Rates- 1' cents a lino ln oee pper. 25 cents a lino lu any two pa.pers. 30cnsa lino Inail thre papers. MINIMUM CHARGQE ONE DOLLAR. Average of ilve wordu to the lino. No black face type used. 10% discorit. on al eash witb orftr a4vrtlselfents whon brougbt te our, office at 1988 Central Aven Wlhatte, or 681 Lincola Ave., Winnetka.. n Classified advertisements will b., ac- Deadline for £nsertbon" cpted -Up te, Tuesday 9 P. M. for WLMBTTE LIFE or. ail three papems; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK 'and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE 'NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnietka .2000. Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. * . ANTIQUES EXQUISITE HAND-CARVED LADY'S Iýwriting desk.' Louis XVI,- Vernis Martin cabinet, curios, ChInese Teak- wood lantern, several Oriental rugs., Ph. Wilmette- 3023. 7 *EAUT TREATM N _____ MASSEUSE VIENNESE, GIVES SCI- entîfie troatments,. anid baths ln your homne by appointit. Reducing a, spe- ialty.- Ph. Davis 7578. 71T13-ltp' PICNICS - PARTIES - BIRTHDAYS Serve angrel food;-. double Ibing,, large si» $1. sunshilue cake 70 cts. to ordor. Ph. Wflmette 3407.- 9LTN5-tfc * .1-A . PANÉ ^NOD DULU FOR SALE -IRIS -NAMED VARIE- ties, mixed colors, dozen. ail different uniabeled 60 'cets; labeled $1. CRîl Wilmette 2732.. 14-A LTN13-Itpb 15 INSTRUCTION EXPRT U¶'RIG FOR ADULIS. high echool or college students, by experlcnced" University of Chicago senior. Subjects: mathématics, physîe, astrofloiy, German, French. Trial tesson free. Roy. Wilcox, Wilniette 794-M. 15LT13-Itp 15 LAUNDRY *CURTAINS AND 1BLANKETS. ALSO othor laundry work done reasonably. Will eall for ,and dolivor. WInn. 1924. 18LTN8-tfcý WANTED - LAUNDRY WORK, TO take 'home by exp). laundress. Very' roas. Ph. Wllmette 2623. 18L13-I tp PRACTICAL ÏNURSE W1TH1 INVALID mother .will take aged or paralytic in her home; $60 mc. up. Ph. Wil- mette 226i1 or University 0397. 41 SITUATliON WANTED-FEMALE CALL PAULINE'S, Winnetka 2662 GENERAL MAIDS Norwegian girl, 28 yrs., good cook, neat, -likes children. First claise Wlnnetka ref. Bohemian girl, 33 yrs., A-i ref., for cookinig, baking, 4% yrs. W.Innetka ref. Norwegian girl,. 34 yrs., 4 yrs. with former: employer, can also give good rot, as second maid. Swlss girl, 22 yrs., excellent ref. of yr4. as zoneral maJd. Finnish Amn. girl, 32 yrs., first class rot, as cook and general, 6 yrs. In iast place. Swedish- Am., 27 yrs.,, neat. refined girl, good Cook, , lkes childreni. 4 yrs. Wîthý present employer. COOKS-SECOND MAIDS Several with tiret claies local refs. SPECIAL DEPT.. FORLNURSES We investigate ail reterences PAULINÊ'S AECE 522 Conter St. Winnetka, Ill. 41LTN13-ltc EXPERIENCED WOMAN, WANTS day work or part timo work miornings and evenIngsý Ph. Greenleaf 3789. - 41LTN1-*.-tp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS CLEAN- ing or, laundry worli by the day. Exp. Ph. Wilm-etto 4288 after 5 :30 p. n 41LTIN13-itp EXPERIENCED COLORED WOMAN. general housework, good cook. Refei- onces. Write B-120, Box 40, Wilm-ette, Iii.41LT13-ltp RELIAIBLE EXP. WHITrE WOMAN wants position as housekeeper for adults ini country preferred. :Pli. Iil- mette 4É66. 41LTNIO-ltp Efolci4 .DOMESTIC HELP No* charge to employer. nt service for the N. S. homes. We invostigate references. àCIAL NURSE DEPARTMENT 44 HEU-P WANTEO>-FEMALE POSITION OPEN For first class domestlc help. Wagé5 $10 to: $15 wk. PAULINE'S AGENCIEtS 522 Center St. Wnnetka, Ilii 44LTN13-ltc MANAGER FOR EVANSTON BEAU- ty Shop. First class experlence and references required. State age and give information ln' detail of the ex- perience, you have had. Write B-1 24, Box,40, Wllmette, 111. '44LTN13-ltc WHITE MAID,- GENERAL HOUSSE - work, good cook; no iaundry,; 2 eduts; wages' $10, ref., required. Phone Winnetka 1995 before noon. 44LTNI3-J tc WHITE G 1IRL FOR GENERAL housework, emali children. .Go home nights. Cali betw#een 8:30 and 9:00, P. M. Ulniversity 2138 44L13ltc SALESMEN Elec. refrig-furn. for, suburbs-ci ty. -Bif- com.,leads-bonus-ùnusual eset- up. Wintietka. 1226- or Glence. 19365. S45LTiN13-Itp 46 HEU-P WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE. COUPLES WNE WHITE ONLY Evanston -home.. wife -do cooking,, Mr. serve, hou seman.- A-1 ref. req. $125 Evanston home- Man drive, serve, houseman., Wife mùst be good, cook. $100 Mo. Wînnetka horne à- 4 :adults; man do cooking, wife do second, $125 mo. Wilmette home-4 adulte, no iaundry. Wife cook, man serve, yard. $100 mco. Kenilworth home. 2 ln family. 'Must be good cook and chauffeur. $100 mo. Refererices must stand s tr ic t investigation. PAULINE'S AGENCIES 522 Center St. Winnetka 266b2 CHILREN ND5 orders and deliver' comm. Winneëtka 1935. .ADULTS TAKE, rlhIce, cream on 126or Glcncoe 46LTN13-ltp Foi FRSALE-A UTOS '29 PONTIAC COACH IN EXCEL- lent condition. Cheap. * 984 Cherry, Winnetka 1114. 48LT1-3-itp 50 AUTO SERVICE MAKE YOUR CAR NEW WASHI AND SIMONIZ......4 Ph. Wilmette 5099. 53LTN13'4tP na WANTED TO RgNTr-ROOMS GENTCILE, ÂGE .30, IUISH-ENGLISFH, forjnerly of Kansas City, Missouri, now holding executive position ln Chi- cago., Wishes- to reside in reflned home, Wilxnette to Glencoe. Appre- ciative social contact,, preferably ath- lettc: golf, tennis, swimming. Inquiries respected. Confidential. Phone White- hail 4100, room 2106, evenings 6 :30, p. M. 52LTN13ltp, ne FOR UENT--APARTMENTS IN LINDE N MANOR. 1095-1101 MERRILL STREET. 3. 4. and 5 rooms with -tue bathro9ms. 11W. iH.,CLARIS, 980 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods WINNETKA. 3380 56LTN13-ltC WELL ARRANGED 2 RM. APART- ments, wlth lge. liv. i'm., bedrm., tule bath and shoWer, glazèd porch. elec- triecling. Closeto trans. at a very reas. rentai. Caîl Winnetka 1800. 56LTN13-ltc BREST 5 RU. MODERN APT. IN. HUB- bard Woods. Reasonable. Call days Winnetka. 235, nlghts Gleneoe 1225. 56LTN1.3-tfc FOR RENT TWO ROOM KITCH EN- ette abartment near transnnrtatiofl. eteam heat, elecetrical refrigeration. Cal Wilmeètte 1800. 56LTN49-ttc ONE 2 RM.- ALSO, ONE 4, RM. KiTC-- enette aiît.. Humvphreyr building. Win- netka,9 or 3328.. 56LTN20-tfe FOR RENT'1'- UNFURNISHED OR furnished 5 room attractive apt. nenr tranpB. Winntka .2144.. 56L13-ItP 5 ROOM- HEATED FLATW ITRSU porch. Near transporôttion. 1115 Wilniette Avenue. 56LTN13-ltp 57 FOR RENT-IJRN, AkpTS. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 2 and 3 room modern apts. Fine loca- tIon in Wlnnetka. Reasorlable. Win- netka 690. 57LTN53-tfe 58 WANTED TO RNT-APARTMENTS HTD. FLAT FOR. HSKPNG. RMNS. for responsibie family of 2 adu1ts & 2 scbool children. $30 a mo. Cal Winnetka 2052. 58LTN19-ite 60 FO RNTHUE CHARMING COLONIAL HOMEi- 6 bdrmns.,> sip. porch, 3 baths, lav., sun rrn., oi1 heat, large yard,. near 1,lke and sehools. $175) a mo. ýOther attractive rentais furnished and unfurnished, $60 to $500 a Mo. Frances j. .Xinscott 902 Spruce st. Wnnetka 1267, 6OLTN13-ltc work, go home nights. Ph. WHITE GIRL 19 WANTS houework and cooklng. S est- Ph. Wilette 1276. ýtP FPI LIPI1N-0. A-1 COOK. BUTLI 7mH houseman.,. hIghly recommended.( lie ,rets. G. D.' Ablong, phone Ke Ltc. worth 4494. L1 ln house a soip comhforýtp comi and bath. B eRoom . and transportation. l NEW TRIER, Also household goods. price, daughter 760. every came and 8 ROOM. UHOUSE, 5 îp, lo'mly room baths, large ecreeni ox 40, Wilmnette, burner. $100. Winncl 53LTN18-ltc *mELR'>MS, 2 1 Porch. '011 a. 3191.. DAY WORK B5i EXP.7wolmN roter., $.50. -NO .washing.. K.owal, Wiunetka 1ý455. 41LTb