Fun for the whoie'family i. offered at the beauti fui Teatro del Lago on! * Friday and Saturdayý August 26 and 27,. when the programs feature two fine pictures-"M ilIlion Dollar Legs," Olysn- pic Games comedy, and "The Texas Bad Man,*. starring Tom M1ix, and Tony the wonder horse. An ail-star, lineup of comedy f avor- ites, including jack. Oakie, W. -C_ Fields, Beni Turpin, Atndy Clyde, Hank Mann eand ^Lyda Roherti, makes "ýMil- lion Dollar Legs" osie, of. the laugh bits of the.. seasoii. A niew 'peach. Susan Feig appears in this film. Tom Mix - sectirely nîounted on. Tony - rides a 'maze of blood- rouising thriiis as the stalwart Texas ranger ini the drama. "ýThe Texas Bad Man." -Shooting, riding and' general excitement galore don't daunt Tonm Mix as he goes after a bandit gang. Lucile Po wers is the. attractive heroine.. Those Milii. Brothers, Too On Sundav and Monday, August 28 and 29, the Teatro del Lago presents another double feature program that simpiy must not be missed. Topping off. the great bill, a short novelty n unber hy the Miils Brothers will delight the patrons. 'fli feature presentations are "Makec Me. a Star" and "Bacheior's Foliy.*" Based on "MUerton of the Movies," f arnous real-life novel by Harry Leon ý Wilson, the drama. "Make Me a Star" penetrates to the heart of -the -reat Hollywood. joan Blondeli and Stu- art Erwin head the cast with ZaSu Pitts and Ben Turpin. Other prornin- etit stars Maurice Chevalier, Sylviai Sidney. Claudette Colbert, Gary Coop- er. Tallulah Bankhead. Clive Brook, Fredric Mardli, Phillips Hqlmes, jack Oakie and._Charie.uglsappear in authentic, studlio scenes. Hierbert Marshall and bis wif e, Ediua Best, star in * ".Bacleior's .Folly," .pleas- ing Edgar« Wallace yari about honor aniog race-horse owners. The story is as cbarming as the Englisi country- ,;ides and drawvin.g rooms in which it linfolds. This picture will shlowN fans why Herhert Marshall is of New York's niatince idOls. Two of the world's most interesti ng places-Hollywood and Vienna - wili provide tlhe backgrounds for the pic- tures on. the Varsity theater double feature program Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. 'ý Make Me a Star" is anappropriate. titie for the film which parades Holly- wood secrets, for this picture realiy. catapuits Stuart: Erwvin to stardom. He's a perfect knockout as the niovie- struck boy f rom the crossroads. The film, a taîkie version of Harry Leon WVilson's great 'Merton of th-, Mov- ies., magniificently blends iaughs and tears. -with chucklespredonainating., Tlie.Conigress of Vienna in 1815 pro-' vides, the background for "Congress Dances." a German-made picture:withi Englisi dialog. Originial.ity of treat- ment. pol ish and beauty of music-and setting vill appeal, as will the work of an expert cast recruited from, sev- eral counitries of Europe.. Lilian.Har- vcy. Conrad Veidt. LiI Dagover and Henry G-arat are -a f ew of the céele- br&a-e-d-,tars ini this ýfîim whkci is a sensation iii Amnerica and on the coti- tinent. - On Monday. Tuesday ali(l XVednles- day, Atigust 29, 30 and 31. the Varsity bas an excellent double feature pro- gramn--"Race ,Traçk" ' and "The Strange, Lovre of -Molly Louvain." eoCarillo. Lois Wi'lson and thé youth fui Junior Cogblan are stars of "Race Tracki" filmed at Agua Caliente ail( fiie ,ith thrilis and. heart inter- -est.M yLu "The Strange L.ove of MolfyLu vair f ort D v tion tre great, and the sory in he, plot is to0 good to ïre- Publ~-OInhn &Katz 'A RSI.-T Y. vvangton-PhouneiJn. 8900 l'hurs.4 meeting of the Mickey Mouse club in the Wilmette theater at 1 :30 o'ciock *this Saturday afternoon. A Mickey Mouse skit avilI be provided by two, midgets froua Chicago at the meeting o f the club onii Saturday afternooln, September 3. The midgets hroadcast frmstation 'WAAF everýy Sunday mornitig at '11:30 o'ciock. In connection witb the serial; "The Last of, the, Mohicans,', being shown every Saturday matince at the Wilmette, theater, a theme-writing contest i s be-. ing .conduct.ed. * >12 Cntral A V.. PWlorWa. 404 Doora oen uek des,.et 6:88 P. M,. shos et 7 p.M. Dopoa Open Bat., But*., and Holmavg. ai 1:50 p. em. shwo at Sp. um. Cous. Box OU.. closes at M:30P.m. LesfTlimes Tonilht-2 Hifss Warren Wiiaw-Bett. Davis in ,bhhe Dawk IHon" .and Myrna Loy-Conwey Teari. "6Vanfty Pale" Fri., and Sat., Aug. 26-27-2 Hitli Edmund Low-Evelyn Brent DIENZSIE" Stars rti.7:17, 1004 Set. 2:21. 5:14, 7:49. 10:34 and KEN MAYNARD in 6"TUKAS OUN Fr. 8:47; Sat 339 6:32,9:25 Sun., Mon, Aug. 2829-2 Misii Clive rook--CIaudefte Coiber+- 6,MAN PROM Sun., 2:17, 4-50. 7:23 9:36 Mon. 7:24,- 9:57 and Zae. Grey (hirmîeIf.) in Frl.~, SaS.. Aug. 25-20-27 Ope,> 6.3o-tu i*Stérts For earI7 birds wboemaislofèe I 'cloek on Saftrd&M sb@fo» 8 o0'e1lk 6o.0SaulisYsand boUda pa. or before.1:15 o'elo* ouenet ber eveunno, 4the jrlee la lie. <'li. dren, Ide. Jean Barlowt Chester M)rnl Startà -7:20 118:4 Starta 0:0 "ARNT 7WEiraAuL Gertrude Lawreue k Jlugh Walketteld flobbY Joues--UTbe Brassie" Fr1 hsat.,AIR. m4.27 Two Features MLLON DOLLA Jark Ontte & W. C. P1elfts Starts Fr1. 1:14; 10:00 sMarts Sot. 1:20:- 4:54; 1:32. 10:0s Tom XM1x Stan. Fr1i. 8:30 Starts Sat. 3:30; 0:11; 8:48 Flip the Frow Cartoo . streuge as It Secuas . News suil.£ & Mon- 4Aug. 18-29 Two Features *Joan Blond 011 & Stuart Erwin $tarts Son. 3:44; 0:54; 10:H4 Starts Mon. 7:23; 10:3 "BACIIELR FOLLIESy Herbert MarshaIl* Edna Best startoSuua., 2:16; 5:26; 8:30 Starts. Mon. 9:65 31III. Brothers .. Bipley'sBe- Ileve It or Not ... Ethe!l-Merman ..News Tues., Wed. * Thurs., AUR. 30-31-Siept. 1 eh" 'il win joan Bennett snowing a grand outfit of new fashions. "Red Hêaded. Wom an" and !'Aren't We Al ?" will be sbown at the lç'a- tro del Lago today (Thursday). in