Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 12

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Atlastl 1he *ventful day has errivedi Perhaps you are the lucky one to carry ofF first honors ... butf if: you aren't, never mi#d. You çan stil1 be gjràduat.d with highest feshion honors . . ,if o are clever enough to selectyurgr'duation frock from Our collectionl GRADUATION FRO CKS $2150 $2500 Otiier SummerDresses Many Styles and Moterials Prices begin at $185 N,,A.HAN NANC -952 Spanish Court Wilmette, 467 More lien LOW IPRJCE --Here in FINE QUALITY 740 TweIfth Wgmtte CAa*bo Ai 619l-6 loday>aond tornorreot?" lit the bel wan.t to share this message îvith t) on Meinorial Day. t'e pd'ibish the' ellgenrly the t ,rof WxLmmr reged to hear i its entirety. Goffnry Toda in vey illage and city ini the Unitd States ,are gathered mien- and' wornen; boys and girls, to do honor to 'the noble dead. It is a beautif ul tribute ýto brave men'and women- .but suirely,.more than ,that,! If we corne only te induilge in eînotion. of grief, lo~ve. and 'reverence, beautiful as, that niay be, it isflot e.nough. We are today, more than, at any other day of the vear, brought face to face w ithto issues.- Our hearts go out and o 'ur loyalties are stirred by the, past, and by the sacrifice -that, men and .%omen.have made to bring this. nation into being and to conserve it and hand it down to -us. Toinorroiv, however, xvhen the uniforrns are.,laid aside and the flags .no longerwave iior the bands play, and the world again crwsinipn us. a world of rapidlv changing -conditions and v al- ues, what then? 'Can1 we-Iiold fast to the loyalties ,and faiths of the past and stili meet intelligently the: problerns of todav and tornorrow? ,Some there'are w1'ho live'cornpletely in the.past.and glorv pnly in Our great tradition, and sorne who,,forgetful of -the past, rush to new and unproved ideas, but it is possible to ind stili a third way. Can we flot hold to the faiths, the principles, the bopes and ideals of those wvhom ' ,%e here honor, and h)y gaining an intelligent nlastery of ourselves, and an understànding of our times, applv the egnotional or inherent in scenes such as these to the making of a better, world? The past always seerns so simple in retroslect. Men had beliefs and gave their lives for theni. We tend to overlook the dotibts and uncertainties that these very individuals Iived throughi. Their fight is over. We glory in the in, honor thern, and perhaps, a littie, cnvy thern, because for uis, todav, ail too fifteni, the future 18 clouded .with fears andI doubts. W"N turn to their beliefs for sonet hing firm to wbich to cling. W~e long for security, and the nature of our civilization changes as we look on. Jefferson's ideal, of "An America of free andutpstanding farmers ruling the country in liberty" cornes into contact with an age of steam and rnachinery. Men turn froPm agriculture to industry, and farnily life is exposed to newv and rapidly encroaching influences. The radio, the press,, and ease of travel have'brbught the w%%orld'to ourý door, and not always to our advantage. We are 'exposed te tides of cheapness and vulgarity. Where,. as cljildren we read Piigrl&*M's Proqprcss, Our childreil can read-the coinic strips. Our conorinic structure seerns to waver, the press pictures Our world as chaos, our kpyal- tics are shaken, and we doubt. We see countries handing their destinies to dictators. We see Russia at the, other extrerne ruled by -commlunism , ruthlessly enforced and. desiring to spread . its doctrines, bu.t we., thank God, still believe that denocracy can and What is this general w%%elfare? It is brpad enlough to cover >hysical and.,mental Jhealth; safety and protection in our every- lay occupations; educational opportunities, and the rernoval of lie haunting fears-unernplovrnent, needy old age, and war. "4'. [ow can we secùre this general welfare? We nImust have thef bility to feel strongly, tp believe deeply,;and to do this without, ?sing, our toleration for others who feel as stronglysome other -$19.75

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