CALL HARMONY PLAN SESSION, Urge Citizens to Attend Public Meeting Next Monday Night- at Village Hall A public meeting will be held at the. Village. hall Monday evening, June 13. at 8' o'clock,. the purpos< of which is to take the'first steps t07 ward the creationi of a non-partisan, nonpoitical Perpetu'al H-armony con- veto toselect candidates for Wil- metteViliage offices. Sponsors of this plan, -which ýwa3 adopted in principle at a meeting on May 20, express a-firm belief that suchÏ a convention will eliminate fac- tional strife in Village. elections and èinake Possible the adoption of a har- înony programn that will result in the, selection of Village officiaIs who .wil have the confidence and support of ai] itizenis. The plan for the creation of ýa Per- petuial Harmony convention wvas puh- lishied in full ini the Mai' 5 issue.,oi -ru hE .IV L as the. endorse- ment of this paper:. It has been en- (lorsed bv, several civiec organizations and a great nîiainv pullic-spirite c ct- izens. in a stateinent concerning thc meceting, sp'onsors of the plan Issued the followilig statenient: 'You are urged to attend the mneet- ing niext Moindas' evening and lend your support to thi-s movement, iiie ainm of which is to bring to an end the political bickerings and sharp) election contests that .haveý doue the village no good. "The- caîl for this meeting is issed- byv Hoyt King, chairman, and Albert A. .McKeighatn, secretary."' W.innetka Legion. WilI Entertain 7th District Winnetka. Post No. 10, American Legion, will be host to the Seventh district, Wednesdav nightTiîîw 15. B£- Kenilworth Probes Ne w Trafjic Danger Traffic hazards on Green Bay road in kenilworth were discussed. at dt, regular meeting 'of t.he KénilWôrtli Village board Mohday night. Silice the, widening and paving of this- street and the more recettcomple- tion of the stretch connecting south Center street. in: *Winnetka wi-th Green Bay road in Kenilworth t'o intersections have been particularly dangerous-Park drive and, Greeni B3ay road an d Rogers, avenue and Green Bay road. In a survey made last* Saturday Kenilworth officiais. found that the safety islands at the. Rogers avenue intersection, which are intended also to be guides to traffic, are not serv- ing that ýpurpose as they should. At the Park drive intersection the prinl- cilpal dange .r resuilts 'from speedi ng. The miatter was .referred t.o Trus,7 tee. Richard WVolfe, chairmani of the police comimittee, and Trustee H-enry G. Zander, chairmnan of the streets commit.tee of the Kenilworth board. for investigation and a report.1 '14 Pupils Graduate at St. Francis Tomorrow Fortv-four eighth grade pupils at St. Francis-Xavier schuol will diplomnas at the annual graduation ex- ercises Friday nighit of this week at 8 o nokii St. FacsXve church. 'l'le diplonias will be presented by the Rev. Bernard Bradv, pastor of the church. Following are the naines of the gradtiates: Harriett Arden., Jane Bell, Doris. Browne, Marcella Bruckhauser, Ruth Clohisy, junior DeTamble., John Dow-I dle, Leo:Dovie, Stafford Drake, Doro- thy Ellert, Thomnas English, Robert Fieherg, ,XVlliam FitzPatrick, Regina Fonthani, Rit a Hanley, Alice Harrison, Tad Harvey, Barbara Harvey, Rosanna Hess, Harold Huebner, William Summer School Registration' Near 400Mark Finial registration. for. the New *rier Hi gh school,,summer term among the 'students now. attending New Trier was held last week in con- nection with the registration, for the regular f ail term.- Although the. chec.kup. of- the number registered for summer school- was not completed early this week, the erlmnt5 - pected to be about 400.,* .'Thi year the summner school 'is to ,eoperated on the tuition :basis. Re-1 sidents of the township whn expect to send their -children to the summer school, which'operis Motiday, june 20,i were reminded this week that a $2 fee will be charged .for late >registra-i tion. By registering before the open,-. ing day of the'summer schooi a stiu-c dent can avoid payment of , this f e. it was announced. Registrations wil hé accepted at any tinie. A mnuch larger number of students than the 400 cted: eai he accomrinodated ini the, summei- sehool. Several classes of special ii terest, to aduits are to be throwvnî open to thie generalpublic. HoIy Comforter Church Is, Subjeet for Etching ofe Ceniwrhofth its adjmorig Th eniChurhof th Holy Coforte cloister and rectory, again bas been. Ichosen as a subj.ect by one of the niorth shore artists. Some time ago Francis Chapin made an oil painting of- thé church itself and now Chester Dan- forth, one of Chicago's leading archi-- tects, lias made a. charming etching of this, group of buildings. These prints, of- which fifty will be madee f rom the original p'late, are being hand colored and will be signed by the artist, Who is a brother of the rector, the Rev. Le- land H. Danforth. They are being sold at a nominal surn to memnbers of REJECT BIDS ON WATER PROJECT Failure to SecureSatI'Sfactory Purchaser for Bo nds Brins Action by Board, Failure to find satisfactory pur- chaser for the $600,000 water revenue bonds which Wilniette voters a uthor - ized to be- issued for* the purpose, of financing- the construction of, a. muniý cipal waterworks and water supply systemi in the village pronxpted the Village board Tuesday- night- to re- ject ail bids submitted for the bu.ild- ing of the waterworks. This action was taken in the liman. inous -adoption, of a resolution sub- mitted by Trustee Harry C., Kinne, chairman of the judiciat-y committee of the board~. The Resolution The resolution follows: '"Whereas the president and the board of trustees of the Village of Wilmette on September 15, 1931, au-* thorized and provided for the issu- ance of six hundred thousand dollars ("60,000) water revenue bonds of the Village of Wilmette for the pur- pose of inlproving and extending the present waterworks system of . the .Village by the building of a water supply systemn; and "Whereas, on December 5, 1931, a special el.ection was hbeld, at which a niajority .of the voters of Wilmette voting upon the question voted in fa- vôr of the issuance of the abovýe rnentioned water revenue bonds for the above mentioned purpose; and ."W hereas, after detailed plans had ecen preparedbythe- engineer for lthe construction of said waterWorks, advertisements for the sale of said bonds and for bids for the construc- tion of said waterworks were duly nade, provision being made for the opening of said bids on. March 29, 932; and meI IJDoa ma LIIdLILWouUîU Uunable to accept tax anticipation warrants in payment for the lamps. SAnce Bey- rer's shop is willing to «,cc 't the tax .warrants and since the price of 1the,ý amsis -standard, theý board Yoted' to buy tbem from, Beyrer's. ... ............ News .....22. pecreti on. .-40 ISociety Pages .30-31' North Shore line. A demonstration tIeroks and water 5t1upIy- systemi as Iwill be staged at the Wilmette ave- prôvided in ordinance No. 1712, Inue station. The event is a forerun- passed by the, president and boar d ner to the George Washington p. of trusteesý on Septemnber 15, 1931, bc Icentennial military tournamènt wihich and the samet are hereby rejectede is to be stagéd later in the month at and it is hereby ordered that, ail cer- j Soldiers'. Fileld. (Continued on. Page 5