be the occasion oft-a piano recital by' Rachmaninoff. Not since this series of concerts began, has thiere been oftered so em- inent a musician as this great Rus- sian. Renown rests bpth on bis stu- pendous. gifts as a piano virtuoso -and upon the originality and nobil- ity of his compositions. Hlis visits to Chicago have been rare and when he played here last winter .(bis only ap- pearance in 10 years) hundreds were. turnied away, unable to get,.seats. Native -of Russia Sergei Vassilevich Raçhmaninoff -was born in Russia in 1873. Heen- tered the St . -Petersburg conserva- tory at" the age .of 9. Here he studied"with.* thie weillknown 1teacher Siloti and took mus ical th -ory, under Arensky. At 19 he won the gold medal -for composition and a few years later was made director of the opecra in' Moscow. Rachnîaninoif first appeared in London in 1897 ,wben he1 played wýit h the. Philhar-' -mponic, orchestra,, t was not unîtil 1909 that be visited tbe United States. But since the revolution in 'Russia 'he bias made bis home in New York City. He is undoubtedly . the most dis tinguished composer and pianist of5 ail the marvelous musicians who haveý5 come from Russia. He is best known : by bis symphonies, piano forte mu-i sic and many unusual and beautiful songs. "This appearance of Rachmnanin- off will be a great lionor and ant unique experience for the northc shore," delcares the Artist-Recital conxmittee of the club. "We havec had nothing like it before. To sec and hear such a personality ini the small intimatc auiditori uni of the higli scbool will be an occasion rare and memorable. 0f nogreater' imi- portance. would be a rctilVPad- erewski or Kreisler." RETURN FROM. THE EAST Mi'. anid Mrs. Charles' Henrv Brown of 809 Lake avenue returned Iast week froni a montb's. motor trip .to the east., On their way there thev Edith Rav Young, 1133 Céatral aveinue,* Wil incite, announces the' opening of her piano classes at the studio on Tucesd'a3, September. 20. Her studio is, uoz( equipped withý twuo pianoÙS. William Kreul, Wilmette Policeman 10 Vears, Dies William Kreul, a member of the Wilmette Police department for the past ten years, died early Tuesdayv rnorning at his home. He had been suf ering with heart trouble for somne time. He was 55 years old. Mr. Kruel was a patrolmani on the police force and was assigned to the ijn-. den avenue business district. His widow- is the only immediate survi- vor. The funeral services will be held this morning (Thursday)' at 9:30 o'ciock from Scott's funerai home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, to S-t,. Frani- cis Xavier church. Burial will be at Memorial Park' cemetery. Members of the Wilmette police depart merit will act as palibearers. RECOVERS PROM OPERATION Miss Bernice, Viole, who bas been» convalescing -fromi an operation for -appendicitis ail summner, bas resumed ber teaching ini ber studio, 'at 114, Third street, Wilrnette, and also. at the American Conservatory of Mu- sic ini Chicago. Miss Viole's par- &11 - ', .., V , V sr -t. r ir. L i Sn. receives a golci medal awarded annual- ly to the tournament winner and Mr. McCann will be awarded a silver medal. Miss Elsie Paterson was the wlnner of the womfen's tennis tourna- ment tbis year and, Wayne Cochran annexed the boys' chainpionship whiie bis twin. ,brothe r, Stanley, won out in the consolation tournament. Honor Foôur Legionnaires in Membership Campaign Rus Jhnsnjack Walther, Dr W. W. Hawkins and David C. Leach earne d gold chevrons this year -for bringing new members into Wilm'ette Post 'No. .46, American Legion. Any- one: who secures seven new members or, fourteen renewals or aý combi tion lof. both_ is eligible for a meclal' from the "'40-8" of Cook county. Following is, the final standing in the. membership competition, giving the number of memnbers each Legion- naire secured: Russ johunson, 12; Jack Walther, 6; Dr. W. W. Haw- kins, 5; David C. Leach, 5; Hal .Mohr, 4; Norman Derio, 2; Bert Sul-' livan, 2;. William Benner, O,. G. Dai- ly, Howard Dusham, joseph Heinzei Haig Kashian, Fred Kidd and W. O'Connell with one apiece. St. Francis-Xavier P.T. A. The Parent-Teachier association of -St. Francis Xavier school will hold an. open meeting. on Friday after- noon, Septeniber 16, at 2:30 o'clock in the school hall. The Rev. Brady will address the mothers, and Dr. Lauier, child spe- cialist, bas been secure(l as, speaker. Mothers of new pupils enrolled this year are especially, invited to -be pre- sent at this.meeting. The iVom en on the commiittee.will appreciate the en- couragenlent of a large attendance, as many helpful and pleasant pro- granis are being planned for the ncsdav of each Iuntil 4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jackson, 1017 Elmwood avenue, an d their daughter, Miss'Alice M.\ac, are back in their home after* spen.ding.tlie summer at'their. cott.age'.at Portage Point. Mich. The D. S. Stilimnans, who have beenl in Ludinigtoni, Mich., ail summner re - turned to their home, 707 Virginia avenue, Keiiilworth, 'last week. Forom'erly Danemjark ELocic Co. Everything EÊlectrical 1151 i hn.mtte Avé. 'Phono Wi6Ietie 214 521 Main St. Wimeft. Phone WiL. 32 1 l'F ilotor Comnpany ann.oun.ce the opening of their new automobile froni Henry E. Foster. 120 Woodbine Wis, -avenue, ieft last Tuesday for dolgate university, Hamilton, N. Y. He will Misý be a sophomore this, year, andý is a motort member of thé Sigmna Nu. fraternity. for a -o- Aimée Drake of Wilmette. on Monday to Ann Arbor it of a few days. STREET e 2378 *Free PickuP and de- livery service. Phone WIle 266