Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1932, p. 3

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wuîl remain practîcally Vie saie as it was Iast year, with no alditions to th. faculty and no dismissals. However, in accordance witb a drastic economy plan worked oui bN the New Trier board of' educatioti, al teachers, wiIl take a ten percent redu.ctiori.ini saiary. The board plan.. to reduce the high schooi expendi-. turcs by approximately $175,009. This wiIl include, besides. he sal- ary, cuts, slashing of operating ex pe nses in al_departinenitsiincreas- ing the size' of crasses, the continneci suspension. ofail building-, activities, and 'drastic restrictions ,ini expendi- turcs for maintenance of the plant. New Art Teacher nenew teacher will bc on the highi school faculty 'next year, Ms Marie Arnold Holland', .wiio ili take the, place ýof Miss Lillian Fitch (Mrs. Ralphý H. Rehibock).* Miss Fitchî was married in J une. Mrs. I'ollandlias *been head of* the art dePartracut in, the Glencot public schools. * Two of- last 'year's Xew Trier teachers,' Mrs. Roland \Vebr ,of the *social scientce departmeiit, and Mý,iss May Fogg, head of the grs physi-, cal education department, have heen givcîî lecaves of absence, 'Mrs. Vir .for a .year and Miss, Fogg fGrthle first sernester. One. iundred and three teachers comprise thie.adiniistrative'stad fand .aclt iofthe high scliool. [econ plete -staff for e 1932-1933 terin iS as foliows, List Co Sltîaff AdnillistratIon --M. 1P. (affney, Supueiltendent ;. isElizabeth. E. Micktàr, dean of girls; Frederlck A. Kahljjej-, deant of boys; w. L. Brown, * irector of referenice andl resarchi; H. H.' HerîSn, registra r, ami S. S. v'ernon, ,si.,t;in1 ini the research office and sel- èdce teacher. *English-L. A., Hutcein, Mi-ss Alice Ilurch ILdl. H.Carpenter, Irs. Nar- jonc .i Cook, MNiss Beulah Hall, Miss Lou- ise Hamilton. Cheste.r E. aLnMs MAble Payýton, CL. Persing B S Peterson, 1H. c. Pifer, Ais lùlisa.beth Stanwood, G;oidoni Van Kir k, Miss Hel- eni Walkup), Miss nifirvd Wilson, and Miss Lulu Wright, %1theinat!cs-WV. A. Snydeir, W. J. As&.cnbach, 1 m îA. argaret 'Banker, Hetrold C(aton, Misýs ithel Evans, Ken- neth Funiklousur, .Clyde Gýrater, C. H., Jones, Miss Helen Maloney, R. C. Rout- song, Miss' Dorothy -%Nalker and C. 0. Waters. * Social science--Miss Laura Ulllrl0k, Ot~(ra Cole, F. . T) Pnie, Miss Mar- tops Reeumý edWork Soomn monuSkokarices.Boulevinand i uesday morning. T.he explosioni wrecked two tanks and the power house; and the fire whicb followed burned, out tbree other tanks. Mr. Froehde and bis committee were authorized to miake the. investi-' gation'à by thé members of the Wil- Mette Village board aàt their regular meeting on Tnesday 'night of this week., The board also accepted the Ofl.tA ,,i .I;f.aýnlevy H_. ..t.aa of' s. . thWork yi cpthed to 'fu tart9 edex- mette , National Safety council staff' thecoutyin henea fuur ontje e-:member to, give ,thé investigators tension of Skokie boulevard, from the snch belp' as the eouncil is able to 'South liniits of Wilniette. in a north- provide. 'westerIv direction across the Village to Ieproeo h oieadlr connect with tlîe coînipleted portion of comte's investigation, it. was tuebouevad hou a lok suthofstated at the Village board, meting, WilIow, rbad.. is to prevent the recurrence of sim- Village Manager C. NIf Oshorn, in ilar fireg in Wilmette. report ing on the matter at the regular SyBit aDetBon meeting of the Village board Tuesday night. said tlîat accordin'g to the connty iWhiie'ý the. flames eariy Tuesda'y plans the gradle of the -newv road ,%vôuld morning were stili raging, watcbed heabu oefothigher than theléI- by tbrongs of nortb shore residents, vation of the lots through wvhich it Joseph. and Frank Kutten, brothers will 1pass. neces-sitatîng an expen.se to 'and owners of the Comipany, appeared ahutting property owners ini fliing in on the scene' and deciared the blast. their lots for drainage ' 'oes was 'due to a bomb. Trhis situation' could be eliininated i f Tebohr adta htap 'the countv woulil agree toio e the ently was a bomb. was exploded he- grade of tule, proposed new roadi Mr., neath .the 'tanks iess than two weeks 'Osorusaî. Te illge oar auh-ago. Damage tlien was siight. They ý0sqri ' ai. Te Vllae oar auh-aid that incident convinced theni orized the streets and allev's comnîitteetîtTedWmriï' is a and( tlîe Village manager to enter inito aiso caused iby a bomb. Tbey were an a graenienfv the co unty to iowerent at a ioss to determine a reason for thegrae, f te cunt wii cnset. the' attack, as tlîey have had no labor Village. Manager Osh)orul said that troubles and have received no threats the county no\\- has practically ail the- \whIichl might indicate 'a canse for the property necessary 40o build the new blast.' Tbey cstimated the damage at road tlîrouigb the Village,' and that its iess than $6,000 Construction ini the near future is vi'- 'The1 powver bouse, 12' by. 16 feet, is tually assured. The pavement wvill be sit'uated beside 'tbe tanks ini 'the forv fet vid. Te nw rgh a_ northern part of tbe block occtipied when comqTpieted, will forni an inipor- by tbe fuel company. Tbe grouinds tnt i.nk iii tlîe counity road system. are adjacent to Laramie avenue, two blocks' sonth of Lake avenue, and Board Grants Peirmit to paraliel to the Skokie Valley tracks Erect Vegetable Stand erator, Iocated near'the oil cornpanY, * Building Conimissioner B. H.I Platt (Coitiinued 'on Page 8) wvas- instrncted by thé Village: board 'Tuesday night to grant 'a permit to __________________ joseph Heîîs to erect a vegetable stant on bis prôperty onIllinois road, wbereI lie mnay sell the 'products of his truckII day night, July 22, at 8 o'clock. Why? Because there is going to; be a rally of citizens - not for the,Maur- pose of sending supplies to sufeeing Armenians in the Near East or.to the starving Chinese-but.,a r4lly to càrry f orwarding the work: of ': teaing- and providing wvork for tbe more than -11M0 citizenS who live in Wilmfette, and are now out, of employmnent. The Cominittee on Employment re-, ports. that the work, of -canvassing' the hbouseholds.is' lagging. Difficlty' is f ound in secnring volunteers to ean- vass, the blocks, and . k is hoped that there will; be a large turInmout Fri lay night for the purpose of conipleting Ih list of canvassers. t is .felt that ' lre caIn be. only. one reason for the t 4ydi- ress in this direction, and that is a. lack of real knowledge concerning -the. t is estimated that about TEN per- cent of the 'entire- population: of Wil- mnette is OUT OF~ WORK; if the peo-* plc really IKNEW, that fact it is, the belief of the coniinittee tbere would Pot be a day's delay in the program. Here's Program of Action The committee is not asking for mnoney. It will accept NO contribu- tions. t is flot .making an unreasýon- able rcquest of ýthe people. Here is ,whbat you are. asked to do: 1-Volunteer to canvass the bouse- hoids in VOUR OWN BLOCK, by calling at the Village hall, Wilmette 2700, and give your name to Miss Vera Holding.> 2-W'vhen the captain of your section, calîs on you GET BUSY., 3-Lt will take only a short timne to cati. on the people in your block. You mav be able to do it in iQne, two or tbrce evenings, after your dinner. 4-Ask -EVERY householder, wýho is hinfiseif employ ed,. to agrec to create and provide work' aroünd bis home, for at least ONE hour per iveek at fifty cns e er for an unemployed citizen of Wilmette. . 5-lt is flot the purpose of the com- mittee to disturb any existing situation. :Any householder *who Art - Miss Josephine Case, and Miss Carthe< SMusic - Mrs. Susannab Armst Jones, Miss Win C. Sehumacher.. ana mis iL.cn.na, Sj saouimii i-Mrs. Margaret Moore arnd dys Boike. y - Miss Eleanor Llbbey and labetii Todd. ASIC FOR AD-TAKER nu aeM )u can ha man or worm A to do more., less.

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