Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Aug 1932, p. 12

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upon extremely few graduates of any college or university and no other New Trier High s*chool graduate had ever received sncb high recog- ntitioni. J. Dea n Vail of Kenilworth, an- other, niember if ,the. 1928. graduating class -at New Trier, 'also bas been graduated from Harvard with -high honors, receiving bis Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude. ]Both Gilcbrist and Vail went di- rectly to Harvard f rom New Trier and':completed tbeir work in four years. Gilcbrist was elected to Phi Beta. Kappa,..national fbonorary schoblastic. fraternitv,, in bis junior 1yeari and. Vail was elected to that orga nization this year. . George Pattison, Jr., of tbe New Trier- class of. 1928, also was gradu- ated from Harvard last June. Elizabeth Ragsdale Is Taken by'Death. July 21' Elizabeth Ragsdale, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'E. Ragsdale of Columbusi Obio,, formerly of Wil - mette, was found dead in 4bed.early Thursday morniin,.July 21, ina cot tage at Lakeside, Ohio, a Lake Frie resort near Cleveland, whiere she had been vacationing. Deatb was due to a heart attaek unduced by astbma, according Io Lakeside physicians. The Ragsdale family went to Co-. lumbus two years ago. They hiad beenl residejits of Wilmette for several years. Mr. Ragsdale is divisional manager of Sharp and Dôbme, biolog- ical chemists. Miss Ragsdale is survived, besideq her parents, by four sisters;. Mrs. Lucia' Shantz of Chicago, Virginia of Phoenix, Ariz., jean and Barbara of. Columbus, and one brother, J'ohn Godfrey. of Columbus. Burial was at Columbus. Georgeu Francis Perkins, Rail Official, Succumhbs .4 1 __ 0- -A «P £:-, runeras'Servie Oerkins, former xo '.eoîrge rra Bernie Photto >Arthur WeIdoit, 1340 Greenuvood avenue, Wiimette, has Ieen adding, ta his. Iaurele at a taleilted yming v'iolinist in several récit ai appear- ances :on -the îaorth. shoretad in, Chicago in recent moit hs. Saine of Mr. Weldon's appearances bave been in conjunction with bis teacb- er, Orville Cavanab. He bas appeared before tbe following organizations: Cook County Federation, of WMromien's Clubs, Wilmette Sunday Evening club, Priends in Council of Iivanston at tbe Georgian botel, WilInie t te Baptist chut-ch, Alcott school at Lake Forest, the Lake Forest Garden club, and the. Wornan's Patriotic League of America at the Sherman hotel. Mr. Weidonis assisting Mr. Cavanab witb bis summer teaching at Lake For- est. He graduated f rom New Trier High schoël this year and was eleçted1 to the Honor society. He will attend Nortbwestern university this fal and also continue bis violin studies. Mrs. Hugh H. Dyar Is Taken by Death July 23 Mrs. HugbH -untingtonDyar, a for- mer resident of Kenilwortb, çdied.*o01 July 23 at ber home in Shaker Heigbts, a suburb of Cleveland. As. a young girl Mrs. Dvar lived at 145 Meirose LIIews, 1me £Jiie ±ViattIVws- nu451lIC and Edith Osterman, daughter of the Rudolph Ostermans, both of Kenil- worth; and Elizabeth Allen, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Allen of Glencoe. Miss Sauer, Miss Matthews, and Miss Allen' are entering Vassar. ,Miss Osterman expects ta enroil in, Wellesley. Among tbe otber Roycemore aluni- nae to enter eastern schools iis Jn Thomas,* daugbter ' of Mr. and Mrs. J. IB. Thomas of Glencae, wbo will en roll in the Howe-Marot Junior, college, in Thompson,I Conn. Hierman G., Nordberg, Contractor,, Is Dead Herman G. Nordberg, plumbing con- tractor, died Sunday afternoon at bis residence, 418 Isabella street,' Wilrnetté. The funeral services were beld Wednes- day afternoon at tbe Wil.mette English Lutheran churcb, -witb tbe: Rev'. David R.' Kabele, minister of that cburch, officiating. l3urial wvas at IMemorial Park cemetery. Mr. Nordberg was 66 y ears old. He was born in Sweden and rame to this country wben heé vas about 20 years old. For the ýpast ten ye ars hc hadt made is borne ini Wilmette. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Esther H. Nordberg, three cbildren, Gerald, Carl and Ruth, ail of Wilrfftte, a brother, Otto of Chicago, and two brotbers living in Sweden. *Mr. Nordberg was affiliated with a number of fraternal orclers. He was a member of Monitor council No. 1414, R. A., King Oscar lodge No. 855, A. F. and A. M., King Oscar chapter NO. 845, R. A. M., Lýoyal Deering Iodge No. 601, 1. O. O. F.. Verdandi lodge No. 3, 1. O. S., and Brage lodge No. ..O. V. Gertrude Bell Zander, Pioncer Villager, Dies Mrs. Gertrude Bell, Zander, who was born in Wilmette and spent ber entire. lifetirne in tbe village. died suddenly Iast Friday at ber home. 1613 Greenwood avenue. She was 73 "Chess is supposed to bave been played by the Babylonians," Miss Wbitrnack states, "but the Hindu origin of tbe gaine bas the rnost cred- ence. Shatranj (cbess) was jntrôduced into Persia, and Firdusi gives the story. The Eiiropean game was learned f romn the Arabians and was:a garne of.the nobles during the middle ages. It, is one game wvbose popularity bas -neyer %waned." Any of the following books oncbess ni# be obtained, at the lihrary, Miss Wbitmack says: Cbess Fundanientals- Capablanca. The general principles explained and fourteen f amous games described. Elements. of -Cbess - Du Mont. A book for the beginner, extplaining the rudiments, so simply and clearly as to give him a good founidation for, the more intricate phases of, the game. Cbess Tales-Fiske. Cbess and Checkers-Laske-r. Comn plete instructions for the beginner and. valuable suggestions for' the advanced player. Games of Chess-Morphy. Field Book of Chess Generalsip- Young.. Emphasizes the military as- pects of the gaine. Major Tactics of. Cbess-Young. Mrs. Virginia Sidney Wins N. S. Golf Titie The title of Wornan's golf cham- pion of North Shore Golf club went to Mrs. Virginia Sidney Friclay last with tbe conclusion of the tbirty-six bole cbampionship finals played off that day. Mrs. Eileen Saunders, run-. ner-up, was defeated by Mrs. Sidney 5 and 4, in the Class A fligbt. In Class B division, Miss Mary Lyncb ýwon froin Mrs.. May Full, 3 and 1; in Class C, Miss Olga Mel- chione defeated Miss Bernice Bulley 2 and 1. H.E. Smailbone Dies; Burial: at Rosehili Harry E. Smallbone, until recently a resident of Wilrnetté, di-d; last Thiursday in New York City. Mr.: Smalibone was chief engineer for teWU<-rw and G~ibs ewn,xy',g RE KarI Yost of 1016 Greenwood ave- nue has ut returned froin a motor trip with friends to Elk, Wyo., neai Yllowstonç, where he spent a month. Mr. Yost is rnaking plans with friends out'there to mnanage a di>d ranch. at, Elk next summer. 'janiU iVLc .vargaret aarrows. 10 lier home at Green Bay, Wis., and will ieturn in about a week. Miss ,fBarrows. who lives with Me-s. Nicholes wliile attending school, will corne back to Wihnette ini three weeks. 'Ok PlaCe at St. joseph.s cemteri. Jean ,Geither, daughter of Mr. and .%rs. Edward Geither, 321 Raleighi oad, Kenilworth, left Wednesdav of last week to visit Adelaide McClary at ber summer home at Douglas, ýMich. p Dr. and Mrs. C. J. D Forest avenue are Il (Tbursday) to drive mother, Mrs. Allan 1 ber home in Toronto, Ca also visit Quebec. Mr bas been ivisiting the several mnitbs. eof 1535 ig today latter's mgal, to ,and will Icougall leres .for a

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