*opens a week earlier than usiial. Ciasses get underway 'Monday, Sep- tenîber 19. Coach Dick Hanley hias outlied .a heavv eariy season traniing schedjule for the Wiidcats. Tlîeir. opening en- couniter with Missouri on October.1, gîvýes theni just, a little over two weeks . to shape .an eleven together. Then cornes the important date with MNiciîigan at Ann Arbor a, week later. Both teams figure, they niust win this gamne -to continue in the race for the chamàipioislup). Coach Haniey, howe%ýer, has a cou- firmied reticencv towards e ntering ini- to the. speculation regarding -the chances of the Wildcats this fa 11. The success of the Purpie, he points- out, depetîds entirely on fine replace- iin tts. Buidsp Up ý:Offen.se *Xe are just as confused over our probable strength as anybod%. else,- Coach Hanley, said. . -Spring prac- tice showed. us lhat we, cauînot re-_ placeý otur losses in *the Iiie lefenisive- ly. Wée have nobody to nieasure up to such imnmen as Rilev, Mary il. Engebretsenl and E'vanis. \Ve hiope *o make. up- for this situationi bv sp)ecdiig tup our, offense. ..Our backfieid sliould Work in1 with this, idea. We. have a pair of fast l)acks in Reûnur ani. Sullivan. wil Olson. ' kicking %viil prove a. great hieip. The mniddle of onr iiie figures toie our weak spot. lt %%il .takeè our hrtst two gamies to figure liow we are. goîing to shape." If thie -weatlîer doesn't %varn iup *too nîuchi the- Wil1dcats ma\v get their first * taste of .scrirnnage b.efore the we ek is over. A first string back- field for such au occasion wouid Probabiy consist of Rentner and Suhl.ivan,ý haiflbcks; Oiso. fullback. and Potter, :quarter. Wýith the ex- ception -of Sullivan, ail were rnem- bers of last vear's regular backfield. Good Back Reserves Other backfieid ,candidates iliclude Iast, year' reser 1ves,. Auguston and *Sutton, fullbacks, and Lehnhardt, hialfback. Sutton, a former tackle, looked so prornising in spring. prac- * tic.e at fulhback that he is counied Last' year's regniar ends, Dick Fencl and Ed Manske wiii probabhy fait heir to the jobs again this fail. Their principal riv'ais art Art Jens and Carl Hall, also on the squad iast year, and James Buechel, Lyle Fish- er ýand-Harvey. Friedman, sopho- tent to be a substitute to i s. brother. jack ' has served notice that lie iii- I tend, to be a regular this fait. ILast fait Bihl, who was then. aI sophlornore,.lf1igured that there wasv't a better tackle in, football thaii, bis broùther, Jack. In, fact he was 'quite> pleascd to be a substitute to a 1)1ht3 - er of Jack's renowv.n. Nohowever, with Jack off tihe scene. Bill bas- developied' i nto one of the 'Most 'aggressive candidates in' the Wildcat camp, and is ont to prove that lie is the logical sticces, sor b his brcither.. The Northwest- ern. coaching staff. believes. that if Bill shows the ýsa ine. improvenient thi s fail that lie did in spring pritc-ý tice lie xiii keep the position righlt in the familv. Nursery sehool, kind.ugarten end mee grades are availioNs. Automobile service and noon meal if d.sired. Speciai attention to heaith n.eds. Visit the. school end s.. the. eqiipment. > Class imied. Clara Selle Bak:er, Director, Dept., W-3 Sheridan Rood. Evanston, 111. Tel.' Greenleaf 0221;, Rogers Park, 1807. The C haldren s S ch o-l NationalI Co.llege of. Educàtion NORTILWESTERN UNIVERSITY _0 FOOTD HOME GAMES OCT. 1 OCT. 22, NOV.5 NOV. 19, MISSOURI PURDUE 0H10 STATE IOWA AWAY, FROM HOME ocT.e 8 0. .MICHIGAN OCT. 15 . . ILLINOIS OCT. 29 - MINNESOTA Tiket Manager DYCHE STAD1UM-Evanston For Information Cl ,QRE. 0007, a