ALL READY TOMORROW, When w. promise to deli ver your dry clcaing, et a Specified timep that promise is a, pledge that is always fulfilled.. Much of our patronage. i. ýbuit .upon Our sinceére e ffort and ability to make good our promises. Those who- appreciate this pleasing: fea- ture are urgedto give us -a trial. 1152 Central Ave. Wilmette 320-321-781 _______Meuibe, Wdftwtt*a Ckaimboay Wilmeff. Gr» 7441 Dir. G eorge D. Allison or the BJaptist church wiIi 4onduet the service and preach. H-lm sermon topic w111 be "Serv- lng God With the Wili." Miss Ermna Rounds w111 serve as planlat, andEdward Otis aus olist. at the servie. Sundayr, August 7. On August 14, 21 and 28 services wlll be held ln -the Congregational church, the Rev. James T. Vonekiasen preachlng. The Sunday schoolis1 continuing',its sessions through the summer, meeting it 9 :30 o'clock. Arrangements for pastoral, services -mnd notices for announcement May be made through Mfrs. Nellie S. Boltwood, phone- Wilmette 688. St. John's Lutheran. Wilmette: and Park avenue s, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, NL A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1 396 SERVICES. 4,:15 a. m.-First services and sermon. 0 :30 a. m.-Sùnday scholand. Bible classes. Ilt a. m.-Aecond service' and serinon. The choir will have its' rehearsal Monday at 7:46 P. M. There Is scareely a. da y lu. aur Ilves that we are not esalied upon to choose. Somnetimes we are called ln to ch.pose *several timnes iln the course of a singl-e day. 'This .,Is no easy task, ýwhen we remember affects others as well as ourselves.. But while this .relative position 'to those about us is by no means to be ignored, it la by no ineans the most important. It is the question of how our ch'>iee will affect us ln- *dtvlduaily that lainost important. Sun- *day your choice should be the House of God. Let no eheerless, drab, warni, cheerful 'or pleasànt day kqeep you away. The ciiurch cordialiy asks you to attend its service. First Con gregation al John O Hindley, mInister This church Is joining with the Bap-t tist and Presbyterian churches in union services durlng July and August.' The service nèxt Sunday will be. heldad, n the, NWomans club auditorium, .t4be temp o r- ary worship place of the PýresbyterIan. church. Dr. George D. Allison, of -thet flaptlst ehurch, will conduet the(- service and preach. "I. Mrs. John H-opp Offertory-E-ope .... .........Benediet Postlude-Theme ....... ..Eligenschenk The Womnansf society willI meet this atternon (Thursglay) at 2 o'clock at the church.. Mrs. Scott Smith wlll 'pre;- sent the topic Yon Korea Wants to Choir rehearsal Frlday evening at 7 The regular meeting ,)f the Church council wIll beý heldý' Mon" day evýening. August 8. at 8 o'clock. The greatest path int ail the world is ,ho path* frorni your door tçe the door of, Your church. If ail of 'us fithfully used this' path mid were guided by its radiant influ- ee. the nation would bc safe. crime ý'ubside. business prosper. and* ail heart s have peace. For 'this 'path was made, by the Son ,) Man for the sons of men. that, walk- ing humiblyii nto His Holy Presence- in ~lhe church they mwight afterwards wadk together as brethr-en in the. world.1 Are You using, THE1 GREA TESTI PATTI? This church opens wlde her doors and in the name of the Lord Jesus bids you 'ýearty WELCOME. Ra ~tist Chrch WViliette and Forest avenues George D. Allison. minister ..A Church ThatCares" vorsAhip. il a-.. teal Muslc-Aug. 7 )uds ....... Ciega We continue our union services with the Preshyterian and . Congregationàl churches next Sunday at the Wllmeftt- Woman's club, Morning worshlp be- gins at Il o'clock. Dr. Allison's sermon wiil be on the theine "Servlng God with the .WlIl." Sunday. August .14, the union services will beheid in (le First Congregational churcht with the Rev. James .11. Ve ne- klasen of, the. Presbyterian, church preaching. '1'he, womnen of this church wlll hold their -Weekly summer, meeting today (Thursday) in the home of Mr..George Williamas. BrIng a box:lunch Aýnd some seéwing. Oie o'clocký. The church secretary wlll be away the remnainder of this week and, next ,veek on. her vacation. The regular monthly meeting of the bUartd of trustees will be held next Tuesday at the church, at 8 ol'lock (August 9). i. £N-ýVVuluuKi lia -o- beeji the guest of honor at a number' Mrs. Fred M. Nabor and her two of parties. children, who have been occupying Mrs. Riifus Porter's house, 428 Cum- Heljen Rathbone 523 Abbottsford ior roaAý Kénilworth' are moving ip road, Kenilworth, 'visited. friends at ýugust to 2737 Garrison avenue, Ev- I'Ioopeston, IIL. over this. last week- ~nston.end. IL I