Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 1

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ASK r p.o. Civic esnge Directors Against Garner Program Including Fedieral Buildinàg Here EDUCATIONAL FUND General Conitrol In these times of increasing. tax- ation does 'Wilmette want the* Ulited Stts goverument 'to spend-$20000 on a; new local post office building: The board. of. directors of the \Vil-: mette Civiic league thinks not.' Last week Speaker, Garner of the niational Flouse of Represenltatives spons'iored a program 10 sprinkle new, poStý office buildings ýrather' liberallyý ail over the country.. Among. those plannted is one. for Wilmette; also others for some other north shore, villages. Tliese buildings. of course., iiist be paid -for'out of, federal. tax-' ation, which congress has been strug- ~glifïg so lineffectua]lh these; rnanN rnonthis to re(Iucc. On Tuesdayv the tîvie league (irectors met adds CInSsedltlie situiation andl then uniani-: i~o~lv )~tse(Ithefoloiving resolu-' lionl Adopt Resohtion 8eit rsle that the piublished p rog rat for building a newpost officeé building ini Wilmette at this time is repuignant to the public interest of' thle coImmu.Iity. that we are oppose(1 lo it; that ,ve have a postal card ref- erendumi of the niemibersip of the CIvic league taken to obtain their vote on tis proposaI. and that a commit- tee be appointed to niemorialize thec Ilililois delega4tionii ICongress on thé S ilj ect." A, coinnittee of the league at once beganf to i nvestigate thec reasons., for tlic suggestion of spending tliis amutof. mloney anid raising federal taxes toý pay for the builditig. It learned thàt somne years ago %vhen the reiit for the présent post, office quarters w~as' moiuniting rapidlyil t was es'timnated a goverinment-owN-ied build- ing miighit be erecteil cheaply etiouigh to niake it more profitable to ownI titan tb rent Now some of ftie orig- Instructional Service ..... > Operation of Plant Equipmn.ent. Fixe Chages.Insurance. FEtc. A uxi lia ry Agencies Healtli. Lbrar%,. Playgrounds BUILDING FUND Maintenance of Plant Fi.xed Charges Special Assûsýments Debt Service Tnt. on Anit'p't'n Warrants Bonds ... Interest on Bonds .... .. Capital ÔOutlay. ..... Budget 1931-32 $12,980.00. 148,700.0() 5,606.00 1,390.00 5.985.00 12.000.00. 15.000.00 14.000.,00 15M850.00 38.855M0 $308.770.W, 350 Enroli to Date - or Summer Classes, Ab out 350 students had enrolled for(. te New Trier High school summner Session up to tite beginiiiiig of this iveek, itivas reported aI bite schioolý office Tuiesdav. Altliougit a rnajority of the students are of high school age. tiere is plenty of room for aduits vvhoi may care to take such courses as typing or dra- matics, Supt. lMatthiew P. Graffney announced this week. The summer school is being oper- atdon the. tuition basis for the first timne titis year.. The tuition, smnall as it is, may seem, a barrier fo parents Who would like ti send. their,,cliildreni to the summier scitool, Superintendent Gra-ff ney points ýout, but ýif. a boy is idle during thte summner he probably will flnd vvays to spend as miuchi or moreti ta n thte cost of tuition. h xp e nded 1931-32 Estimiated to 61/132 $12,700.00 144:485.W, 32700.00 2547.00 82300 5.445.00 4.605.00 31600.00 12000.00 14.000.00 15.134.00 39,390,00 $287.455.00 SCHOOL BUDGET J COSTS SLASHED Budget 1932-33 $ 1,673.00 100,628.00 i 000.0o 1.050.00 3,742M0 5.400.M 1 3,000.001 17,000.00_ 16.000*00 330.00O $204./2,3.0 Planl to Issue Bonds to Meet Teachers' Wage In order to pay legal dlaims and( teaciters' salaries past due. the, Wil- miette board of 'education. decided at a meeting lheld last Titursday ni-lit' t0 issue bonds for titis purpose undeér tite provisions of an act passed I)y thé Illinois General Assembly last February. .The act autitorizes *'school districts hiaving a population of not more thani 150,000 to1 issiue bondsý for the pay-7 ment of legal dcai ms or for th e pay-j ment of -orders issued for, the wages of teaciters and to levy taxes to payý the principal and interest, of such, bonds." This action of the Wilmette board of education was niecessitated by thé 4elay in thte extension and' collectic-. oftaxes levied by lte board, a delav caused by the reassessment of .real property in Cook county. Man% other scitool districts in lte co unitN Board Cuts.Salaries 15 percent and >capital Outlay is Reduced to Mere $330 The budget of the Mimette public schools for, the, 1932-1933 term, adopt- ed at a meeting 'Of the Wilmette board of education last Thursday night, shows a marked reduction f rom the budgetof the year now drawving to a. close. Proposed expenditures provided for in the 1932-1933 budget' amount, to $204,723, a saving of more than $65,000 over, this year's budget of $308,770, which includes an item of $38,855 as capital outlay for the Howard school, addition. The capital outlay provided for iii the 1932-1933 budget is* only $330 to take care of the interest on a mtrtgage. Slash Teacer Salaries The estimated amouint expended under the 1931-1932 budget up to June 1 was $287,455, approximately $21,00 under the ,amount provided 'for in the. budget. Much of the saving in the new budget has been effected through the, seduction of teachers' salaries. Ail teachers and ail other employees of the Wilmette public schools. with the exception of the janitors have taken a 15 percent salary cut. janitors' sal- aries were reduced 1.0 percent. Wher- ever possible teaching positions have been eliminated, the board of educa- tion, annoulnced. Instrutction Cost Cut An. iteM. of. $100,628 is provided for instructional service in the 1932-1I933 budget. This is, more than $48,000 under the amount provided for the same purpose in the 1931-1932 budget. Proposed expenditures for other, items such as operation of the plant, equîpment, general control anid the~ various autxiliary agencies have been sîmilarlv eucd Local Police Officers Juin Metropolitan Force bers of theliaauuuai congress. Juno HARmON~Y PLAN MEETING muasic. P A meeting. of the Wilmnette ,Perpetual Newli U Harmnoinv convention establisbeid re- Pbi cently at a coniferepce of. ,represenlative ReCreat ciliztns lias been ca.led for Monday, Society june 3 ews...24- Lion......4 Page......, Mary McKay, music supervisor in the of education Iast I hursday it was die- scitools, announced this week. The cided 10 follow the usual custom of instruments now available include holdingfthe commencement exercises three violoncellos, two violins, three of the Wilmette public schools in the trumpels and one clarinet. These can Howard school gymasium. The ex- be secured..by calling Miss McKay or ercises will. be held on Friday night, Mrs.- Cath.erine Graniquist Wagner, it june 17, when -a class of about 180 was anhounced. pupils will be, graduated. Here's 1932-33 Sehool Budget

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