Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 7

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Referrirg to Mrs. Dilling's repl% («M\ay 26) to mny attack on hier rnethod of fighting Conimunism (May 19), inay I be indulged to assure Mrs. I)illing thât n'm% evesighit is excellent, that 1 have read carefully what she wrote, and see. no reasoji to alter my :pirevious statenient. M rs.. Dilling %vrites with sufficient ambiguitvto mhislead the, average ini- telligent readier tç suppose tatshe re ferred to Xorth western University and iiot mnerelv to, an "instituùte" when, shei. iscs 1the wi.rds ,of It le, w hole. f aculty." This1 impr ession1 is s upport- ed by lher almost vicious attack n the University wben she later iidl- cates that she would deliberately e.ý- pose lier children to cor.tagious diý- seases rather than senid themn to. Northwestern 'University. However,1 even thouglh she now means only the memnbers of the In.- stitute" I1 stilt regard tli remiark asý .1 characterized it, *as "arrant non-, seënse,7 of which 1 do not believe shie wouild bhe guiltv if she hia( carefully învestigated the. situation bel ore she so careliessly quoted concerning it. For my article as a whole MNrs. Dilling lias no0 reply. bey ond teasing mie gently, for poor evesight t%,Iich. really grows out of her poor English. 1Tolerance, a disposition to' be fair, the désire to think straight even re- gar(lifg the things or persons . we may flot like or understand. are flot evidence of' radicalism. Intolerance.. unfairniess may be far more radical thanithat which thev attack. \VhénI. read some of the articles. ini If 'iiietiI 410ie ioieiiins 1 amn reinnded of the- man who described the devil as having a pimiple on the end. of 'bis nose. and then turned sharplv' to accuse a neighbor. "Bill jone, èýdo, you kn)ow that voun have a pimfple on the end of your is" therebY suggesting to bis, audience- that Bi>joneés' 'vas also a devil. D)iscrimination is one of the most important. elements- of intelligence. and a neeessarv, factor in the effective disposai of infiluences ý-vhich contain a . nix ture of good' and evil. I deplore' as did Jesus of Nazareth in replying të evil with good. With Mrs. Dilliangs desire for sanc- tity of the home, the preservation of the best American ideals and ail that is best* in our civilization, no.-one of us takes issye. -Many of us, certainly, do -take exception.to the intoler ance and lack of discrimination which spoil ber writing. We want neither Conimuniïsm iîor the. intolerance and hysteria which make it gro w. Sincerely yours, Alfred P. Haake, 738 Eleventh street, .wilmette, Ill. TO ATTEND CAMP Miss ]Elizabeth Macauley, assistant director of physical education at, the joseph Sears. school'in Kenilwoitb,' will spe d eight weeks this suminer ;at a Girl 'Scout camp near Spring- field. Mass.4 known as Camp Bonnie Brae. The camp opens july 2. Miss Macatu1ey 1ook Miss Gertrude Her- ricks place at the joseph Sears school this year, wben Miss Herrick was icalled to the soulthwcstto he %vith lier sister, .vho is ill. Miss Mary Virginia Harfst of 11220 Lake Shore drive and Miss Frances juif of Detroit have niotored to An- nmpolis to spend june week at the Naval acadeniy. Outdoor Recreation SdlSlo Openiag Jumu. 2lkb On spacious Wihnette bosch 6th season Children 3 te 8 years $10.00per naonth. Children 8 ta 14 years $1400 per nuonth. AIso ireekly and season rates: Tel Miss Shapker WILMETTE 1"8 Ail Telephone snd C. 0.»D. Orders CarefuUly and QuklfrDelvlrd Charge Accomts SliIcited fwpou .UbblPeople A Delicions Treat là Whou milkfed chice.,,vamùuan pacheil sud cook.d with ail. of thoehlcos mflavor rtie.TMis U.-a.aasbufter ddcacy that i.suretà déiaght every member of y.ur fauuly. Fronm selected sprimug Ianb,23 ..b........_............I2 BeefL Roas Boneleis, 7ne, Pork, lu.n WhoI. or hait,15 Yo n ,lip.... . . LEGO0F VEAL Short <uts, 19. Sweet, slicsd, 55c BUTTER Fresh, chiurnedI creamery, 37e DOHINIC PÂGL-IARULO Jeweler and Opticiv*n 166 WiImet-te Ave. Phone W'lmetfe, 1061 ,i4i 'and 781

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