Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 44

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Since the coming of May, the gymi classes -have been spending their time practicing for the Field Day enter.- tainment for both morni ng and aiter- noon. 'the sixth-grade girls 'are giv- ing the, "Sailors' Hornpipe." The ,-ev- enth-grade girls have been working on five relays-the. avalanche, chariot, barrel,,star, and vault-and-crawl re- lays-fromn which they will choose the'best liked« three. The eighth- grade girls.wiil give the posture drill that they gave at the midyear exhibi- tion. There has been a great deal of dis- cussion as to.whether the winners of the afternoon events will receive their usual medals, because there is 11o money to spend for awards. The student couficil of Howard has chosen fromi the -suggestions for ra.tsinj money to pay for. awards, . given by the Recreation board,. the idtea of concession stands. These stands, which will be run by the pupils, will seil pop, ice cream, candy and bal- lbons. Everyone is looking f orward 'toý Field Day forit is one of. the.nos pleasant occurrences of the. sclv'ol year.-Betty' Dodds, Howard7B Be Kind to Birds and People, Student Urges Everybodv I arn sure wants ta hellp rbirds. Some people pay very little attention to birds andi othiers drive them away. Here is an -exaniple. One day ast week our room went on. a bird. hike back of the school witli Miss Stevens. We were returning and wesaw some smalh: boys stealing eggs. The poor parent birds were flying arounti trying to stop themn. 1 tikthose boys 'are very cruc1. Please try and be kind to birds., Try and help other, people' also.-Janc. Burbott, Howard6B SAYS THIRTEEN 15 LUCKY The eighth grades of Howard ar of 5ckeduted its Affer having finished the. schedulei basebaîl game, C-3 didn't turn out se well. The first game we played was on April 22 with D-3; which ended in our favoir,-30-28. The second game was scheduled on .April 29 with D)-1. The game was.called off on accouet of rain. Our next gamn*e was on May 6 with C7-2,ý which ended ini Our fa- vor, 4-3. On May 10 our fourth game. was with D-2 with the score 25-19. in D-2's favor. Our. last gaine was scheduled for May 13.with C-I. 1For no reason at ail this -game wasn't played. The captain of our teani, C-3,p was Walter von Reinsperg.- - Frank. Randali, Stolp 1 B. Girls .and Boys of- 8C Stage Spelling Contest The 8C class of H{oward. school is having a spelling contest betwcen the- girls and boys. This fias been going- on1 S1ince Mav 1 and will continue tili He iast, week oi schiool, %when the winne rs are to hoinored by itue lost#rs and 'given a'party., Miss>Stevetis pre- dicts that' if both sides. do not do ex- ceptionlall'y weill neithe r side, will be ab)le to hav.e. a party. so, we are. ail trvng urbest -uîie Srsel¶.J-o ard 8C. Gice clubs Present> Program Tomorrow Toinorrow eveing at 8 o'clock the giee clubs f romi Howard atid Stoip ,schools are going to give a spritig. concert. Every ý.year the gîce clutbs sing. XVe have miany people when you counit the boys and the girls, in the glee club and o rchestra. -'The clul)sare directed -byMrs.,.Clarkhe ,seventh and .eighth-grade music teacher. Any glee club or orchestra miemb.er wfih be able. to>,supply a ticket.-Verginia -Marsh, Howard 7c.' PLAN SPRING CONCERT I JThe different eighth grade rooms have elected certain people to write the. will, prophecy, and history. These people are now very busy. The peo- ple writing the prophecy are Mar- garet Lively, Steve. Wooýdhead, 8B. Mariorie. Staubitz, Bill Wade, M., and Ruth Stherland and Clark Ker-. win, *8C, the will-jane Mc'Clintock, Dan 'Mickey., 8B. Don Hermanson, Bill Grinnell, 8C, Shirley 'Gari Elmier Stone., 8A. the history-June, Sorsen. Betty Leslie and Jerrine Fromm.-Jerrille Fromm, Howard 8., M usi*cal Pro gram Enjoyed. by Club TlIe regular meeting of, the, Byron C. Stolp Assembly club was post-- Doned from Tuesday.. M ay 17, ýto- Thursdavi May .19,. for the conven- ience of -the orchestra ,a nd band from, Winnetka. who entertained us. The band played three nuMers. including fthe 'Turkish Marchl." rhe rést of the prograin. as devoted to. orchestral selections. Bcethoven, Corrâilia and Schubert were among lhe gre at coînposers represented. The sixth grades were the guests af the seventh grades,.. We . al en- joved the prograin. and our > and and orchestra are to 'go to the Winnetka ,chool next week-Iniogene Kauf- mnail Stolp 211. DRESS QUESTION DECIDED The im portant question of what' t-vpe of 'dress the girls should weari for. graduation lias heen decided. The dresses are tol.e of washahle miate- rial and are to I)e cither sport or afternoon style. We are tiot to carry flowers .nor wear gloves. Anyv color of shoes 'Miay be worn, as. the dresses are 1to be *of, Pastel shiades.-Vera Schapiro. -Stolp 1B. 14EAR CIVIL WAR VETER.AN lu our social 'Science class we arc studying the Civil' war. Daddy Hoo'd, a Civil war veteran, came to our school and told us about some of his 'INegative i eam Debate Winner, The eighth-grade debate of the Stolp schooi took place Tuesday, May .24, in the school gymnasium. It was very interesting. The debaters were:- affirmative-HelenSana- tain, Helen Petersonf and- Rodger Ve- neklasen-;- negative - Sue Spinney, captain, jean Cutler and Betty Cie- ments. After. the debate the judges wvent out to.choose the winning side. The judges.found it difficult to dete rmine. who should win, but finallyý decided upon the negative side. A man froîn Ne.w Trier presented eachnmember of the, winning negative team with a fountain pen. The. debate was. enjoyed by all.-Charlotte Anderson, Stolp ÎC. Students Are Learning Proper Names of -States In spelling, 7C is having the abbre- viations and the proper naines of the forty-eighit. states in, the Unitedl States. Some find it easy and sciu find it bard. Those Who got.a, huil- dred last week were Edna Baugh- mian, Marjorie Hili and Kennetît Smith, Those who missed one %word were Jeanne Macdonald, ii. Thonipson and Louise Schreiher,- Louise S chreiber. Howard 7C.. F General Science Class Performing Experiments lu generai scieiûce we are perforin. mng experinients. " Miss Stevens, Our teachier. said that wve should have art experiment to do hefore lte class and that it wvas to-,hf-the best oiie this year. Su'e waÈts u,ýý to read ai] lint (hein and talk and cxplain as we give thern. . may do as,.iany experi- ments as we ivish rntuch téOour en-ý ,oynient). This is a very intcrcsting course.-Fraiik Collyer, Stolp IC. PUPILS WRITE DRAMAS In gramnmar we are writing plays and then dramatizing them. As many people, as you like miay work together. eightn gradie girls are v îvia hams, Lilene Weakly and Oison. Thé girls of the grade are jean Louise Mast, McDonakt and Marjorie' Mc] Marjorie McMilan, Howard Virginia jboys seventh ions an, jean 1 non v i ~inuessoru he eîghth grade- classes of How- y - , . A got some dande- adsho are studying aIl about the Miss Stevens bas a. large star map them at Mrs. Ver- Civil war in socal science. Mrs. of the heavens. It ha s the constella- te n. We hope she Groves is making it very interesting. tions and their, forms in different Col- rs. Wayne Hot:ke, i am sure ýwe ail enjoy it very much. ors. it is very attractive.--Georgia, 1-Roberta Yeoman, Howard 8B. Bettinghaus, St»lp 2D.

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