Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 25

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Clark, June Kel., Stick Ravlicek, after being boxed Typîsts: Virginia White, Eleanor 'in from the start ini the haîf-mile Mayer. pulled out going arouuid the Iast curve and uncorked a, burst of speed EDITORIAL down the straightaway that carried In spite of. the fact that the tax iim home yards in front of Reeves of 'warantdriv wa prnouned uc-Evanstoni in the good time of 2:03.7. cessful because- the immediate. needs The rest of the New Trier points frthe. remainder of the semester were,,gatbered by a second, a tie for weremet nd proisefor ex~second, a third and two fourths. ye ar wvas made, the fact that there The ,relay team of Wanger, Kirby, are many difficulties to be o ver corne Seiler and Newton, in a close 'finish. was emfphasized by the urgent plea nolsed ouit Pro;viso 'for second, and Of the board of education to evcrv Kiîngsley, took a tic for second in paren of ew Tier.the pole vault. On bis first try for Our~vok i flt onc \V uiv:11I feet he broke bis arm in attcmpt- ,met -the first step but we must go ing to check bis fail or he probably andflt lveonpas lur1s. 1 would have gone higher. Hilpert is1 more1 to do this year as wellîa took a third in the shot put, and SHolmcs and Seiler copped fqurths in îiext. The next. stcp is at . hant1 the Ligh hurdles and 440. respectively. Urge your parents to act on the aP- This meet markcd the last time in1 peal. made by the board of education. a New Trier uniform for six. of the and the Parent-Teach.er associationhoeby.TearCptiQu- to overcome the obstacles., of next Ian. Walter Wanger. John Kirby. year. Ben Brion. Stick Pavlicck and Fra'nk T'le need is great and the difficuil- 1Hilet*i ejcoas~n pii tics must be overcomie. Are we going winners during the entire scason and to leave the task unfinished, leaveýwl,. isdnx er the garden half-wc.eded or the bread iii emssdnx er -half-baked?. No, New ýTr ier can nflt 1î<'i*-yd. deisli' mWrn by Herman (OP) » and will flot fail. The barrier, which 'Nevvton (NT) second; Nichols (OP) stnsin the way .of,.a bannier' year third; Watterqs (P) fourth. TImé-':09.9* stands (Ecî,uals league record). for the next somester, must berazed. i -d.ds-Wnb Herman (OP): ýOurs is.to sec that it is! Our acti- I Nichpls (OP) second; Watters (P) vities and pivlees .ilgo n.. onlythird; -Frees (P) four-th. Time- :22 i s .cd ouii- sîae o<o' Equabs league record). i1 0-yd. high hurdles-Won bi-Gi- Thle task is ready for, comnpletio I ham (OPIi; Runge (E) second; Duncan and we're the onies to. complete Il. (OP) third; Holmes (NT) fourth. Tinie Co0me on1, let*s go!.162 ____________________________ 220-yd. low hurdles---Won by Newton (NT) ; Graham (OP) second; .Doherty 'New Trier Just (P . d Dna (OP) fourth. Time * *4-10-yd, dash-Won by Heg (E) -,Pear- Misses Winning 'son (P) second: Hair (E) third; Seller Suburba Meet NT) f'ourth. Time- :50.9 (new league Tableet POfltbReeves <E) second;' Johnstori (OP) (ak Park.40 ý4 Proviso..... S third Haley, <E> fourth. -Time-2 :03.7.l NWTltriR- 37 Dëei-field, . :Mile run-Won by Sneberger (M); Evaýn.,ton ..,30 o-o..... Engel (E) second; Johnson (OP)-,third; Again. although, this, time by the1 Michel <E) fourth. Time-4 :12 of mrgîs. Ok Prk, Pole valt-Won by- Stewart (pE) narroest ingsley (NT), Smith (P),. Trabert> (E) -tate champs for. the past three ycars, 1ail tied for second. Height7ý11 feet. caîpturcd the annual Suburban League,. High jumnp-Won. by.. Hay, (D),,- Be - track and field mnect hceld last Satur- jeck. (M),. Jennings (E), MýcCalI (OP) ail tled for, first.Higt5 feet and day at Phelps field. Their mai-gin of inchles. vîictory %\as onl\v 3,Y points ovýer the Rroad junipr-Wmon by Wanger (NT): Gray-Green lads and' the outcoine bn-s<P) second: Runge. (E) third: ~~~vas~~~~~ ii ohLyi h îs .e~ 1 diard (OP) .fourth'.Distance-21 feer i-dy. hîch Oak Park copped to Sbot 1put-WýNon . by .Schuiiail(T) carrv off teani honors. I in~ci(. eod ipr NT) Fouti-"n records er set and 1W third; Bourkýard (OP), fourth. Distancu ne.w. 1 .ei-47 feet S ini'hes cd to steal third and the catcher thrcw wild to third. Wilson came home when the catcher misscd the throw by tl-e third baseman. So New Trier's first run ivas scored on thrc errors.* Morton- got their threc runs in the fourth and fifth innings. In the fourth,, Kessîci- singled, followed by Haiz and Schrocder who' flicd out. Kessler stole second. Usavage singled over first, sending Kessler home with fhe first run for Morton. Theygot two in the fifth when Statkus got on first hy an error by DahI whcn he let the ball go through bis, legs. Sainati singlcd. sending Statkus to third. Thev both qcored a miénute later on err.ors- by Bebas and Dahl. Go WÏld si Fourth inuing New Trier wvent..%ild in the fourt.h when thev' scored three runs on two hits. Church, started it oiff with a. bang oût to center field. flansori walked and Dahi * singled' scnditw', Church home. Gillogly sacrificed. and flanson and tiahi came home on errors bv the first baseman and the catcher. The next two men flied ont. ending the inning.- Morton threatened in the, sixth %vhen Wi lson s truck out, the firgt nman and let the next two get siingles., Church was taking no chanicesý. so he call'e( for a new pitcher. and Foslund %vent in. He struck ont Statkus and threw- the pitcher ont. Tucsday. MNav 24, New Trier plaved Evanston at New' Trier. Evans'ton" was victorious bv the score of 9-3, in elcv.en~ innings. New Trier got an earlv Iead and was winning, 3 to 0. in the fonurth inning. Evanston tied it uip in the sevcnth by getting threc runs; a home-mun by the. pitcher wvith one on helped themh to secure these runs. The score.remnainccl 3-3 until h elcvth inning when Evans- ton scored six runs with -the aid of two more home-runs. Here's New Trier. L ineump Th'e ineup for, New Trier wvas a s fOjoloS: Cole. 2h; Nicoil. If; 'Churchi. lb : Gillogly,. rf: Dahl. ss : 1Hanson. 3h: Lind, c.Bebas, cf: Kimibel.p: About 425 seniors will be graduated. Presentation of the diplomas wiII be macle by Otto, R. Bai-nett of. Glencoe, president of the New Trier, board of education, assisted by Supt. Matthew P. Gaffney. Both Mr_ Barnett and Mr. Gaffney will make a few re-' marks. The class gif t to the school will be presented by Paul Netterstrom, t hé senior cia ss president. Music for the exercises ivili be furnished'by the boys' and girls' gle 'e clubs' of the stchool and by the boys' octet. Tennis Team ises forSuburban Titie. The New Trier tennis team'tied for the Suburban league titie. with Oak'Park when Ray Bartieman. and Bill Clover «woni the League Doubles championship at. Oak Park Saturday. Bart.lemnan and Clover 4lefeated Bur- gess and Quayle' of Oak Park, 8-6, 6-1. in the finals after defeating Lott and Young of Mortonin i the second round and drawing a bye ini the first. Bickel of Oak Park won the sin- gles by defeating Rasmussen oiv anston in straight sets, 6-2, 6-2. Tom Sinding,,New Týrier's entrant ini the, singles, was defeated by McClure of Deerfield. Bartleman and Clover are playing in the finals of the Stagg tourney against Shostrum, state singles champ, and Armsbury of Parker -High of Chicago. These New Trier boys upset. Hoffer and .Sprague of Joliet, the state doubles champs, in the second rouind after drawîiig a bye in the first round. Their next. opponents, Bickel and Piggott of Oak Park., were defeated, 3-6, 6-3, 1!-9, in one of the best matches of the tour- ney. In: thé semi-finals Rich and Dean of 'Morgan Park were beater. in straight sets, 7-5, 6-4, The final match will- be. played -this Friday at the Midway. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Next week's guide-lecture tours for the general public at Field Museum "f. Mt it..4....1__11i * .k- -s star 'of the' Gray-Green, hopped over ton teani to the tune f -, lnc- erxa ........1 3 the 220-yard low hurdies in the ex- day afternoon, May 25, on~ the tiévw'Kessler C(' 3 ceptionally good timie of :25.1 to bef- Phelps field. It was the first gaine Haiz ......i, F., 4 tcr the lcst previous timie of :25.3. that Morton had Iost this vear. Both Schroeder »'S 3 Schuman, New Trier high-point mnan, tcams played under the non-coacliing Usavage 1$ Ileaved the platter 115 fcet, 3 inches, agreement betwecn Morton and New FeflrychBF 5 np rir ha..risth.apan.t taksc 2 inches farther than last year's e Tretaprmsthcpai o Sainati V:.. Mark. Schuman ýalso won the'.shot mun the -teani. Nw'rir00 o put, to give him 10 points 'and indi- . Voodrow Wilson, pitechcd a splen-, Morton ... 000 120. O H E'T 5.3 75, TWIE, wi t rpa Ra@& AVEUlIt

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