Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 18

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lionor roll <or receive(l honorable mention for tlheir scholarship recordsý during the third nionth of the second seinester. The honor -Est- for this pe- riod was ann.outiced ti i veck.- A --student whio receives honiorable mention has anl averagec of. 3.(X0 or 01n.e- whlo is (on1thé lhon 1or %roll lias anl average of 3.25 or ighc!ir. In the, tird nmontlî of the icemester. 173 girls and 108ý boys %verc on th > eoc. Betty Phillips;,, Marion Schaufler Mlary J. Stevenson, Louise Varney, Grete VonRe.lnsperg, Ruth Sager. Hionorable Mentlin Betty Bailey, Elizabeth Barde», Iriez l3attistello, Marianne Crimsby, Grace Ell1i s, Mar 1guerite Gaston, . lennietta (ireen, Maxine -elle, .LnoeKritch- t'ver,, Lois Lenr Virgiiat Lotz, Al- then Murphy, Betty Palenske,ý Ruth It-ekelert. E leen Pr-eva liet, Maràly Ray- mond, Eleanor Ricks, D<rothy ShleldSi Flazel WVhite, Janith WvVye. ý-ý honor. roll. wle l>,8.3 girls* allé 59 hov's iIEH rcceived honlorable-nmention. Thirty Holior Roll students, twenty- four girls anîd six A lnnanre iBOO)z, Vîrgin la Brooks. bhoys, had straight "A" averages of Marlzarel <Vrev- Lueile 14redigkie,Nancy do, orothy Holway, .iine i»0son, 4.00. The ' straigit *'A" studeîîts <o rdoî ale Weston, Elinoýr ('lark, Jeanette iwere.I Far-eIlI,.1Lo4sLamberg,,Janet Xeber,' Re ceive Stiraight "Ab' 1,6h, %olfe, Mavy WoodI, JEtanor Rt'eeht*r, Mlarie BenY Ruth Chatàrd,ý Girs -Grace Bartlin.g, Phyllis Bos- AliceeDernehi, Marcia Ennis, Jeahne ley, Virginia Lang, Elleiî Sager and Fischer, ('itrol Huait, -Amy Henschel,: Carol ine. erk es, seniors ; Jai ct Chat- al - '01 Linhi, ,.Jean MdaTrudie Schinur, Llllin Whitmiarshi, Priscilla. teîu, Cora, Moflhlier, Lilliait Noycs. îî&îwe',. 'rhalia Banning, Betty, Barr, Helen Parker and Barbara XVilder, Belrtha Beî'gh,, B.raa 'are 1n juniors ; Ruth Anderson, Irma Bail, Englunid. Marion Hall, Aima Katz, Ester uchn, aroineCalo~vy, hris'nKehl,. Ruti Kerner Margaret Esthr Bchen Caolie C-lloayKoza DJanisé [LaFarge. Mary Maistro- Alice ,Ijbelinig and Alice lloway, vh iryMelHriettN, tn sophornores, and. Anujanarie Booz, Idamae lOe'neer eggy Parker, jean Virginia Brooks, Margaret Crec, Perrili, Enily Pryor, ('athierint, Rey- Lucile redgke Nacy Grdo, Dr~ iols, rauéf-es towell, Margaret Thal Lucile redgke Nacy-ïoron,-r-main, ('yintia Walsh, AMargei-y Weil, othy Hblw-ay. Jane Olson., and Janc M.îîtijQà-y eteEeaoilas WVeston, freshmenl.Horae MentIo,î Boys-George Hint and Harry 2 . L . Allen, Býetty Barrie, Anno Weeejunor, ad haresBroà,Bayis, Barbara Betts Kathieriné ca, ese,. jnior, ad Chrb2 Br aNrene Gerts, Gonia Glenz, V1irg!nia James Christensen, Patil Gepsy reen, Adeline Haluîî, Betty Hlarding, and Harry Xhitîuarsh, frcshnicu, Katherine iitîiger, .jeannette lioag- lund, 'Mary Hfuck, Martia IHuf(, Helen . Herel'a Honor iïst Kram'l, ,Joian M'aî,Mar'y Meaker,i F'olloving is theC coiipletc hoilo4r' Pauline -Newtonii, Phyllis Richardson, roll aneaion rlrfbor-l-nenVi rgi la .$îorf', Evelyl) roliand hoorale mention list for YI,îîîgqulist.« the third nîontlî of the semnester: SENIOR BOIS .SENIOR ilh(dRS Ionor Rol lonor Roltl âdJn Derntei, J.ohn fojiîon Jeromie * iev arting, Phlisosley, Vir- strauis, Paul WlimEatîi Blonièyer, ginla Ltàng, Ellemu Sager, Chrli (la ries Venrick, Jack Bî'oad, john lDe- Yei-kes-, Naney Harris, i-leni.aos Beers, Hlunter King, J'aul Milleir, Ric h- Berniee Loeb, Jane Snydor vera Aiîdeýr- ard '-diiler, Arthur ' Weldon, Jamnes son, Jane . Demneit, Dovothy Ierg, n, Defrees Holiie(s, liaî'ry Kiator, Daphnée Bjorkluiîd, Betty Dostal, Kt-LîietMaguire, john Miller, 1Fred leen,1Harvey, Wlinif-ed Hauxhurst, 1llelonRbisn Girard Schilbachi, JOSeîfli Ad- Holton, .-Jacinta 'Kamnineier, lari. 1ler Stei>hen tBrooks, Caînteron i'wn !Kirkwood, Mîgre eeie;Iutil George Cote, éPau.l icoskilng, Bill Kidd. MouQ1, Elsie Wadle, SalIy Zrenh, fltit Wilbert K uniz MIlton Vr, -avs Thoiiipson, Betty Mle' Floreûce Ohl- Loinig Farwell. ton, ýJane thefeEvelyn Stroin, i loorlîe eie,,i Mary Janle Thorias, Janle Crawford. Donl Alford, Foster Bennett, (hî*cîgê- Beatrice Drive,-, Martha rsa, Dor- EVeritt, Claude Haiiiltoni, GoreJoncs, V othy Foxr, Agiies JFraser, Rosemnarie Gilbert Keith, Johin Kirby, Dexter Mar'-J .a4, Margaret GotMag Ossett, tin, Shelley Miner, (Carrol Murphy, Ed-E Ifelen Greet, Nlildrcd IHenîiffe, Marlon' win Nicoli, Neil Putnain, Walter V- .annotta, Margaret Kaier, Virginia gel., Clyde Warblle, jkWiedl(1,n ci Koomnjian, Janet 'Murray, E-sther -Piep- JNO meler, Caroline Preston, 1 orotlîy Rey-JINORBI nolds, Vir-ginia ýWite, .jane Lundai. . iI4li. oI' t HonorableMrntionlunt, 1{arîiy W&sý, tRay Honorable isîvtio,,Inov 1)1 h ('11n 1.--. Honorable Miention Foster Gilgis, John Doris Bell, Betty Best, Helen Booz, Krlebel, Bill Melchior, Mary Lou Foscue,. Judith Fox, T1hejlma Bertram Trillèh. lielle, Louise Hoizinger, Ruth Kanje,- Honorable -1 Katherine Lempke, Janet McNulty, George Benson, Ho, Frances Mlîs, , SalIy Romlg, Graco Harrison, Randolph Rugen, Jane Russell, Jeanne, Scarratt Jasper, Paul Kýruppa, Hobnorable Mtiom>i, Crant Adamns, Ted Blallard, Bol) Bis- hop, Roger Brown, Bob Coffin, Hioward Culver, Alphonse, Denis, Don Ford, Thomas Hildebrand Bertil humlier, Fredi Kahler, Shop Kriete, Fred Kurz,' Ken- iieth Raýhn, Don Rogers, n-rntzst, Schap-, ,r, Glenn Walker', Bob Wetzler. _At.Vista.del.Lago By. Valeria ofVista Kappa Kappa Clii of Lake Fore,. college hield its bieiiniai formia thte Vista del lago. Fridav Cvnhîwk Mfay 27. The college faculty mîin bers were the. guests of honoî Ainîoig the faculty ieibers ii were. chaperons . as well as guests o hoîtor, %vere Mr, and Mrs. -Burtoi Smnith, Mr. and.Mrs. Victor Davey Mr.- anîd Mrs. 'A.,N. Harper. Meiiî 'bers of the active chiapter, Geieviev< McCulloughl, Clella McKana, Eci> flaase, Neil Pietraiigeii, Flora Dol- toni, Etinice Nenneiani, Alice Ilarper, Shirley Pattonu, Rose Faucett, Myrt>. Hlanna, Lucile Ritter, Ruth Ho(lge Helen Lithway, Dorothy Sciiarl e Bectty Barniey, and their: gttests, to- taling eiglity, hiad dinner at t he club) hefore the dlance. There %were threc hunidred young cotlples' preseiit (iriiig the evening. XWalter Eeîaîîd IbisI Red Coats furniishied the gaY imtîsic: Mi-s,. C. M. Cart\vriglit entertaiîied(* f orty guests at (limner ii) ttue Noit rooni overlookinig tlîc lakeiîd the esplaniade .Tuesday. Ma,,v31. Dinnler ivas served at 7J:1. Satin-day eveiniig.Ma 2.(>ng Phi Kappa Alumniii fratc ruitv of i.aîî F.chuuical High school hlits th* Ilird ~Pimual H-opi at V-ista;' George R'. , \alhlet-, Jr., MISS B. Stoewsanid, James AfacL-enzie, grand caîelro u frateriiity, and -Miss Riftli MoîitgýOînJ- cry wvere the guests 0of hîoîir. 'IThe commnittee, for the .entertainient. %vas WVillianm S. ILiehoner. George R. Whalle, Jr., aînd, Albert G. .Gunîdelach, fr. Enitertainnitt was furnislied dby j Espey anid Espey of thie R., K. 0. cir: I u71it. Music vas furiii shICd by sol W~agiîpr and his nrphest*,-i ,riffith, Fred Mr. aind Mrs. J. Bedhar and Mr. ohn Phillips, and Mrs. J. Burton werc the guests of the Knight Blanchards at dinner Ion Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, 'd Fogg, Joe obson, David Franklin Hardinge, jr. entertained Mrs. *MacI<lnnon, William Mitchell and Miss Jnet fainily, Mr. and Mrs. E~. L. Hicks, Jr., and their son, Edward, and Mr. and Mfrs. John O'Conînor aînd family were aniong the regular lhursday eveniîîg diers. -C. A. Blanîchard was the guest of Mr. and NIVrs. Knight Blanchard. Miss Grace,.Skinner and. Miss Faith Cadoo, wvere entertàined at dinnîer, by Mir. and .Mrs. Myronî 'T. Harshaw. .Mrs. Frederick (2opeland was the dinner gilest of Mrs. Janmes H.. Brownî ail(atigliter, Doro tlîy Brown. Mrs. Mllcîî C. Martin %v~as also a nmeniber of 'tlat party. Chlarles IE.- Knight and tlîcir loVely littie daughtcr.1 and Mr. and 'Nirs. Raipl I . Lonîg caine to the Club for d iîner rltirs(lay.eveniiig, St. FrancisHouseho ld fElects New Off icers OlîCile of the lest attei<le( l ieetiîip; of the season of, the Datigliters of - lataassociation xvas lhel (jat tuec 11le ieof.,Mrs, . I.k ,rcl i i th li Iij- deni Crest apar"tuietnts MOîi,av, iIa Y 23. 'flie animual ee ()oi f olcr i the cwoiing year ' f lel.(l'l f I1owing are the iielected officers: Mrs. F. ,oephKojza Of (>27 iaffle aveniue, liresllit :;Nîrs. Il. ELIerch, first 'vice- procsîdeit : Mrs . 4honas -Chambers, (> 22 Wasiiiigtmî vlie recording seci-ëtar\r, Mrs. IiarIL. MNcDerîn-ott. (0220 \W;siîîgtoîi avene, c> rrespmiidîîig sceav M rs. \\Varrteii A. Clohisy, 121. Dupeë place, cli airniai \\ahnîtc iiaveintec, t raurr A vote of îhjîik, is etniltý)Ii di retirinig ofcr odeas cai n uî"incs, iav oîu , uuablvwok for- thec societv. ' ,I)lec i. eretdil] the last part ()nichý\car\i- lluclose at the îct etn a loîff r in1spection. 'J'lie scw iîg was ail lild- îvojrk, incltiding -pie.Ces w Nitlliiaii<li -Croc -iet lace anid b.a.tit-i ui lns, al1 to, e - .e îd 1for atlitilie iso r tliouguoît ue coîîîitrx-tn(er tho, supervision ofi te Clitiri ihEttso soc i et3 dozennie fi m/cil corPal, 25 cl lars, 8 ni plices, 1 altar' clo)tli. Thlc easmî loes th àa meetilig at M rs (mis anr', 622,Ws igton Jctm ue (i. A a, d lryfor- tlli ocey vllb lbeld at the I1(mile f XIrs. Ceoý(rge Luci- w'ig, 2758 rodaJulic M3. It is BishoP Waidorf in -asstmming thue Chi- cago bishojîric succeeds Bishop Edwinî Hoît Hughes of Wilmnette who bias çerved ini the local area for eigbt years. IHe cornes f rom the Kanisas area where he lias been located for 12 yèars. Bishop Hugheslias been, appointed to theý Wrashington,; D. Carea. jou 4.

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