Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 36

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'conductecl under the directiont of the ways and means conmmittee. The itiîterary includes both Lake Dcievan and Lake Genevar and an unu suai opportunity is being offered to eitjoy S 1pecial beauty spots of titis ticit- loyed region. Mrs. Ralph T. Huif 'îs- off eritg Iter suntmer honte at Lake E1izýaUèth as. a-place for.luncheon.' Hot and cold beverages will' be served, to round out the iîtdividual picnic luncheons each traveler will carry. The party wifl then drive to the Yerkes, ob- servatory, front wltich.one-m .ay over- look much ofîtite surrouniding.comn- tyas Wel'- as becomne acquainted with the work. and purposes of thiat famous intstitution. Late r the beau- tiful Hutchinson gardens of 70 acres are to be inspected, and fiîtally thç gardenof aitother club member is to be visited. Mrs. Walter G. MacIn.. tosh, has a lovel y home. at Lake Geneva and invites the group to be lier guests. * Reservatons mxay be made withi Mrs. R. D. Oiar, 318 Seventeenttl street, who is chairman of tours, and with ber co-chairman for this tour, Mrs. George Bassier, 301 Seventeenthi street. Other members of the corn- mittee are Mrs. Ralp'h Meakeri Mrs. Ernest Cazel, and Mrs. Harry Mons., Information may aiso bé had from Mrs. H. A. Finney, 833 Greenwood avenue, who is chairman of the ways and means committee. lay *morning. The ex-, ur~ is moderate. Meint- 4 N. S. Smith College i 'Club Elects Off icers, (Mrs. William D. Kirkpatrick of Evanston wàs elected presidetitt..of the Evanston-North Shore' Smith college club at a meeting held WVed- hoeo fiMrsi Frederiay C. Minkher hoedo ftMsernonMayF25 at te in Evanston. Otiter officers elected j are Mrs. Richard Stanley Tuthili. Jr. of Evanston, vice-presiclent; Mrs. and beautiful grounds of the homne of Mrs. Robert Law, 333 Keîtilworth avenue, on the afteriîoon of- Fridai- june 10. The. Iours wili be from 2 uîîtil 5 o'clock. Everyon.e is welcomie and invited to.chat, have tea, or play a game of cards at a nomina[ charge. Mrs. -Arntaît'dEH. Pevcke of 240, Raleight road, eilNVorth1, is chtair- man of the gardeut party antd1 Mrs. Louis. G. Raggio of 61.0 Abhottsfordý road, Keniiwortlt road. 'Kenilwortil. is .iii charge of refreshîtteîts. The proceeds will go ýto, aid die philanthropy work of the Rector's Aid societv. MacDowell Society. to Meet in "Old En gland" The Nor'th Shore M'acDowvell so- ciety will hoid its fast îteeting of the. curreîtt seasoît on Tuesday eve- tiîtg, June 7, at 8 o'cJocçk, at'Old Eîtg. land, in 'the Chimneys' in Winîtetka, with its iiiembers t-le gues ts of -Mrs. Roland Wlhitmant of Winnetka and Miss Helen Sears of Kenilworth. The program w,%illi"be nmade up of extracts f romn "Couiquistador" at other poetic works of Archibald Mfac- Leish', and excerpts froin Marcia, Davenport's "Mozart." to be given by Helen 0. Roesiîtg of Evanston. Oid Engiand is situated one block west and onte block' nortit of tite t dian' Hill station. Announce Engagement of Miss Phebe Hedrick Ur. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrîck of .304 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, an- nouîtee the engagement of their daugh- ter, Phebe,' to Sterling L. Smith of NKew York, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. *A. Laurence Smith of Detroit. The wed- ding will take place early it Augusi in Scotland. .Miss Hedrick, is a grad- uate of the. Roycemore School for.- Girls in Evanston and bas had three years of study at the Art institute in Chicago. She returned iin April of this Year' frorn seven rnonths' study of paintting ini Paris. Mr. Smith is a graduate of the Uni-versity of Miclii- JIiS .s- delajide Atkin of 12Ž mdi- au f-ii/road. WImni't'ka, is il, chtg'of the !lroup of deb iitaiites tdto ZL-111Se// ci*qareu'S i'and ,assisi tlIrmi iIit thte eve'imig of the' char- 1i.tv dou l-l' iday, lune 3, at .Siiset kidtp' Cou,,tri' club,, for- t/e benefit- of thte Gilds 1HilINrev çho The girls who have coîtsented tb assist at the affair which wiii be 'lite of the largest social events of the week, and of the sumnter seasoît, are the Misses Ann B~yron Sm'ith, Mary Ellen 'Prind iville, Evelyn Bouscareit. Margaret HamilI, Dorothy Dewes. and Lucy Jacobs. Th lle carnival and special entertain- ntentt feature of the evening Nvill be tspecialiy stressed., The servies~ of Mine. Scherazada, a weil kîîowît Chi- cago fortune telle, have.bee-n secured for th-e; vening, and, the' Melody Maids, weil known to -radio audi-. ences, Mrs. N. Normait- Coptîtorne,: Mrs. F. S. Bosworth, and Mrs. George W. Kreer, wil'l sing several 1selections during the dance interinîs.;, tiegiii6"--'i5 garuen or v irs. *YIlar 'Cresap aiid Nrs. Charles R. Jacobs,. ihese wtll i)e Open hbetweeilt tue itours of 3 amid 7 o'clock for iiispec- tioni, atid for à gardeni talk anid tea which villi henefit the Park Ridge School for Girls.ý A smnall gr.oup *M . girls§ivillcorne, out, frointthe sehotti to ýsing a!ndý there are to be twvo Ili- formnai .talks. NMrs.' \illard jacq>ues, of Chicago is to speak oii "Moderiis in the Garden.- " and Fraiz, Lipp \%.;Il talk oin "Europiean Iiitlueiiée 0o1 Apiericait Gardenîs." Th.e prograin hiour is front to 5.ý Througiout the aiteriiuuii NIr,. Harriman. Rogers of.,\Vii net ka will tell fortuites. Aniother cia fea- ture will *he ,ai- exhibit (if Cz.ecio- Siovakiani laces. and ciinl>roiderje.,. Part of the, Worid's. Fair of 189L3. presented later to thé scehool 1W Mrs. Potfer, Palnmer. Miss Lucy Jacol s lias cliosen a numi)ier of \Viiîtetka girls to0 ass i t, as Weli. as the -followiitg fronti out- side the village:,Mrs.Edvard F. Clark, Mrs. Da-i'd Kimiball, 'Mts.; Jantes Stevenson,,NIr s. Leonard Bridges,- Miss Charlotte Ec-kart. ai'1 Miss Alice Jacques. Tickets are obt iitiable at the door ,or front any' of' the fol.ow.iîtg mcmii- tiers -of the committe.e in chtarge: Mrs'. Cresap, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. X\Vil-. liant H. Nich-ols, ..rs. Charles "Kel- e.r, Mrs. George Forrest, Mrs. George Frentch, Mrs. -George Parker, -NMrs. WVilliam Chamiberlaiti. Lillian Fitch Sets June 23 for Wedding Invitations will be 'Issued the enid of this week for the wedding of Miss Lillian Fitch and Ralph H. Rehbock of Seattle, sonof -Mr. and Mrs. Johnr Frederick Rehbock of Yakima, Wash.,, Thtirsday evening, juite'23, at . 6:30 o'ciock, at the WilmetteMeodt churcit, with Dr. Horace G. Smitit oifficiating. A weddingsupper for the family, 'relatives, and intintiate friends will be served immediately after the ceremony in the garden of the home of the bride's parents,' Mr. and Mrs.* Claud1e Eames Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette.' Miss Elizabeth Fitch is. to be ber - ' ' *'."- * '."4N, r£'n w * oinV'J I, I VL.VIIi>'; LU the board of directors of the 'Nortlt -Miss Brenna HaNviey, 515 Warwick Shore Art league. Miss Caroline road, Kenilwortb, was hostess to the Eckstorm of 888 O)ak street, Win- -members of the New Trier Girls' Glee îxetka, who leaves- soon for an ex- club, of which Mrs. Marian Cotton is tended trip abroad, was the' guest of director, Tuesday afternoon o! this honor, and was presented with, ait weé1k. attractive handbag by.he>r friends. Reading Circle Hostess The Wilmette Reading circle wiii ineet at the home of Mrs. Henrv B. Gates, 911, Washington street, 'Ev- anston,, Monday, june 6. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smnall, 411 Mfapie avenue, with their s'on,' Stod - dard, went tô Moline, Ill., last week- end to visit their daugliter antd ber husband, Mr. antd Mrs. Merle C.. Nutt, and the. lattes' small daughter, Martha. 4

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