Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jul 1932, p. 11

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Communism is primarily an eco- nomic movement. It follows in the footsteps of socialism in seeking what* is believed "to bhe a more, equitable distribution of the. world's goods. Its supporters are motivated by ueed, sympatby or viudictiveness,. and in consequeue. niight respectively be labeled 1as 'reds,",,"piuiks,", or - "pur- pies." The people Who support or profess to believe in cominunisrn know very littie more about it than do those Who -oppose it, aud,,with very f e% exceptionis. neither kuows auythiug about.it. On the oue baund commnu- nism is the namue for "sometbing ývich will cure alVof our troubles"; on the other band it is simply a naine for "somnething which is .believed té coustitute .a tbreat against our *sa- cred' institutions." So reailv what couimunisi actually is. does notrmatter very niuch. What. does nmatter is that something is -wroug with our establisbed order or the wav ini which it works, appareutly pemnitting people to starve- in the raidst, of plenty. XVhat does. matter is. that 'one typ)e o.f tbiuking. wants to reniedy the situation by revolu- tionizing the establishied order, xhile anoth'er type of thinking, no less stu- pid thanl the first, iusists that our "sqacred" institutions inav n ot even Ipe challenged, let atone disturbed. "'Much Heat and Litte Lighlt Thie writer lias littie patience andl no respect for cither of thiese atti- tudes. It is ilheir clasbiing that bc- i ogs thie masses alunost as intuch as the railinIg of (temiagogues. it is tlicir friction tlhat prodtîces so mnuch licat and so little ligît. Tmruth an(]- newv ideas arc, not al- %vavs: palatable. Xitness the v nlu whictî the world lias almnost invari- abl)IV Persectlte(l andl crucificd its real liberators. Careful thinking i s not popular. It isso miucli casier to hug slogans, to indige in i "wise -cracks" *or ini pionis nouthings of -wNori-ot phirases. l IWhat of it? The trouble is flot nearly so much with the system as with the mien who run it. (iapitalism in the bands of present-day Russia would likely be no better than'com- munism. and it is possible that so- called communism. in the-,bauds of the present industrial, and financial rulers of.Americawould beý no worse than capitalismr. What brought about communism iu Russia. was 1noqt a widespread admira-. tion. for or und erstanding of corn- munisnm. and wlîat may theatefn ouir own country is flot. an -y economic system' adopted by' the tbînking of the. masses. The saine forces that wrougbît -the. 'onie ini Russia threaten the other in America. TheY consi.st of hlaiger, denial, the pain of in*ustice, un- balance-d and inequitably distributed opportunities ýand satisfactions-ail of them- the spawn of selfisbiness anid stupiditv. Looking for a "lway ont" Jnist as Lerlfti was a ".Way out*' in ]lussia, so another, regardless of his e-conomic theories, niight be regarded as3 the "way out" for America, with the preliminary of overthrowing the present regime of systemn and order', In Russià the aggravatIng cause of the .disturbance was .irresponsible desp)otismn. 1n A merica it would be ir- responisible îndustrial anarchy. In both cases the resuit Would be lack o0f in- telligentand fair control of the pro- cesses and purposes of production and distribution. For us to huri Invective at elîher monarchistic or conîmunistie Russia, in either case despotic, Is to iruri a stone that may easily rebound into our own glass house. We have, far lesa' to fear of Russian -communism~, either there or here, than we have of our own indus- trial and commercial anarchy. It is industrial and commercial anarchy, unintelligent selffishness and fiesh-infected sense of fair play' rather than capitalismn, which bas brougiti about our present economie situation. We have un, *Ild with production, ii- stallment, sellIng and what no)t. We have al of us sought "sornething for nothing." We have more goods than We need, in places where they are not needed,* and literally thousands and hundreds, of thousands of our people have flot the means to buy the things we have mnade and can make for thèm. Commnunisrn la neither answer nom at il o'clock. renewal of falth and desposition to work and to play fair may perform wonders. 'Iow, wIll It beginP As ail great re- forms begin-wlth developmentý of more Intelligent and understandinig attitudes toward our common problems. casting aside bigoted, intoierantce and taklng the truth at Its real value Wherever It iuay be found or heard. As -the world becomes mo re 1thlvkly populated and mhoro complex living brings us ln con- tact with each other at an ever, in- creasing number of points, the philos- ophy of -pure lodivldualiism grows less useful and more dangerous, and w~e have Increasing need of men who can see in terms of their fellows' interest asnecessary conditions to the protection of their own Interests. Let us be at once honest and ln- telligzent-and we need flot be afraid. -Alfred P. Haake. D. IPAGLIABULO .Jewele Expert Repai*ring Watches, dlocks, jewelry,uie- ware, and beads restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 Havyoyu rec.ived Our ca rd -listing Our many unusual JUly bargains? N. A. HAN NA- INC. 9.52 Spanish Court Wilm.tfe 467 It Has No Baker y Taste' - THURSDAY, JUIN 14 * tteasflY SweetRoils, 230 doz. Jeily Rolis .............. 1ea. FRIDAY, JULY 15 aioo!tePeeau Waters ..190 doz. *Large Layer Cakes ...390 ca. ThatProhem o Disribitiop rackets, wbether those rack<ets are the On the other hand, the remiedy of -port, of the gangster or the conscience- Russia. so-called communismn, has clied respectable citizen. I U dou a airy god ob f dstrbu- Suggests Answer te Commuism donea firI god jb o ditriti- But the real answer to conrmnunlam. 1- I tinbut a poor job of production. ia to feed the hungry. to clothe the 1129 Central Ave., WiIwptte The oné system may be said to fait nalfed. to heal the sick-and to dû these taequtaly isHbue hat i pr-,things through Jobs rather than thirough Phone WiI. 2998 to euitaly istrbutewha it ro-eharlty. Danng commuinism wlll Inot ________ duces. While the- ôther fails to ade- helP; it xnay imerely 1nflaie.Bta _________MmrWUitte W08 Main St., Evénhfon Ph... Gi.. 6132 Catber.00 O.wsro. _____

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