esting experiences of 'Troop One4Elev- ""9- gJust te keep them happy wlth en of the Ait" on a canoe trip in the When the drug store cowboys came ýNisoiiit nothwoos.The following back, Gartiey and IBersçh went up- Wiscnsinnort for a shave and haircut. (Needed ? account begins with the fifth day of the Sure.!) 'When they got back, Art Brooks journeyvas there and the truck w"s ioaded journey:ready to take us back te camp. On the VVdn.da, uus 24 way however, w-e stopped at Monico, We %vere up at '6 :30 o'clock and Pre- welcomed we stayed for supper. That pared for -a .strenuous day with, a big sure - went over big wlth us. ' A hay- breakf ast that included one of Cal's banlnt- hn veySot4a lp in,- and we weren't exceptions, se there famned oinelets as well as bacon, rice and we stayed for the nlght.,It sure poured, raisins and prunes. Whilé the dishes but who worried? We al lept our were being washed, the f ellows tlotn_ quota., FIaAuut1 gaged busied themnselves with On a. farrn it's an early rlsing and packing everything tightly, as we had this morningý true to tradition. One of to make a 3-miâle portage. the Scouts'was up at 4 :30 o'clock to gather the eggs that he thought the With cverything in.readiness, we re- hens had nlght just as hie knew alized it, vould requite two trips. That that the coWs produce miik. Airs.. sounds rather inexcusable on irst con- Brooks stacked the gang with wheat cakes until we thought-7-in plain terme sideration but a boy's pack weighs as we'd. "bust.", About 9 :15 o'ciock we miucli1 as a mag's, su with* four boy1sý in started for camp and we weren't there the party we were f orced. to make it for long, tili the scouts were out for a thatway.sail while Cal and George got dinner thatway.on the fire. We had steak, onlons,, cab- Bill Jenkins stood watch over the duf- bage, spaghetti, cake and peaches. The fie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l t-thdt otescn n h1 spaghetti, Mrs. Mueler gave. us; the cake, Mrs.- Roals. The a(ternoon wa- John *\%eese and Bill Chichester car- spent in canoeing- and saiiing.' After ried some duffle. *Niff". Davis started1 supp)er we turrUed in for a nearly start with the'. ighitest canobe,' the Che.stnut, to S1ttuf'dalv, AWziitS27 be rlieed )v .Chc*'at inervls. Today we started after breakfast i be rlieed v 'hic atintrvas. ampi for the. good oid North Shore. Berschi and Gartiey toted the Morris, We stopped in Antigo to pick up the a beastly heavy thing but a good canoe. j rooks', Art and Steve and Mary Ellen. NevertheIess, with 'the fis la t h othing unusuai happened en route but firtJod t.heit seemied good to ho home after a \\isconsiin river, the next leg of our~ glorious week of real adventure. paddle. Weüese stayed %viti the du fe: The scouts of Troop) One-Eleven fa'ké ;nid canoes w.hile the gang wvent back this iast opp)ortunity te thank al of for he rst.their friends for tieir indulgence in ipatroni-7ing their program nd elwl On the second trip the Ioad was pretty 1 paid for their efforts in trying to p)ro- welldivdedamog u andby 2 oclok1ivide worthwhiie and purpo(,seful enter-. ýN\lldivde afiog u ad b 1 o'lok:tainmrent through their weekiy program i nooîî aur paddles wvere -ready to stroke1 over station WIBO. We wi%-sh aiso to toguther.- It ivas a pipin.g hot rrorninig..ý thank the broadcasting station for their Rather than eat or swiin right where we j rnstinspledid cooperattmun lt ni n se ii, .we paddled clown the river abou oaigtevtabetm u n ed set iouting professlônal assistance towards a miile! and a hiaif where .we found a i aking the program a scO goud s\\viini' lhole and .a good grassyl stpIn -off place. Here ve lhad limch ofNo hSor C uni raisins, al)ricùts. chioçolate and bread..j E tr OYa rv lu a hal i our we were off again, hal 1 nes 0YaUrv a Mile fromi the' "ralpids." Why. the The North Shore Area counicil, Hený- quotation marks?ý The' rapidss werent ry, Fo9wler, president, is, strivîng to su rpid ut hey ere otsof fun.make a fine record in the ten-year pro- Aftcr suich a hard morning nn o sgramn beinegianounced, by the -Boy f elt like a great, deal of extra >work Scouts: of America as a delinite con- su we 1just took it easy, . etting the tribution: towvard the upbutilding of ciirreit (do rnost of the \vork. American citizeniship. The program pro- About- 3 :30 or 4 o'clock wve stopped, vides that at ieast onie boy in every ii a g1ood spot 'in pities .vith an ex-l four arriving at voting age sha.1 have cellent sandy swiniming hole and niadel had the benefit of four years. of train- Dry Geos toe VEJNIAI SU 1148 Wfluette Ave. i JTS ~lJ3 Capitol I VEAIS1 Chilcago Dearboru 3384 KEMPER. HALL., KenoShai, .Wis.,: An EpbifcoPal Scheol for girls, on the North Shore, of: Lake. Michigan. Coll1ege preParatory and general courses, Musie, Art, Doanestaciee, Outdoor und Indoor, Sports. Address: THE Siermi SUPEIIIOR Local Reférences:t Wlnnetka-tev. le. Asliey Geritard, Mi. PeIre C.. Ward, Mis.:1Iea- jamin K. SrnlitI, Mis. Austin jenner, MrS. Albert B. Peirce; Highland Park-Mrs. George Mason. ANNIUAL A'u-TUMN New a-ndý'. Exchanged GRAND PIANOS 1LELAND Grand, mahogany. Wh.n new, BRAMBACHI Grand. mabhogany When.rnw, $615 3451 LYON* & HEALY"Grand. mahogany., Wh.n new. $Ioo0 395. WASHRURN. Gýrand, -m'ahoanv. When new. $545......... 3615 IBRAMB1ACH Grand. New, OriginaIIy $675.. 44r» Davis, Street ini Evans OPEN EVENINGS 4re. 'Y