We rubbed our eyes twice on a re.- cent morning Wben opening the mail. It seemed like Christmas. We receiv- ed two much-needed checks-frve dol- lars from the Rotary club and twenty-five from the Central- Laurel' Parent-Teacher association. W\e extend to both -org.anizations our sincere thanks. The- five dollars from the Rotarv club will be used for medicine 'and supplies for the baby, clinic. You know %%e,,run three clinirs at -the, ilmette Health center-the dental, chest and baby çlinics.. Fif- teen dollars of the- Central-Laurel P. T. A. check willbeusdfri for the beach groups which Miss. Betsy Shapker so efficiently manages" for us. The remainirîg ten dollars we shal tuck away for, emergency cases. Ourtreasury is flat, and you ha ve n *idea 1mw safe and prosperous we f eel with this littie xest egg tucked away. '«e have many, nxany- cailîs for. help, and. hope other organizations in the village will. find a wav to help us realize another Christmasý this hot july, iv' sending us checks to es- tablish a ftnd for necessary health. work. Dr. Mua àPierce, who is i charge of ýthe Infant W«elfare. clinic, bas ,gone abroad until-October 1. Dr. Cap-. pis, of the Children's -Memorial hos-i pîtal Of Chicago is taking hler place at tîmie'clinic. The Infant '«elfare cli-. nic, is coni(ltlcted' ,eacli Wedneda Mrs. Bliss, the comrnunity nurse, sta.tes there lhas tiot been any let-up in the health work during the summer months. If anything, there has been somnewhat of -an increase. Due to the overcrowded conditions of the hos- pitals, and clinics wve find h rather dif- ficult to give the proper1 medical care to some of the patients, but becaus'é of the splenidid cooperation -of our local physicians we also: try:to elimni- nate sending as rnany, of our patients. as, possible outside of '«ilmette for treatmnent and miedical .care. There are always patients that need possible' care and are unable to. pay for it. There is alwvays someone at the center between'the hours of 1. and 2 o'clock each day with' the exception of Saturdavs and Sundays,. ýThe tele- l)hone is 'Vilmette 2M0. IS GREAT GRANDMOTHER Mrs. F. W. Morgan, 1005 Chestnut, aveniue, is th e great-g «randmoéther of a daughter born to Mr. and. Mrs. Fred WV. Morgan of Chicago, on June 23, and of littie Frederic Clay Bartlett, III, wvho was- born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- eric Clay Bartiett (Mary Tilt) of Chicago on june 29. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Drake of Nýev York City are spending the suni- mer wi1th MIr. D?'ake's. parents, Mr. anid M.rs. Lyman M.: Drake, 933 Lake avenue. On Davis St. EVANSTON Witmette 1100 Dont Dy ExÉpevts i, jKéeeps Yu Old Sihoes . ... ...Ltke "New! . HAL. SOLECS AND HEELS. Genuine oak leather half-soles and ,tryrubber heels will. be put on shoes of any size. Workmanship and materials guaranteed. Men's Rubber Heels, 25e H'oren's Rabber H. ris, 1ec ýWieboldt's, gasenet-Fvanston IOur Leader is GENUINE CLEAN- HEAT We deliver clean, dry-,cok.e ,fresh f rom the ovens, dustproofed. with a alcimchioride, solution.. Every. COKE order guaranteed with a goI4i certificate Buy "Modern Heat", from "Modern Heat Merchant." ýr your Firep1a DRY COAL RESCREENED BEFOREDELIVERY Icel .4 Yard -730 Pitner GRE. 0730 Ave., Evanston Rog. -Pk. 1830, WOOD, and1 .1