Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jul 1932, p. 30

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Finest at Contest Held ini Wilmette We had pur annual pet show on a recent. Thursday. Tht Village Green playground joined us this year; tus it was a more interesting evelit.. Ail tht chiîdren brought their pets. These pets, appeared in. tht best. of dresses and cages. Some of thte.cats had before them their .plates, .cups, knives and forks. Many of tht par- ents came, along .with us,,to help us take care of our aias In tht big-dog group, John Mehi- hope won first place, Warren Wag- gett, second, and. Angtla Froehde, third. In tht little-dog group, Bll VanZuylen won, first place, Doris Hemmis, second, and Roy Mcllrath, third. Ther-ewas another group. of pets- cats. Jackie Willis' cat won first place, Virginia Jackson's, second, and Eu- geniaChurch's. third. NJo pet show would be complete without rabbits. We found that tht judges had a liard time to decide about themn. Donald Hoffmnan's won, frst place, Dorothy Ortegel's, second, and, Normnan Schneidtr's, third. In tht ftathered group of pets, * Peggy Peterson's bird won first place and Raîpli White's lien won second, There were other pets which were, classed in separate groups. In this' g roup, Roseanna Meier's pony won first prize, Bob Ortegel's turtîts won second and Patsy Flynn's turtle won third. We did enjoy this show* and rmly wish we night have another, but w-ý shaîl have to wait another vear.-, Marcia Anderson, Vattman park. Roseanna Meier's Pony Wins Prize at Pet Show At, tht pet show hela rectntly in Vattmnan park,. Rostanna Meier's pony wvon first prize .for .our play- ground. Doris Heimmis won a second, prize for lier ptippy and Dorothy Or-. tegel won a second prize for lier rab- Robert Orteael and Norman DUoys are&avuqç t .raie! shots and territory. Ir there are three groups, ji m ediates, and seniors. Bo to play sign up with "Ii coal. Also read thé-ru! Borne, Va-tt.man :park. Pedal to Airport Boys from Vattman park and Vil- lage Green, riding bicycles, left with "Hap" Gathercoal for Curtiss airport to see the armny planes en a recent Friday. We had 'a. strong windà to r ide aàgainst,' so it took a littît longer than was planned. We saw a few: planes take off and do stunits,: but we were very1 disap- p ointed to find out, that tht. squadron of- army planes, which were to fly to the military sho w in. Chica go, ýwere not oingbecause it looked like rain. We al had taken our lunches along and everybody wras glad to, have somnething to eat> at lunch time. Sonie, of tht boys went around to the army officers and, received their auto-. graplis. Coming. home, we had the wind at our backs, so we made very; good time. When we arrived at the park-somne of the boys were asking when we could have a 1nother trip like it, so. it must have been- successful. We plan to take hikes al through the summer, and we want a big group each time. Everybody is welcome- Fred Asclibacher, Vattman park. Children Start to Make DoIls for Annual Show Monday, July 11, the Village Green playground started to make dolîs for the annual doîl show. Many kinds of dolîs will be made, including paper, cardboard, plaster of paris, and others After tht doîls, are finished, Miss* Skidp'ore, our. teacher will show us 'how to malce doll furniture1 out of cigar boxes. Then ail the girls who have a doîl house can niake rag rugs toýcomplete tLe needs of thecir houses. The 'rag rugs are made out of old rags or cloths. - acquelinie Mller, Village Green, Vattman Park Children,' Learn of. Tap Dancing, Miss'Tade came to Vattman park for our first tap dancing lesson. About forty .girls joined the class. We did eniov our class a lot. We learined rs-cording to our ages. Those who playgro iots placèd will race for ribbons on Field Cubs'i er- dav. We shaîl have tinie to practi ce went in ,ant before that date.. We hope we 'have We sam er- a race like this cacli Thursday. as adelphi. old it is lots of fun.-Robert Thorsen, ter .wc * Vattman park. Green. for Frolues at Bleachl The Village Green's beach day was Friday, July 1. In fact, it will be every Friday. When we arrived there we found that tht water'sý temn- perature -was 64., Although: We did not go into the water right away, we played .many games. White the little ones played. with Miss Skidmore, the oldergirls played "keep away" with the boys. After we- tired of this we went in the water and later. sat. on the raft. -At-3:30 o'Élock Miss Skid- more and Mr. Stone started to cal the children together so we wouild be ready by 4 o'clock. AIl the chldren were ready at 3:45ý o'clock,, so we lad to wait a few minutes -for the cars.- Vivian Miller, Village Green. Prizes* Given Thursdays, toWinners of Contests Tuesday,. .July 5, welearned f rom our. instructor 'that prizes will be awarded every Thursday to the chli- dreri who win in territôry, bean-bag, track, and sand modeling contests held here on those days. The sad part in territory is that some girls and boys are able to pla.vrery well and most of the tirne get the poorer playing participants ouf of tht con- test. Everybodv. tries very bard to win the prizes that are donated by. our instructor. The prizes so far have been nickels, but a variety, of prizes w'Ill be given later on.-Marion Miller, Village Green. Beach Day Is Enjoyed Despite Cool Weather Tuesda.v we went to the beach even thotigh it was a cool day. Many of us did not mind the cold weather, but more of us played in tht sand for. tht fun of it. We always want to comè Tuesday so we can g o with our mothers totht beach for a swim. We corne out of the water about 3 and get back to the park about- 4 o'clock. We woujld like to stay until 5 o'clock. but no sucli luck for, us. - Doris White, Vattman Park. i a special North Shoi x a good gaine. We so ia playing the Cubs. on.- Roger Lynch,. Fun Is Centered at Village Green The annual activities at the Village Greenà playgrouind were held on July 4. The American Legion'nmanaged the races, which were held for al age s and 'included dashes, three-lIegged races, wheelbarrow, and ballooný races, along with other sports. Races were held for men and wo- men. A large crowd was assembled. 'the. prizes, were donated by the Wil- mette mierchants. Mr. Davis, direc- tor of the Wilmette, playgro unds, gave the starting signal for ail races. After the races, a tug of wa r was held be- tween the mairied nien and the sin- gît men. For a reasonable time the single men .held tbeir ground, but ýat last they were pulled in by tht mar- ried men after a bhard struggle.. Following> this an indoor. basebal game was played between Wagners team, of which John Miller is nian- ager, and tht Hofffman Florist team.: 'The florists' won 6 to' 1, after seven innings of liard battlîng. The gaine, as well as the other events, was very interesting and exciting, so I'm quite, sure everyone enjoyed himself. -Josephine Costo, Village Green Village Green Posters Depict Many Activit'ies The children at the Village Green are busily engaged in miaking posters. Tliey cover a great varietv of activi- ties such as tennis, kickb)all, beach day, track, flower making, basebali. sand *modeling, high jumping, pole vaulting, pet show, doil show, and territory. The juniors, interniediates and seniors are making themi. Froni 9:45 to 10:30 o'clock in thteniorning juniors make posters. From 10:30 to 11:-15 o'clock, interm.ediates and sen- iors- will participate inniaking. theni. -Bessie Costo, Village.'Green. Playground Reporters Having -a Busy Season Seniors, intermediates and juniors at the Village Green are.- busy every 'Monday and Tuesday writing JuNio R Green Next weec the track meet is going to tht to be .held at the Village Green. Tht . We first practice was held last Tutsday. *e train. WVe hope to win many pizes and ban- ýW Phil- ners for our vark. Ail tht chldren of he lat- tht Village Green are getting ready Village for tht track meet.-Peal Mountain, Village Green.

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