Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 40

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Trac k Stars Honoired, Blasehaîl - Certificates: F r a il I Cbnurch. captain. Gus Bebas, Clarence Dalul. Hlarrv Gillogly, Rav Kimîbell, liamis; lethers: b ec Blaylock, Robert BraîtGeogeCole, Walter Fosluid, Victor llanison. Jàimnes Jovcc, E'dwarc, M.eier., Dav(Id Routsong, Robert Runuîfeldt, jack Sinding, jolîn tru rg- gles, 1\,e(odIroNv Wilson, Wihlari: NIcicr,; senior iicral : hDon u gllesý seniuor u; jgc 1olui I )urncelîl ; inn. uer uanagers : Toii lsiJ ohni I eckunan. Senior track- Certificates: .George A\. Quiulan. Jr., caphain,-Charles I lolmies, John <ibAlexilider New- ton, IDoniPavlicek, XWalter Xanger, Stanton S'chunman ; letters : John Bal- lenger. Louis Bollensen,. Benx Brion, Lauirence Buckinastcr,'Clande Hainil-. ton, .Frank I-ilpert, jaunes Kingsley, Rex Martin. Barhletf Price, fBob Sei- 1er, Bob) Tiorsen, Bi'arl Wein stock; senior manager: 'Bob) Leonard ; jun- ior mnanagers:- Bob- Greenh'laîghu, Bob Hicks. junior track, '34-zTaury Bot thof, Martin Bridges. Cliarles Brown, I ick Hall, Bob) Hermanson, Phil Hosa', George Maxwecll, Bud Thiackeray. junior -rac k, '35-Arthur, Delang, Paul Dempsey,. Bill Faymonville, George Laing, William, A., Martini John Muhîke, Chiartes O'Connel!, E-ý war(l Snyder, Ted Snmithi, Fred \oe G"olf--Cer-tific;ttes: ('harles Wc e<l, captain', Eligenle tleIllolit, .jo111 \\otington ; letters : .-Harold Freds- ho, 1-' fiin Sci ldberg.' 'reiuis--ertificates : Tomi Sindîng. cap)taini;,,ltters : Ray Bartelînan, DihI Cl!over. Cliarles Knapp. Ned Icvinsoul, S1ielley Miner, Robert Wagner; senior manager : Bill Pav'ey ; jun io manager.: George Logan. Names :Engraved on Trophy <William, Kidd ,and George Cole. two otsi atdi'g' sp)outs Cl .ub m îenu- bers, wvho have contril>uted iunsci fish-' IV hottîe seryice of the club 1)ýand in. pron otion of* intraunural sports at N1ew Trier, were honor.ed b.y having tlieir naines engraved. on the' Sports Clubi trophiy presenhed ho the club in 1930 by NMr. Shiowley, director of ini- Bi.ehop Edwciur Hoit. Hughes of, Wvilmet te, for tlhe last cig/t years resident' eeccuuive of the Mcliiodist El.piscopal. churclu in thec Chuicago arca, lias beeft appointéd Iotheli bisluopric of flue c/Ui at f'lu intgto>l, 1). C., The transfer wîas made <t the gencral cofcrencc juist concludcd ail Atlant ic Cil v. Ile succeccds is/uaP illiam F raser McI)ow ertired, aundflhc local office is non' lueld kby ishop J.ruucst I.Waldorf. formerlv of -thuc Kar- sas bishopric. -is .a raI)rgiui, who lias ' )ecî iliiNNitlî a iight case of scarlet fever for 'loI a mionti. lias returnied frouîî ie Evauistoni hispital.'111(1 i., convhcsingat hlilîou&at 027 For - est avendte. N1iSs Shlîuev RIo.-s hlas goie. Io' \Vasiîngto eattendl the. comlmenlce- niien t. cxcrcuscs, at Metit 'Vernion senuînav, w lic mue~ as ,Iraduattedl ast tn.1 M r. a 1 1<(1NI rs. joli îl 1clhox(_ms, for- nîchv t Knîhorti, eu-c the eek- enîd g ie s ts of Mr. anîd .Nrs. Chartes Vare ,of Al)lottsfordlroad, Reii- worth. Clarenice Arniold, DIon aid Easterberg, Lewis Eldridge, PatJ-oskiiig, Hlenry- spea'k at 'the afternoon sssioln ai Jüne 8, 'at 10. Thisgrp is the 1 o'clock. Dr. Strayer lias beeiî largest to have conipleted the re- brough.t to Chicago ]w flic Chicago quirei nufns of thec four-year course School board to niake a sirv'ev of thic for tlic degree ait te college. Sixty *school svsteni and wvIlI telllflie results, third-year students will claim the of his findings ai this meceting. idegrtnEe nardioast I)uring flie past few monlthls th lis---th r-e7but ftie majority. plan ho Cook Coulhy. League of Wotienl retÜrn for tlie fourth vear. Voters lhas urgcd thé l)reservation. of D.Abr .Ceo h tfle social services iniftic school Dr'AbrtB.Ce fih Cnge gational chnrch, Oak Park, 'viIl give teni, ftic visîtîng teaclicrs. tlic Uwa- the commencement address, and tiona1 Guidance bureau. and(lic the cr Pres. Edna Da Br'wi one wbich lsevies arc coflsi(lcre(den~~r ilcn specal srvics * flicthedegrees and diplonias and1 pre- mîore uecessarv iia finie Iik>c uthi ent flic fifteen thonoirarv ,scholarslîips p)resent than ftic\,have ever h>eii bc-I- gvt i e ogntinof otstanidingý fore. The league lias also pointtC(I nit Sdilarsîlil and teacling abii.ity. î1n letters to niembhers of flic Schioolj b)oard that, takîii n jut a.ceQuntle To Carry'Daisy Chain increase ininuinber of î)ttiils, flic i j ~"lie programni will open. with tfie struictio nal activities 'have beencuct, processional of the graduatiîîg classes, below filic.1924 lev-el.,while a corre- which will enter throughi the aisie spoiiig cut lias flot been lmade ini formed by tfli daisy ch.ain carried b%, tflibusiness departînient. Miemibers (if a group of 24 sophomiores chosen. by, flie League are loo-kinig.forNard %vitlî their class for ibis horoo. unuicli ait icipation t wbat Dr. St rayer 'l'lie coming week is 1 illd with ývill bave to say, about tiiese aîid otlîer Commnencement activities, including problenms Of thé Chiicago sclil(s. ftie commencement proni toiiirrow At ftieimortiii,, session of ftic couii- ievening' (Friday) at- fieVista del cil, nvicli opens at 10):30, Mrs. R. E. î.lag.o, a, lunicheon at >flecCicagôo .Posaliskîi h ell of flic proposals be- ow and Teniîis club Satur<Iay, wvIth ingiiI(l l) ie sb-cînate 'l the faculty as guests of flic senior C'onsolidation of tlie State Commis- Sclass ad a class bréakfa t for* flic sien on lax.ation anid Expcîîditures, sophomnores at 9:30 'Tuesdayr morn- autli(rize(lat flic Jast sC55iOionlo thel ing at the Lincolin Park refectory. hegshaure Tîiscomîtte s ivesi- '[hlie l)accalatireate service wîll bc gatiuîg avs of, cliimînati.tîg îiiam 01'iîeld in 1Harr ison hall- at 4 Sundav, the 415 independent haxilig bodic.sii Cook counhy xvlîich. are one of the.ni 5 ihte e.PulA of èhif ouce o te brdnsun audof tb.e- -Firsî -Presh)yýterýian church, asý îucreasing hax rate. Consolidation tifjtesekr local goverinmntsý is eue of the itemis1 An ouldoor frolic for cliildre*ii froni onl the Cook Counntv Lceague's pro- mIission school$ anid orphanages; an grain for special support this cfuîu annmal event. sponsored by the col- .\ear. Mrs.. Posanlski is chairillan of hege council, %wilI be held on ftic struIcture of governînnctt for ilie u o campus Tuesday afternoo,î ai 2. Miss Çouuî< legue.Marcia Lundgren 15 jiresidenit of this Thelire *wiîli ie lea I)eri((1e\- cvte couincil, and Miss Elea nor Weeks bo programi suggestions for ilext 3ycar chairman' of -the comrnittee whicli 1w, Mrs. Posanski, Mrs. \Walter L. ill bring betiveein 20 0 and .300 chil- lienison., chairmian of 'taxation ; Mýrs. dren froin the lieart 'of, Chicago as lEIric W. Stübbs, chairmiau of iicii iv eli as from local institutions, enter-' tions anîd elections, Nrs. txninB. tain ihein for thé eafternoon, provide Stiles, chairmian of Cook_,Counîty gov- r efreshînents and send. theun home crnment- and Ni rs.. A. P. Anîderson, laden with flowvers, balloons, and chairmiati of minunicip al affairs., mem ories of real grass, and, trees. Peace Institute to I itanS iec Be Held'on Campius ChiinScee Ai1 wetinistitute of international Churches reltios' orpuiblic and privahe school > teachers, iniisters, college studelnts arid I"X etaui odnNuiuîaîy others in)tercstedl iii Xrl peace wiil) li 1w idJlyp;iotusni, De- lbeld at Northwestern nunivcrsity, * M.llcu sterisu dut o ielso 20 tb july 2, under asie ffi encd" a1flcsuj1tô h, e 1oj Amprauspices.lIA C, Icli dlw~ iii ai brehtc, oi Cr*st, Sc>_ .l m ....,, ws, A riUi urmette ,)tat liauîu<awarcls for business îiîont i une,inster of tie' First Meth- Delauig, Peter 'Gibert, Ted Hioskiug. proficieicy,-first, $25 ini gold, johin odish church. Ew'uinig Johansen, Bruce Karnes. Rotb- 'Milier' second, $15 inî gold,' Salty' *ert Robertson, Bob Rohhschild, Ar- Zaremba; hhird, $10 in gold, Anna M.anîd Mrs. Williani Conidit of hhe thur Adler, James Doinahuç, Donald Gerken, . Delewvare Water Gap arc visihîng the Frankel. Frances Hlaskini, Jack Leslie, The Barnett Bird and CIvicsEssay lather's son and bis wife, Mr. and Ms Bol> Meleney; one cut-Henry'Appel, prizes wHi' be ahinounced next mweek. H4oward WiJaso 729 Lake avenue. 'le lessCou-sernueoj, i so iuîcltided flic fohAlomvi ng passageýs fronii thie Chrsiî Scienlce *textlbe tk, "Scienîce and. Healtlh wvith Keyte hthe Scriptures,"' hy.Mary BakerEdy "Mortal error witl vai- ish in a mioral cheinicalization. This mental fermentationr has begun, ,aiid wvill continue unhil 'ahi errors of belief yiètd ho undershanding" (p. 96).

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