$3.,50 So inexpensive, yet jt's the exattopy of much ,more expensive MisSimpicity garments . . . Feeturing the same converginq cross- strap ar rangement that croates th e 'diagonial pùl'--w*hichý raises the bust, stenderizes th. w'aist, and smïootks away thé dia phragm and abdomen. .lt's stYed of good quality fancy batiste and satin tricot, with inserts of pliant elastic. OtJher Misiplcty Models Selling. t$5.00. and. $100 Asic Our Corséteires1 to Show Them fto You JULY SPECIALS MUSE F RQCKSI NEW HOUSE FR OCKS of hot weather fabrics-all This week special, each .... . . . . . . . . .. sizes, 14 to 46. $:I019 BEACH ROBES of Terry Cloth. Just what you will want to slip on, to and f rom the beach. ~iA An unusual value, each ...... $1.4 RAYON COOLIE COATS in beautifu 1 pastel' shades. eoing on a vacation? YQU will want one of these July specials at... $995' Styles 49c Many of these sold for $ 1.00 and 85e « al at July Clear- anc. prices. Men's Linen Knickers $1688 Buy a pair or two for next summer at this low price. MEN'S Swiss Rib or Balbriggen Shirts 50c each MEN'S Broaclclotb 7Shorts B.V .or faultiess Pair 50c wde. July SlIe, Jrd...... k Depf. Stoe-I 146-48 Wilmetfe Ave., Phone .WiI. 588589 M.gri's Store-I1152 Wimtt. Av.., Phone WiImette 2655 Mem ber fWUmette Chamber of Commerce I 'for your equipmenf.ý s