi Jurnp. Heav3ywelglts: First place, Kenneth Grahani, Des Plaines. secondplace, Dick Reichinan, Hlighiand Park, third --place, Vincent wtls, wilinette, fourth place, tde be- tween Charles Miachel, Arliîigton [feights, Frank Swirles, Wilmnette, El- mer patterson. Des Plaines, Frank Kel- lei-, ighland Park. Winners hight: 4 feet 11 inches. l0- irvhries. . Pewees: First place, Norman Durmient, HIigh:. land Park, second place Ila"Old Borre. Wilmette, .third place, Paul1 Plesa, Ar]- ington. Heiglits, fout-th place, jack, Da- ton, Highland Park. Winner's time: 9.7 seconids. 80-yard iuroli'es. Liglàtwélghts: First place,:Julian Abrahiams, High- land Park, .second placee, John Lind- stromn, Wilmette, thirdl place, John Colý- linge, Des Plaines, fourth. place,. Ed Maro;ney, Highland Park.ý *Timpe:9.6 seconds, Diining-uses the supposeci. danger of Communisni to attack a lot of things she ether does not like or does not tznderstand or both. For examifle, she endorses the accusation that ýin the entire faculty of N. U. not one represents an, element dedicated to the upholding and preservatioiti14 American institutions and -heritages.' What arrant nonsense!, None but a very, ignorant, extrernely prejudiced and dangerously illogical person could make a statemnent likethat. Hem article. is full of illogical inferences and mishanidled facts." The paragraph from which Mr. Haake quoted does not discuss t he faculty of. Northwestern universiyý. Its subject is the faculty of the "Peace"' Institute. to be held at N. U. June. 20 to July 2. It reads: "Others associated with Tittle in the Northwestern: Uni- versity "Peace" Instiitte- are: Herbert A. Miller, 'a professor recently dis- missed, from Ohio State, University for his womk against the R. O. T. C.; Tucker P. Smith, Secretary of the Committee aon Miliiarizaiiow usin di- cation (aided by the Communistic Garland Fund); and Kirby Page, absol ute, pacifist, total disammament advocate, pro-Soviet, and author of the 'infamous "slacker oath." 0f the w hole faculty, the report of tlie p atriotic American Vigilant Intetli- gence Fe"lemation says: "'Not, one ChuchNews (4Yntinued from Page 38) yemr on June 12. Infant children wil be baptized at this service. Th(; Philathea célass .will hold its an- huai banquet and installation of officers at the Shawne e club Tuesday evening, Junie 7, at 6 :30. 'Memnbers of the class may, make reservations for, themnselves and for guests by callinig Mrs. Mac- M1orran, Wilmette -789. Kenilworth Union KCenitworth avenue and, Warwick roadý Dr. Herbert L. Wlllett, mninister Dr. wiilett's Subjeet for Sunday, 'May 29, will be "Days of Iemory." Thec sermon wiIl be one appropriate to Me- morial Day, Thne ieast radical are opposed to nia- tionalism and the ultra-radicals are exponents of a complete social change. The Institute is directed toward the inculcation of these philosophies in the minds of students and school teachers ini particular." 1 arn wondering if it is Mr. Hlaakýe's eyesight . is poor... Or isn't he, perhaps, the "very ignorant, extreme- ly péejudiced and dangerously illogi-. .cal pers on" wbo mishandies facts? .Mrs. Lillian Brown is quitewitliin her rights when she expresses ' ner admiration for Mrs. Quincy, Wrigbt of the League of Women Voteri, wlho is one of the very faculty meinbers of the "'Peace" Institute just referred to. But Mrs. Brown is flot within ber rights to infer that I have' ever maligned Christianity., My whole ef- fort is in support of it. Anyone who preaches Christ while cooperating with organizations that fight for. atheistic Communiets and arefinanced b Communistic agencies is, in my opiniioni,.playiing the blind or, inten- tional role of. a judas to Christ and to bis country, and I shall continue to say so. On menit alon.e, Communismi cani- not. get, very far.1 Its propagandists and sympathizers must always wear a* false cloak and parade.under fais-e colors.. -11 s. Albert XW. Dilhing,, Kenilwoôrtlh Wilmette Woman, 73, Is Feted on Birthday Mms. Mary Keil, 1201 Ridge avenue, was given a surprise party Thumsday afternoon, May 12, on the occasion of her seve nty-thimd bithday. The party wvas given by lier three daugh- ters, Mrs. E. Falkenberg, Mrs. A. Keil, and Mrs. XWilliamn Steinhoif at M rs. Falkenberg's home. 2010 Green- wood avenue. The guests who were. pre sent, ,and who numbered twenty- hve,' were members -of. the Oak Leaf club,, of which Mnrs. Keil is the oldest member. Five-hundmeçd and bunco, wvere, played during the afternoon, Mrs, Keil .was born in Wilmnette. Besides the children already men- tioned she bas four sons ail living liere, and another daugliter, Mrs. E. In~ Wilmete seven building permits were taken out in the last mont),, al for small construction jobs. The to- tal estimated cost of the construction work authorized in the seven permits amounted to only $1,100. Names of persons to whom the per-. mits were issued, the type of build-, ing authorized, the location and the cost of construction in each case fol- low:, Mrs.- Marie Langi, private frame garage, 615 Gregory avenue, $300; Jacob Lichter, frame vegetable stand,,521. Hibbard road, $100; H. J. Garner of Nules Center, frame office for golf.practice course at Hibbard road and- Lake avenue, $100; Ross Skeltoni, frane, porch addition, 410 Prairie avenue,. $50; Anna. Arnold,- two-car frame garage, 1410 Gregory avenue, $150; J.,W. Behr, sun porch, 1627 Forest avenue, $20, and Mrs. B. O. Burhans,1 remodelng, job, 1757 Washington avenue,- $200. Only three building permits were issued, in-Winnetka during the past thirty days, calling for improvements totaling only $400. 'The three per- mits were for remodeling jobs. 'Wal- ter. Bratschi, 688: Cherry street is building a f rame, porch, g lazed, cost- ing -$100; Forbes. is. making altera- tions on his residence at 1056 Dm8s- more road costing $100 .and Paul Hansen is, spending $200 in altera- tions on his residence at 1035 Oak street. Five building permits were iss ued in Glencoe >during the past month, three of which were for remodeljng jobs amnounting to $6,,600 and two for private garages costing $396, a total of $6,996. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Allen is repair- in g and remodeling her residence at Hohîfelder lane and Koehling road, at a cost of $6,000; Edward Sonnen-> sc hein* is building an. addition to the dining room. of his residence,94 Sheridan road, costing $400,. and Wil- 1liam A. Levering is making two dor- mer window enlargeents a t his' e sidence, 553 Washington avenue,.at a :cost of.$200., ýMr so wllmette, second, p Art Mort, Robt. Stef4 Arllngton Heights, Frank1 John IKoU e. Robt. ýFrank S [rd Place. IIV4u nisn juuge - Li *i . n- *iO, SXV -e a L Al St ruebing, and Robert Kelly, ness the crowi ,~finish judges; Lowell F. Todd, Lester Jane, as May q i-F. BaIl, V. L. Replogle. and Glen W. were accompani SGathercoal, field judges; Miss oanMradM it,jeadMranM .,Skidmore, scorer; John Hawley, an- their daughter, nk nouncer. Park.. dan road, jafterhoon, N tue nc at 3:. Siunday