Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Aug 1932, p. 6

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Hioney'Dew, > â 25c due., .mcL ... .... Orange., s.hct.d for79 410e 3ies. FOUR DELIVERIES Tomatot., frm a"d ripe, 2 lbý .... ]Beets or Carrots, 4 Luches ......... 25e 15e Peache, unifprnuly > 9c Ceery, perfectly 25 ripe baaoet bIacld, Lunches. Cooldng Apples, 25 outelme., 5 lbe.... 25 Goden OmamanSweet New Caibbage, firmn 4 Corn, don. ....... 9c ends, lb. 4 Blibeberrles, fine, large29 bernies, qt...... 9q rOnions, fany 5 Fre.h Peas, swet 29 and tender, 3 lbas. 9 I l IISIX TELEP*IONES WIL, 420-12-34-5 INSURANCEJ la Ail 1* Branhe. Poleielq Written la 014 Estab-, Parkers Kuot Score Shorty Scbeuler's boys tied u h couint in the third on singles 14 AIl- mnan. Neisén and ,Janda, a disastrous ninif by Baker and an overthrow in frst by Mellin. The inning ended roasted uchices, browui and tender, for g51< fuH assortment Of home-cooked moite. If Mrs. W. W. Wheelock 1323 Oxford Road 'Kenil. reorth, wili cail!ai osr store before Satusrdajv, A ugoist 6. she oil! be >rosented uwith a beautif id lump.> h uftdy 9'man. tu 9 *A . AM. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and aIl other autborized Christian Science Literature anay b. read, borrowed or purcbased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC NS CORDIALLY INVITRD TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES. AND VISIT THE READING ROOM I Fviay ndSatuiday Sell Lq oRLauibYounsg lb. Tender, 5 1pot Raoast <htt aite c, . Pré-nifu ni.C nd 'l 1re,, Dw@iewu Iiu b. '45e V~IT aiend TALE aOROCERIE ICOFFE, Hlas Br>i,......... 2-lb. cas 690 Ivowy Soatpi, Apricot Bars, 2 large Lurs 17C Per l.. Strimed Vegtahle, Gerbenr'& Proihicts, ail flavors, PureHoney, BeeHive z Ca -, ....... 25C Brand, gt. jar .... - K tc ei19e Swansdown .C21 Lag pote.....19 lur k ..... l m inisirL)UIe ilics arluthe fllftfl, Robinlsonl peucutiestn ments from other nortb shore groups za with a triple into deep right field to charitable agencies -and hospitals an Gomberg i n onNla in Chicago. Tbe Kenilwortb Home fand g bier thecete ieldombak and Garden club gift camne partly frther goemh e bnter fid tane from the gardens of the members, biningtbor, ndRbeinson wiâtli ot and 1,artly tbrough funds contributedwnigtly n en bae u for tbe puirpose. l of a, bor' e r th rougb .the. vagarile > of the rides which state that the gaine Similar consignments are sent each is lover when the, winning run is, *week, witb tbe two Kenlwortb gar- scored,, thus crediting him -with a den* groups alternating. They are 1 mere single. S1lent in eacb Wednesday morning .and T1 residents of Kenilwortb wiisbing toi e gampete a afeehttn cn repet wth errors.' Numnerous cOoperatle are askedtosend flowers.1hits eetersi fbdhud fruit, or money flot later than Tues- due to poor. condition of the iinfieldt. day of ý each week. Tbey should be One bad hopperoff the bat of Neisen sent ýto Mrs. John L. Wilds, 244 Ox- in the first inning resulted in a beau-. ford road, and Mrs F. *B. MacKinnion. tiful shiner on YuIe's left. eve.; t he- 321 eicste rod, eprseningtheshortstopper playing witb a part iallv Kenilwortb Home and Garden club. 'îsdotcpatclyteetr or to Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett, 533 gaine. Altbougb there were minier- Roly rad rprsetîg heKed-ous errors,, brilliant stops b NMellin,* worth Garden club. and a sensational running catch of As a part of- its programi of civic Burns, long, fly by Phillips lu the activitiles th is year, tbe Kenilworth nintih were features of'the game. Home.and Garden club is sponsoringSoronPlip the' Kenilworth comnriunity gardens>ScronPilp project. Fourteen__good sized plots Grant Phillips was the local boys' were allot-tëd- tônempldyed and part- startg pitÉher and was touched ior time workers in Kenilworth and have 8 bits and allowed aIl of the visitors' been planted to beets, potatoes, beans. runs in the 4%/ innings he pitcbed. and other vegetables. Hal Scbleuter, wbo succeeded him, Gardens of this type have been held tbe foe scoreless, .4 bits were se- specially recomrnended by Presidenit cured off bim in tbe 43/ innings lie Hoover's emergency-committele on un- toiled. Big John Roemer, formerly' employment as one of the. best of the Wilmettë teami pitched the methods of offsetting the effects 1o f frst 7 innngs and was touched for 13 the current readjustment in busi- hits and 6 runs. Bob Gordon went to ness con~ditions. the mound in tbe eigbt and, after hiit-m ting Janetz and passing Rudolph. was. Mrs. William Holmes and lier yanked by Manager Scheuler and re- daughter, Mrs. Holmes Todd. 022 placed by Burns, who beld the home Central avenue, are leaving tomor- boys scoreless in the eigbtb but wa-s row (Friday) to spend eight davs pounded for a 'vitory in the ninth. cruising on the Great Lakes" aboard Bill Baker was the batting hero Nvith the S. S. Tionesta. 4 hits, and Gomberg next with 3. 0o Wilmette initiated the- scoring Ii Carl Hall of 809 Central avenue :the first wben, after two were out, lef t -Monday morning to spend three. they scored 3 runs. on a double by weeks on a camping trip near Ely, Rudolph, singles by Yule and Bah-ker, M~inn. a s.teal of second, by Baker and er- _________________________rors,,b%, Cowper, and Marx. il

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