Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 39

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liic bÇLJUUIs. The concert at the Stolp .wtll bbe given tlîis afternoon (lay) ini the -school gymnasiun ning at 1:30. o'clock. The con the Howard school auditorit start at the saine hour homort Both concerts xil be given iparts,. Miss McKay ann oun youngen, children appçaring the first lîour froi 1:30 to 2: thce older p)upils froi 2 :30 t1 Parents îiay -attend cither ît or second' part of the progi they do not care to listen to > tire conIcert, it is anniiouiced..- '1'Tile piano classes arc tinden rection of Nfrs. Fdith YVivian prograin for the Stolp school today is-as foflows: B1~ alra Mi hgé,. 1" ey.jevon, 1,; Slep bi1)3Sleep < -r1lI fi'ggy ulr I PdvJirdI'î-h Mta rch foi, SiIîîr'-... . -W'ills P.utlcrI fis forrner troupes. 1 L scl()O Thy wllplay on the (T 's-ýorthwestern univer- t bgi- StVcourts Tuesday ncert in and Wednlesday, Julie 1mii wviîî 7 and 8, at 4 p). in. row. Othiers ini the pârty in twow.ill be Hans Ntiss- -es.; tuein, -the younig Ger- during .mn ~star who now .-'. .30,d an'the 1E'uropean :303:30. professionial champ- 1011sliip; Karel Koze- 1 s lî.Czech - Siova- rai ~kian, a n d Roman tlle en- I~o~~u~ the 'l(1l-Kozelph %vas here concert imer for the local de-, but of. prof essional tennod~is, anld Nussicin laur ande; Najurh ,were AIlîs-on, witlîh ii fcr the in- , ,door .exhibition .at Mey, i t h c Nort lhwestern gym last %vnter. Sli" Ticke ts for thc MNod, î, illtuairics are ln-ow 011 sale at theý North- western gymnijasîumn, (619 Clark street, Chandler's, oni "horelîtel Il< te 1-l> il ,vaiistoni.Tom .Lîk n1 .Jay iiî ?I<T.~an ltm 1hj a ri<în Filent, eg g y Jvnnt B. 11 )y Duîtinz ., iessn"r 1 Peg g y Pierson Phymli, ratti 'Il'îîePride o(f the Regiment Cra nmond Twn >pRi\ er Fr' h'?ulItu v <;adenis G . t inger I liff . . 'leie \A nîIIs l. i t bl, Wi 't eWSae rîh T >TySdi~a rtwr Ia r Jen nIt-S, 1P4tt N' lli . t lerherf .i. Lou1 is lh<i 1 uAlis f er, 'l'i - rd ()I i anaeý Sa1 ih r 'îxIfae LightîY liow Famii;r1 jIbdd EL)i)inct)tt Ed n.> 5k inilI\ Iiej î ' 1'le 1Ne n NIy 1(ýl Pln ;riu1oîis X çungherg (e<,ge Xê-sutt tGî~thensW'ooden Shoes ..Fae Tht.Fîfand thie"Fairx- . entley '(ythtCia ll. uthnidgeé Naîj'rv .John:t.î. ý ...... 1,'I lo N o More la Saliling ..Frel .h I>latsy III('itf, iletty .Tane 'Pose, Tree 'rzaesLilIl IInZttergren (iiiu-k anîd Ninide Roi fe Valse !Il M, Fiat.......Duranci Il i(.e iiepold('îi'u to" .. ,. . ... . ellet. MlI<iy Nay ..Miessner Valevie.M.ainis, .acqiuelin Balhatchet, ililnStul)be'yPiro ..........................................Klln .ohnî Erwiîî (togTrzakes ltrOodiand. Wa 1t7 . . ...QUI I GyM ' Rondo -a ydnI attsy ('uniLouis Mlho T he .ashpeFaIniIy P, R1 T'l'ou Ltr ly ..MacDowell * Phoebe McL(a n . Betty W tchs lieap, Ithfe Flax......-.Swedish S'olfeggietto.......... B..lach 1 BiI ll iigýgéc<>ek Iuosaniond ii aValerie Adamis, T'c>iîys New DruîuPrstnDo> jq X otlgbelrg Patsy Bird .FIo i,;i the prograni for- the Avaanhe .luIe(r ILwartl suhool content tomorrow: Butty Jean Moguld]g...... . iii4 1 Airthi's, the North Clear the moon is. Sii.g. Iessiner Kininmey Lion Th7le Elf and. the Fairiesý ....... Béetley Jeani Mathews, Marjorie Haighi Eugene Sittig SItumber Song............ ... . Schubert Hurdy Gurdy.......Neopolitan Clinmbing........... MacLaclilan Betty Hialey, Ruth Stanwood * Group -il Couptry Gardens .......Grainger Ttoamod MMilanDoris Youngberg * Gerald Spinner Old Fashiodned Gaiden ... ....Hunter Bruce&Caisoný Curivus Story ... .......elli Frederlc Straueh A March,'for Sailors .. .. atdley * Teddy Haàberkoriii Quick and ýNimible .........Rolfe Rýichard Robinson Castanets............ebe Billy Grahani Guiitar............anor John IHaleç on Monctay (emorial day) the league leading jarvis A. C. team handed the Pioneers a 7 to 0 trimmning. The Sunday garne went twelve inni- ings. The Pioneers were leading 7 to 6 as the ninth inning started, but the Cardinals, tied the score in their haif of the, inninig>and pushed . across the winning, run in the twelfth. Tbe Pioneers alsothreatened in the twelfth, but after they had loaded the bases. with one out, a double play, spoiled the fun. schleUter stars Sclileuter pitched f or, the Pioneers in. the - Sunday gaine. -Hie struck *out ten mnen. The Pioneers'outhit tue Car- dinas, 15 to 13. jo.e Lonntiergun,. ýPioneer right fielder,_smacked a home mun. The Monday game Was not so niuch of a walkaway for the. Jarvis A. 'C. ieami as the, score ight indicate. The league leaders, who have lost no gaines this season, wNene outhit by the Pion- eers, 8 to 5, but Bob Smiith of North- western. university. the Pioneer pitcher, walked ten men. .White. did the catch- mng for the Wilmiette teamn in both the Sunday and Monday gaines. Both gaines were played at Boltwood park, Evanston. Play Boosters Net.< On Suniday,.. Jupe 5, the Pioneers ,wiii play the Van Hecht Boosters, an- other leagu.e team, in Chicago. The game will start at 3 o'clock. Miss A shley Denies Ru mors of Closing In denial of rumiors that Royce- more school ILvanston, would piot open next fail, 'Mis Rebecca Ashley, prin- ci pal, dèclared this week 'that thiere is no foundationi for such reports and that preparations for the next school term are already well advanced. Registration for the niew year lias been -in1,progress 'for. Soine weeks, and 'plans are: being made- to acconi- modate an, enrolinient equal to., hat of thé past ycar, she stated. - The sch'ool office will be:open dur- ing the earlyý part of the sunmmer to receive registrations, and later Mrs. Keith Preston, associate principal will take-charge of the e'nrollnaent. Donothy Wachs .\anchqing ... Miessner Ruth .Baker' hiking, Marjorie Mock of Etranston; Quick id Nimble ..........RIÇ> Carol Kffhn, Marc Liîipen Toy Soldier...... .. Warne-r nmscellaneous, Caroline Buck of Ev- Orlin Waidil l'Il go no more A Kailing. .I.French . Junior Matson angton. Hlide m1d Seek......iîi»î' Florice Jones Warrior's Song . ....... Rlier Bue fWillians So and Sunshine ý.......... Russian Gerald Spinner Turkislî Rondo ý.......ý......eu.tzlin Elizabeth Lonergan Ges Hungary ............... ....Kollg Mrî. Roy Osgood, 423 Essex roacl, Anita Blum, Margaret '%elhol)( Puddles........... Bruce Carltsony Peggy Pierson Phyli is Grahamn Solfeggietto............... Bh Kenliworth, is ieaving the niiiddle of SaltetotheCoon......AthnyMelody Wýay.......Menr Junior Matson, Doris Youngttergk, isxekfrhrumehoea DavId Mel bye Ele oano ôaodMMla Lincoînville, Mainie.

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