pn.1818S01 UJR C.. a .'1-M, tnl'KW%*-. alpo be college shiélds and banners. Thtis service will *corne to Its conclusion * with a beautiful Sacrament of Baptlsm for infant.ciltdren, and a brief recogn1- tion servie for oôfficers and teachers who have carrled the.-scitool thro'ugh titis sulccesqful year of achieVerent. The Woman's Foreign Missionary se- clety wilI1 have a "Luncheon Meeting" today, Thursda.y, at 12:30. This will be the closing meeting of. this year and mit-boeswill be opened. in the north transept of thé churct, a serier- of drawlngs representing varlous points of view of the Interlor and ex- terlor of titis church wIll be found. These are the work of one of our own young nimen, Todd, Wheeler. You'are in- vited to study-these drawlngs at any tîme. A "Loyalty 'Luncheon": will be held at 12 oclock noon Wednesday, Junie.13 1at the Nav'al Reserve Armory at the foot o! Monroe street in -Chicago. The pur- *pose of this luncheon la to enlist the cooperat Ion of at least 'fi*ve thousand women who belleVe. that the -Prohibition *LaW sitouid be enforced. -Titis luncheon firs taged at this turne foi' its possible eftect upon tho R epublican convention wiih meets at that time in Chicago. Tickets may be secured in this churcit from Mrs. Kirkpatrlck. A IMinisters' Memnorial service will be held next S undayý afternoon "at 3 o'clock, at Rose Hill, cemnetery. Nearlyr one itun- dred Methodist mlnlsterq are Interred ln that clty of the %ead. Eaceh year their names are cailed and fiowers. dropped i n memory. Ihterested friendQ are ai- waYs welcome at the service which is held near the main entrmne. A similar .service will be held in Memlorlal, Park Sunday af'ternoon, June 19. The Organ and Choir Vesper service announced for last Sunday 'was post- Poned on account o! rain. It %vas held on Wednesdayv night. Kenilworth Union Kenllworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert'L. Willett, minister There willl. be no -regular preaching services ln -the church_ froin n ow until the mlddlle 0 f. Septemnber.. Howevrer $undaY, Jufle 12, wilIl h. celebrated as ('hîldren's Day by.a joint service o! the churcit and Sunday scitool to-be held 1 i the gymnasium, o! the churcit at 10: 30 o'clock. The exercises of the morning wlll consist of demlonstratilons of the w ork that itas been accoxnplished titrougitout the. year, promotion exer- cises and presentation of awards for Ing to its regular schedule': I3eginners departzïent (ages 4 and 5) -11 ta 12. Primary departinent (ages 6, 7, and ~ -9:55 to 12. Junior department (ages 9, 10, and Il)-9-:55 to 10:55. Intermediate department (ages 12 and 13)-9 :55 to 10:55. The weeki-da. eheëdule of activities for boy.,, and girls is as follows; TuegdaY-3 :15 P. r.-Bluebirds. Tuei4day-4 :00 p. m.-Oiri Scout, Camîp FIre Girls. Tuesday-7.:30, p. in.-Rooeevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesda-3 :30 p. m.--Brownies Thureday-7 :30 p. ii.-Trolop No. , Boy Scouts. Saturday-9 :30 ai . n-Cub Scouts'. Baptist Church Wllmette. and Foi-est avenues Geor)ge- D. Allîson, mnisîter "A Church that Cares", Sunda.y, June 12, :is*Promiotion Sun- day- for the Church school. There ivill be no sessions .1t 9 *30 but al ýg roups wil 'gather in thte assembly roorn down-, istairs to forin for thte processional into the chu reh sanctuary at Il o'Clock. Teachers are 'asked' to be ,ure ai lpupils are here at 10:45 sharp in order that there 'may be no delay. Part of the service« will be the dedica- tion of littie children and a message for eacit graduating class fromn the pastor. Mr. -Frank Sutherland, superintendent of the school ls to premide, assisted hy sorne of the Senior Departrnent grad- uates.' The processional will be plaiyed- by the Senior Departmnent orchiestra -un- der the direction of Mr. Paul Stade. Each department of the churcit sehool wiii share in the progra m.. *The B, Y. P. U. meets at 6 1). ni~. in the Guild rooin at the church. The meeting for June 12 is to' lie an In- stallation Service for the ne%% officers. There are 'a number of ianouncenents that wiIl be of' interest ail of us: The boat ride, a Pficfic, aI 't.Cone and hear. about thein. The. Woman's society NviIl meet Fr- day, June 10, fra.feno rgan includîng an installation service fo r the, incomiing officers for 1932-33. T4e date of the Churcit echool plcnice bas .been set for S aturday,- June, 18, froin three to seven o'clock., Blinga supper for the famity. Trhere Will .be garnes botit in Washington Park and on' the beach. for every age group rep-j resented..' Be sure to 'keep un yOur cliurch at, The .I1 a. ni. Sunlay services have been shortentd to one hour during June. July and August. First Evangelical 886 Ern street Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, iïaÉtor M0 Cherry mtreet (WJRhn. 2304 9 :0~ajnnJ~ileschool. Il a. ni. M.Nornlng wormhip. ' resenta- tion .and dedication of in fants.. 5p. ni..Young Peoples' serv-ice.' 74.45 p. ni. Gospel service, Special' Weilàiesday. Julie v') .8p. nm. Illuqtirated lecture on. South. Amnerica by Missi'onary John Chr*istian- son. '[hurs(la>. Juie 10 P. p. ni.1Ii1-week servicje. Bible ý-tudy3 English, Lutheran Seventh and Greenleaf ~ oueor Worship'ý R e vDavid P.. Kabele-, pastor "$INI>AV SERVICES 'ýulity school, 9 :45 a. 11). Mornilng orship). Il a. m. mrs. Miuay I~le HgnwJesî (Director of àMusic) SpeciaI i muié, June 12 Prelude--Romaný lce i5 G.....Shelley Apthenîi-God h, a Spirit'....... Bennett Offertory Duet -The Lord iý& 3My Sheplierd" *.. siart Bessie WVshburn nd Mis. J. flopli Postludet-Tenîpile MNarch...... Vincent This evening (hur-sd.ay) at. 8 o'clock the churreh will pî'esent its,: organist in recital. A novel feature of the 'recital wvill be an orgail duet with Hiarliîp Smedley aistlng. WVe know that many %il waint to corne and hear this fine recital and we hoûpe, you Nwîll avjil your- sýelf o! this opportunity. Sundayý, ,lum- 12, is Chiildren's. Diy. We vili ha\~e a speuiali service, for the c hiidren at 10 o'clock. "hey iil arch intoi the chureh swictuary and thère giv e their, littie jwogi-m and reei\le their 11niessage froui . th . Lor d. mi the parents and friends (if thé ehildren areurged tQ be present., Thursday evenîng, June 16, at 8 o'cioek our Luther league Nwill spon sor the play "The. Unbelieverý." The cast1 comprises niemibers of the Luther league1 ofthe Irving 'P.rk Lutheran chu rch.. The Session of the céhu4ech will nieet on Monday evenlng at 8 o'clock at -721 Ninth street. *The Womnan's society wili hold it,, an- nuai sprinig luncheon at the Shawnee Country club Tuesday at 'l o'cloek. Spoke 12 will. give a pag)eant-drairna. Reservations mnay be made. with M.Nrs.. Walter Abele, Wilmette 3861. The commencement exercises of the Presbyterian College of:Christian Edu- cation wIlli' be held on Tuesday at 8 p. ni. àit Fullertoin-Covenant Presbyte rian church. Qur prayer meeting will be held' on Wednesday evening at 8 o'elocek., We are studying the parables *of 'Jesus.*. The study on Wednesday evening will lèe "The Parabiè,ôf The Two Debtors-." W'ýe invite you. to join us in this dvtoa hour The Mwen's, Bible class wil hold a g4elf lournament on Saturday June 18, time and place to be announced later., Ail the men of the church are urged to joià us. Beginning Sunday, July 3, the; Baptist, Congregational, and P re sbyite r ia n c.hurches wiill hold union Sunday e- ices for iié~ weOIts. There WIII b(- a r(titiofl of churches in which woirs4hip isý held and also of pastors who preaeh. Full announcement wili be made latter. st. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Patrk avenue.s, Wilmette Hermian W. Mleyer, MIN. A.. pastôr 46Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 9.~30 a.. m.-Sunday schooýIa Bible clas:ses 11 :10 a. m-evc and sermon 5 p). m. Senié-nd sermon Meetings Sunday, .5 p. m.-Junior Walter league MNonday, 7 :45--Choir rebearsai Tuesday, 7 :45-Meetinig of voting 'mi The Senior Walther league is giviîîg Jin old liard Times party. This iýs jntlz .-inother way of gettîng, tQgetheil for, a IîItea.sant evening. Mvem!bers and friends are aýsked,,to réserve Junýe'24th foirthis. occasion. Thepuipit next Sundayr will again Le occupied by the Rev. J. M. Baily at the înorni'ng servicesý and the Rev. W, F. -Suhr at the afternoofn services. Alil wio heard the sermon last Sunday wl sure- 13' wnnt to attend Sunday. It is not un,,g.,l for ris *hf-.. efine Prn rucipte 1 bèpa '-tiFelpa. JIIej wi a.iso tie balfllsm Mrs. C. Dean Klahr of Erie, Pa.. trticitite tePrograin whlch wll Sunday, June 12, willlb h third of chlldren. Parents are requested to arrived this morning for a tenî-da v Sa part o! thte regular mornng wor- Sunday after Trinity. There .wlll be advlse the pastor before Sunday, We ayoth nrhsoe.S %v1 Ip servlee at l o'<clock. Mr. Hindley. Holy. Communion at 8 a. m., Citurcit cordially invite you to enjoy titis*wor- sa ntenrhsoe h'~' r. Mead, and Mr. Albert Tucker, the sehool and Bible classes at 9:45, and ship service wîth usc. divide lier turne1 between ber tivo turct .icitool superintendent, wilI ail mornlng prayer w ith address at 11. it r, M s Jo n C m bl of 8 . Lve pat lntheservce.Miss Rounds, planlet, and Mr. Otis, Lake avenue, Wiimette, and Mrs. rThe musical prograin will be: Saturday, June 11, le the day set sololet, will rendex tite musical pro- eut;"Processionai and Invocation'. apart by the itlstorlectchfrch to honor grain as foliows: Prelude, "«To Spring,'. Monroe Cole of, 593 Arbor Vitae ....................... Dubols the memory of St. Barnabas. There' Grleg;Pstinde, "3ýrcePitresqu4e," road, Winnka