..Specimen, VaLlues ýiiithe. Au gust Sale of New Faîl SHQE- Values in* the August Sales LAYE T T.ES AND INFANTS' FURNITURE- Coinhination soft rubber tub and canvas top dressing table; i ivory finish oniy. Very special . . . . . $395 Baby scae ... accurate and easy to operate . $6.96 Sturdv, varnislied play yard .. .... $3.96 Play,),ard witl striped awning canopy .. $6.95 SoflA nd-woen blanlkets.1 . .$165 anjd $1.95 Crib slieets, 36 x,50 inches, 40c; 40 x 70 inches 50c, Pillowcases to miatch .......2,9cand,40c *.handinade .2.1, 21inches long, SOC . . *.. .. .....$1.96 cr0 Suede ppmps Witlh.kid trim .. 1inh hel; a smart ne w1 style. August price.......$5.10 Brown suede and caif com- bination; 2-inch new con- tinental heel; also black. Price .....$5. 10 Blacek or brown suede with cai tim ndcovered heel; prieeet, walking style. Pr7.......$j.10 T-strap ia black or brown suede with kid trim August Sale prive . $5. 10 Firat Floor Thes eOutstanding' Values intheAugust Sale, of FURNITURE. MPA N Y Infants dresses and LD .... ............. ............. ------ . . . . . . ........... ..........