EF.UL heold saying of "a sttivh in time" aP- plies.most emphatically.to automobiles. We none of u's wantt spend money on the car, butif trouble'starts and ismfot stopped, it means 1aying up the car or a good-sized repair bille We .are alwayrs glad, toadvise on such matters wvithout charge... COMPLETE GARAGE sERVICE-FiREsTrONE TIRES BATTERIES - WASHING- MECHIANICAL REPAIRS EVERYTftING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE NEYER CLOSED mi2> MAIN ST. HART WILMETTE 0.1L.BURNER1 Phone Wil. 2600-2601 Sle&Seve *Member WUlmette ,Clumber of (Commeceo Your Pretty Silk Pajamau LIKE, NEW I n addition to keeping your pretty pa jaaslik& e new, Miraclean is a treat for al I ummer garments. Itnfot only m.t-Second service and sermon. hoir 'wili have its rehearsal on ï evenirig at 7 :45. Be sure to The- Rev. Daniel1 Wenz will preach both >services this S$unday. Hiess ject w II lbe "An Apostolic Admonil 4o Faith, Hope, and 'Love."-, What a woriderful text. Palth ls lief. Take.,It.out of lîfe, andwhat bE we to live for? We need 'faith in n ure and ber marvelous works; faith truth that it will ultlmately prevs fà1th 'in goodness, that, It may lift above the eVils ofIlife; faith in hun progresi, that It will finally carry. beyond ail that now retards and h ders; faith In God whose Omniscier Ominipotence and Omn iprescence are' many guarantees that ail things ordered by lm, ail thlngs.control, by, Hlm beyond ail possibility of cident; falth in ourselves, that ail1 possiblîlties for good that lie latent. dormant will yet be aroiùsed to fuli effective action, and that ail evil t] dlirige to us in our fallen condition v - be eradicated ln that great future, fa In ail that elevates, ennobles, lifts and carnies forward. à ., Hope le the anchoi, that holds n, t whein great stôrms arýe surging about them. Hlope points to fuli skies, to happier days, to brigli prospects. Hope lifts the ehadow fr, the face, takes the sadness out of* heurt, heals the ,4i(kness of the sc Tt is the tire that warmQ the cehillifl of lîfe around whlch we gather to spire new courage for strIfes that know le before us-, take. awýay things on earth and leave man1 enthusiasm of hope, and he will sn and Io ok ýout beyond mnaterial dîsastE Love le the mighty conqueror, If i iocks the long closed doors, turns ti, I reaklng on rusty hinges, opens1 shutters and floods every. apartmn wth radiant llght, fills every en Phanbr f the hart with jmv to change the very C<>fItitutL1 fui' being.. Think of the friend love,. the parent love, the brother and sîster love, the, wlfe love and. above ail the nuother love-pure, holy, un-selfisi, lasting, strong, ùnbounded. Tt le the leas t nixed with thînrgs of the earth and is near- est. to God's. love, no love like ' the mother's love, lusts and endures. Faith, hobe and love! a, trinity that embrac.es ýalI that man wlsýhes,, desires, awnire . Te bi comfort;te give strength,' they. are the sentlnelýz that guard the avenues leadlng to and fromn the human beurt.. Let us seek, to .-We te God ln1 0 would First Presbyteriau tion, Woman's club rooms. Tenth street ait Greenleaf avenue be- James T. Venekiasen, minister. ave- la- This church Is jolnxng with the Bap- 1 14 tist and Congregational churches 'in ail ; union morning services du ring-July and. US August.ý The services.Sunday wilI be nan in ýthe Womani's club, rooms, Tenth UB -street ait Greenleaf avenue at 1t1. 'clock. lin- Dr. George P. Allison of the Baptlet née, cburch will conduct the service and 50 B preach. His, topie will be,- "A Piea. are For Cýonsecrated Intelligence." Led Mise Erma Rounds wIll serve, as ac- pianlet, and Edward Otis as soloist, ut thé the. services. and and, On. July 24 and 31. the services willl bat also be held at the Woman's club roins, w.ill Dr. Alliison preaching both Sundays. .lth up -The Sunday school is continuing Its, sessions through the, summer, meeting nen at 9 :30 o'clock. al Irer Arrangements for pastoral services ter and notices for announcement may be ýo made through Mrs. Nellie Boltwood, th-ý phone. Wilmette. 688. OUI. esc In- Baitist ri.urci we Wilmette and Forest Avýenues' ail George. D. Allison, Pastor the - nie "A Church that Cares" A new serles, o f union servi egin next Sunday at theN 1oran's club, with the Pres! hurch as host. Our own pas ýes; wîll Milmette )yterlan or will. theme: fo .h umer, or yuur nelglibOrs. The womn enof' the church wl meet Thursdayr afternoon (today) ln the home of Mms. Stoughton, 1123-Linden avenue. Luncheon at 1 oieock. Bring your ownh box lunch and seÀwing. The attendan6Ž at these..gatherings Increases a ittle each week, and they are greatly enjoyed. The month of July ends ýthe, flret quoirter of our fiscal year. Met/zodist Church Dr. Horace G. Smith, minister will. be the preacher, John Wanamaker, the great Chritin merchant, was a-sked why he was so The Prlmnary and Beginners depart- regular in church, "You might just asý ments continue to, meet from .10 to il pertinently inquire, Why do 1 eat? Or o'clock each Sunday morning under the why do I sleep,?" Ini further reply he direction of Miss Dorothy Boyington., said: 111 flnd one le jiust as fiecessary The other departments of. the church* to mey well-belng asthe other. 1 could ,s ehool. wili 'resue w -the ifret Sun-* on t well andsleep well and yet ho a day In Septerrber, J. C. Stowei CA 4