Playground Track Meet Big Event of Sum mer Session Thursday, July 21, the playground track meet was held at «:.45 at the Village, Green., Everyrbody had beenl .practicing running, hiopp)ing. broad- Jumping, bail throw and other -things for this event. The schiedule of e .vents was as foliows: 40 yard dash ........... .... under 6 40 yard daslî........6 years 40 yard dasli ........... boys 7 years 40 yard dasli........... girls 7 years 40 yard daslî ............os 8 years 40 yard dashi.......... girls 8 years 40 yard dashi ,.......... boys- 9 years 40yard da.shý . . girls 9 v'ears 40 yard daslî .... boys 10 years 40 yard dashi........... girls 1<) years 40 yard dasli..h » . boys Il years 40 yard dasiî...... ..... girls Il years 50 yard dasli......... boys 12 years -50 yard dash.. .......iris 12 years 50 yard dash......... boys 13 years. 50 yard daslî...... .-girls 13 years 50 yard dash,....... boys 14 and ove r 50 yard dlash- ... girls 14 and over Standing broad, jump.. boys 8 years, Standing broad jump,. girls 8 years Standing broad junp.. boys 9 years. Standing broad ju1mp.. girls 9 years Standing broaci jump. . boys,1 0 years ýStandinig broad jump:. .gkirls 10 years Standing broad jump. . boys il1 years Standing broad jump. girls il years Standing broad jurnp.- boys .12 years Standing broad jump girls 12 years1; Running broad julup..boys 13 years Runniing broad jump. girls 13 years Runnng broad jump. - -Boys 14 and over Running broad jun-àp ....... . ..... girls 14 and over Playgrouind bail throw. . boys 10 years Playground bail throw, . pgiris'I10 years Playground baill throw. . boys Il years Playgrou nd baIl tlîrow..girls il.,ar .Playground baIl tlîrow .boys ,12 years Playground baIl throw: ýgirls 12 'years Playground bail tlîrow. .boys 13 vears 1 Playground baIl thirow..girls 13 years.i Playground bail tlîrowv...... .... VVS - n' i uover Playgrourid bail tlhrow-.. ... ...girls 14 and( over -G;IadNs W'hite, Vatttnan. Interesting Pro jeet Last. week and this week Village Green hias been very bilsv iaking 1dolîs. Wednesday,. July 20, . after *much trouble; we im.ade-a few "plas- ter of paris." dolîs. Tlie girls- who tried-very liard to make a success of these dolîs looked very rnuch like ghos.ts orperhaps>a twiu to the do>ll they hiad just finished. We also' have made a success of spoon dolî. Many of thetn have 'ben dressed as, modern girls anîd old- faslîioned girls. Lt seenis that as s oon as, Miss Skidmoire buys- spoons t hey disappear righit away. AIl thèese (buls have to be fitîisiîed July 21, becau-se there will be doîl show. I hope. rnauy girls will be luckv.-N'iviaii Miller, Village Green. Story Hour Is Popular Event at Vattman Park day at 10 i30 with stories told by Miss Hughes. WVe have jtut lots of full listening to theni, for Miss Hughes is the children's librarian at the Wil- mette Public library. Shielhas a way of teliing the ý, that the .isten-, ers seeni to be -with, the characters 1. the tots are so,.taketi up in the stor- ies9 that ifan airplaniewould lly over the. Park 'they would not know it. Last Wedn.esday an -exciting .story was told about. a littie lady and hier. .rice cakes. We are anxiously, await- ing the arrivai of Miss Hughies tlîis \edueésda.-M arion Miller, . 'Village Green. Field Events Feature Thursday Activities Every Thurt-sdaiy Miss Skidrnore. our instructor, lias races. W/e have, b)all-thro-,itîiig. 'ruitiitg. hoppilg. broad-juinping. and many -other. evetîts. for c bildren of aIl ages. Later we have beau bagsi territory and baby- iui-te-lîo.le. For prizes ive go over to the canidy. store, across the street anîd get dixies or ice-cream coties. lit tlie.afternoon ii.we have a treasure huint. Thursdlay we hiad lollipops hîd in the sand box and clues il a ,varietv of places. It was considered, a grand day for a]l eveîn. if somne iidnhit get the dixies or tlîe lôllipops. -Jacqueline Nliller, Village Greeii. Announce Winners of Th Poster-Making Event TeViilage-wide Poster contest has been finished. The posters were based on activities' at the Playground such as story-telling, sand-înodeling, picnic> day, kic'kball, track ineet, pa- rades, ddll show,,and basehail., The winners of the posters were: Seniors -fi rst, Helen'i Schaefer, Vattinan; second, Nancy Kilîgallon, Vattrnan; third, Donald Scarf, Vattm'an; fourth, Gladys, White,' Vattman; fifth, Bob Kreuscli. Intermediates-tirst, Pris- cilla Pollick; second, Marcia Alider- son, 'Natti-nai; third, Bettv Todd, Vattrnan; fourth, lar.ii, G oqde, Vattmau; *fifth*, Meta Hetm. Vftlage Green. . upniors-first, Mary . Nil, Fanckboner, Vattmian; secont;d,,Ian Ketter, Village Green; third, Sue *Lanprey, NVattiiani; fotirthl,-Nirginia Todd, Vattrnan, anidMarjorNv Etti-. entie, Village, Green.-Hilda- Voe ller, Yattmnan, Plenty'of Scoring 'But a Close Finish Weduesday, Juiy 6, VTillage Green plaved Vattman Park a kickball gaine. At the 7th inning the score wvas 24- 24. so Nve played, ano.ther, inning. At the end of.the ,8th i'ining the'score 'Was 25-24 in Vattman's fa%ïor. T[le line-up for Výattinail*N ýas: Bettv Todd-catcher, Loretta Steffens-pitcher Geraldfine Hoffran-first base. Barbara Ornîsbee.-second base Dorothy I)avis-third base Gladys White-short stop Hilda Voeller-short stop Mary White-righitfield Muriel Priebe-ceÙter field VNirginiia Marsh-ieft field -Hilda Voeller, Vattmtaii Park Village Green Team Has Edge on Vattma.n Parks Thé Village Greeit Seniior basebal teain .is leadiîîgthîe Vattrnan Park, tearn by 'one gaine. Lu thel first gaine Vattinaln beat thîe Village Green 42 to 6. The Village Green carne back the next Moiuday and beat thie Vattrnani Park by a: score of 9 to 6. Moniçiv. Tih19. Prepare for Big Forthcoming Meet With the track meet co.ming, on we certainly.have enougli to 511l our days at the Village Green playgrouind., Practice every. mornin g, occupie ,s înost of our tinie. M\r. Davis issued *the ,anniiounicemenit that the girls' kick- bail gaîtés should 'not be pl.ayed. due to tlhe fact tliat we need fieiding practtce Âaiîd also that more turne could bedevoted to track practice.1 .Blanche I<reusch, one of the sen- iors who attends the Village Green, playgrounid, inade .12 feet 10 iuches in running l)road jumip, the highie st olf the seniors. Shie.wili be one of the rnauy entriesk of the Village Green, Playground. Xfany other chiidren. inciudiing Ruth Pape, won honors. Ii ruuinîng., hoppînig and broad jurnp. S'ie wili be classed with girls Il years, in the track mieet. Ruth Pape will represenit the Nil- lage Green playground along with Frank Trippicbio, Dorothy Ortegel,« and JolitîNfitchel wvho also showed theinselves as (-1ood. runners ini the .try outs. These and miany more fromn the Village Green piaygroun1d.-ý J osephîtie Costo.. Village Greetn. Task of Matking Posters CiMpleted; Will'Exhibit .We> are aIl glad we have fitîislied bur posters. 'We have %vorked liard wttli t:hictni, but liad lots of fun doîtîg. t.Each of 'us were anxious to wvit a prtze. 1 li the initernmediate section Prisl- cilla Pollock won first, .Marion Goode wvon second, Betty Todd won third, and M arcia' An derson wot fourthi. ý lu thejuior section Virginia Todd' Nvon first, 'Mary Ruth- Fankboner vvou second, Sue Lamnprey Won third, and Rosemary Froehde, won fourth. lu the senior sectiotn Helen Schiaef-ý fer :Won first, Nancy KillgalloiiWon- second, Gla(lys WVhite, wotn third, 1 an(dl Donald Scarf e won fourth. XVe f eel: proud of, these 'posters! WXe will'have thei for you to see at the exhibit. Thie judges were Nfrs, Morris and '.r.r. Stinson. \Ve hope we wii sonie of the prizes lit the Village wide cotîtest.-NIarcia An- dlerson, Vattiaii Park. If 1.- r-u girls are spenuing tueir extra time in As the Oays pass and we work to the beach, clad in pajamas,- bath- PRECOCIOUS BROTHER the sandboxes. Many of us cadn make faithfully on our baskets, we cati sec robes, -bathing suits, with beach bails My baby brother and 1 played a ver-y nice things ini the sand. We wiil thern grow bigger and bigger. Somne and sand pails. We were ail srniling bean bag gamne. The score was 20 to have the contest at the beach so that of them .vill be for .walte-paper, for we knew we would have fun at 15 and niy baby brother beat ine. He miany of us can model ini the sand. others for flowers. and some to hold the beach as we always do. Mr. is one year old. Ie cornes te, the WNe hope some of our good sand miother's sewing. Several will be Stone let sonie of us try for our fish park every day. He plays bal with modelers win prizes.-Susan Lami- ready to paint.the first of the iweek.- and many of us won our*s.- Donald i11e.Jofin Sargent,, Village, Green., ptey,. Vattman. Doris ýVhite, Vattman. Schaeffer; Vattman. 14 niiil wý-r