Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 43

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NOTI CE lis hereby gîven to al per- sosinterested that the bids for lm- pI'oving Main Street from ,the south cUnbhe of Elmwood Avenue produced et-4s to the forth Uine -'f the Village def Wilmette, and 'the .-oadways 0of (.îttenfwood Avenue. Chestuut Avenue. Elrnwood Avenue. and l5th Street lylng wlthiu the outer uines of sald Main Stre et. also that portion of the central twenty-three. (23) feet aud two (2) luhsof l5th Street lyiug between the .s0"utiwest lhue of sald Main Street'aud t ht- *orth end of the brick pavement now ini place *ln sald l5th Street, ýbe inýiproved by removlng old- curb and gte.brick pavement, sidewvalk, trees and 'zttimPs. by gradlng. includlng park- way.s, by constructing a storm water SIwer wlth brick nianholes. by con- sîruetiàg uew brick catch basins and n.-.w brick catch basin Inlets. by adjust- ing ail manhoies and catch basin covers iiithin the lunes of this Improvement to the proper grade, by paving wlth rein- fi rced roncrete pavement. by coustruet- hga conérete' curb, by constructiug inew concrete >sldewaiks and otherWise inmprnvlng sald portions of Main Street anid lSth Street lu accordanice with the] <ifdnau ewre. opened on the 6th day of September, 1932. aud M. Foley Com-, pany being the lowest responsible 'bld-. gler. the cotract was aWarded to. Said MI Foley' Cônipauy on the 6th day of St-ptember. A. D..1932;^ sidbid is for' t le. work as a, whoie, and is as flos t;.93 Square yards of rein- ficdconcrete ýpavement. >oveu (7) , iinches th!lck - -xvetpt the outer one 0(1 * f#îùt and the center t,*ý,Î <2> feet where It shall b- ine (9) inches thiec ani uxeept the two (2) feet :tdjacent to the nine 41è) inli -.concrete where ,the- ihikness shall'dlinisfi 1rom fnine (9) luches tiî >even (7) luchein thlek q2 "mposed by volume(f "ène (1) part of American Portland cernent ' twg; (2) parts of edean sharp) tor, iiedo S.and and three andl opne-haif (31ý4> parts or >rushed limestone,.ë gravel from two (2) td" i"ne-quaIrter .('4) inehes ini size. reinforced with ýa wire. mesh weighlng 'i) i)ounds Per one hundred. (100) square feet of mesh. %with longitudinal conce(al- 0-d metai1 joints 0of gai- \anized or tpinrted sheet ir'()]] 0f .elghteen (18) grauge. set t nons-the t'en- ailimi t IinIIplacet1ic Ut leuel~ exeept the one-haif (iý) inch riund deforfwd steel bassix .(6) inches ou each side of the expan- sion jnints and at the ends of ail slabs and ex- cept the three-quartept' (:1) Inch, round Smnoth tW ,ý po y.t.m..c01 Cal- ru chioride. flakes or ,nules for each square 'd of pav ýment (a $1.68 SS . o . - -- t .. .. ... 1 244.24 2,007 Square- yards .as above. set forth q $2.8<6 per* sq. yd .................... 4.300 Cubic yards of excavation lu girading foi. pavement. sidewalks and parkways. iucludlng removal of al trees and sturnps and ex- cavated materlal froni the storni sewer, old pave- ment and curb and gutter @$1.21 pet' eu. yd. 4 Mew brick catch basins. cylindrical lu shape aud three (3) feet internai di amteter and fi e (5) feet deep fromn top of briek work to .top of floor with walis 0f brick masonry eight (8$) luches, thlek, with the inside face plas- tered with cernent grout. with, a coucrete floor or foundation. six (6) luches thick. compomed by vol~- unme of one (1) part Ponrt- land cement. two (2) parts of tôrped4i sand aud three and one-haîf (3ý'p2 parts. of gravel. equlpped with a cast iron catch basin cover of the adjust- able curb type. wlth gut- terý grate seventeen (17> by twenty-two (2912) luche. aud weighlng not less than three huudred fifty (350) pounds, trapped aud eonuected to the sewers nt mauholes by meaus of eight (8) inch interntl di- aneter vitrified tile pipe ail built lu place coin- *plete, including conneetion to manholes,. labor and * iaterials (U, $85.00L each.. 4 New brick catch basin. iulets. cylindrical ln shape aud two (2) feet lutêrnal diameter with walls of brick masonry eight (8>. luches thick aud three (3) feet deep, froni the top 0f the concrete pave- meut,' iucludlng, the re- nival of the Duplex. catch basin cover froni the existiug catch basin and placlng same on top of the catch bas-in Iniet mt a floor or foundation thick of the same klud and quallty as- that used 5,740.02 346.00 reruovat of excav-ate« ma- terlal for back-fillng with sand 1ý .$1.46 per foot.. 300 Cubic yards of sand for backfilling the trench of the storn water sewer lu- .Cludlug tanîplng the lower saie t paéif$6 per. eu. yd............ 6 Manhole eus ers adjusted to grade including ai nia- each .:.................. 3 Catch basin eovèris ad- justed to grade Including ail materlai and 'labor (-à $8.50 each . . . . ......... 3,000) Lîneal feet of concrete.. curb twenty-four, (24) incites high, and seven (7) in1ches thick uoinpo.sed by Voluine 0f fine '(1) part of Portland cernent and twO (2) paPts of cièan, sharp) torpedo 'sand and *three and one-haif (3%)> Parts, of :crushed 1lime- stone ý or gravel with ex- pansion, joints of one-haif intervais of thirty (30) feet through the entire width and hieight of the ourb and joine.d to) the v-4ncrete pavenment adjae- ent by nieans of five- eighths ( "s> of ail inch roun(t deformied st e I* dowel bars, tweiv7e (.2) iriche,. lng set five.,(. sev-en: (7) luches into the paveentadjacent and, splaced tiwo (2)> foot six (6) iuches on centers, thé uipiper roadslde c or ne r shalh be rouunded off by an arc of a circulai* curve of one and one-haif (U.> inch radius aud cured ý%ith c a 1i i n mchioride flakes or granules ail builtin place coniplete in4cudlng al isbor and material @ $1.19 per foot ~u0Square feet of new con- crete sidewaik fIve and one-hait (5i,ý) inches thick :buIIt In one (1) course of thé saine . ludý and tiualty 0of :concrete a,, the pavemient bulît: comi- 1 > ete, lu place. :Inluidlg Ml labor and mieriàl 1f@ 28C per sq. ft.,ý....... 3Tons of- one-half (Và) Inch' round, sniooth steel rods. emrbedded In' the- coucrete six (6) luc hes, on each sîde of and par- allel with the concealed. 438.00 1.>95.06 25 .,3 3,570.00 I 40.Oq 345.00 1. 173 1 50.00 tlian rour huu«red seventy (470) pounds. set lu place. ou catch basiwn om-lu place includlng ail labor and niaterials t $19.50 78.00 the balance Into a sheet iron pipe ten (10) luches long on the other sdde of the expýan,,lojî joint. spaced two (2) feect on eunters ail in place ceoni- Improvements of Wiimette. tENNETT FIROEHDE. ARTHUR LEE 19. 141. TIEDMAN LI 9-lie PERSONAL ITEMS M rs. William E, Firth and her granddaughter and- her grandson, Mar- garet and'Billy Stackhouse, who mo- tored to Cleveland a wyeek agore- turned last Saturday to their home at 1011 Thirteenth strect. 0o- The -Mothers' club of St. joseph's churcbh held its monthly meeting Tuesday night. September 6. at the, school hall. There.was a'socialafter thé. business i»eeting, and a niumber, of new members joined the,'club.. Mrs. Thomas M. . Mintz and littie son, Martin, of 50 Crescent place, are leaving on. Saturday for New York City to visit Mrs. Mintz' moth- eMrs. Martin J. Pendergast, for' three weeks.. M r. and Mrs. C. M. Huck, and 'their daughters, of 605 Essex road, are again in Kenilworth after ant out- ing at their summer honte at Trout ILake, ,Wis. Mrs. Fergus . Mead,. 320 Oxford road, Kenilwortb, with her two chiý dren, spent last week with her par- ents at Janesville, Wis.. Mr. Mead was there for the week-end. 0o Dick, Fuller, 567 Hill terracé, Win- netka, and Harold Keitlî,, 310 War- wick road, Kenilworth. ispent -the week-end visiting, friends in Ottawa,. Mrs. Dudley Taylor and ber son, Landon, 244 Cumnor road, Kenil-' worth,, are at home after a season spent at their summer cottage at Powers Lake,~ Wis. Mrs. Jolhn Wilds will entertain at lutîcheon on .Fridav at her home, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth. 0o- The Julius A. Petersons. 222 Cum- berland avenue, have returned from their-stimmer home'at Mercer, Wis.

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