Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 28

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Grade. Séparation Will Save Lif e Let'sHaste» the Day! Soniie far-off heathel, hearing tliat north shore:I)eolIe wvere 1eing urged to buy Christias seals, nîiight think that> a sale of, fur-b)earinig Buy Ckristmas seals iîad, op ened. Seals: But we Ott bs ten to assure ii that lvbat pur north shore hlealth centers Nvere offering, were of. qite, a different -kind, l)eiflg in fact' littie stanîp)-sized( stickers to iplace on Christmias letters, and p -acages. * This year's -sealis are deciîdelv\ attrac-' tive. Across the toi) iii simple forin ruis the faiîîiliar greeting, ".lerrN, Christiias,." Iii the Iower rightbhand corner. is the '<car nurnber, ' 1932." Occtupy-ing the reniain - der of the cheerfitd picture are two little children singing. w-ith aIl thieir souls sonie Yuletide carol. These seals arceîiot inerelv pretty fiittie heart of our conniiiion enienîvl, tnblercilo(- sis." Do y-our p)art in waging this tgýreat war. Buy Christinas seais! During liard timies mnany crises arise. Most of thiese crises beîng acute eall for emergency mieasures. To avoid cruisiiîgl- disaster somnethinig . must pled way. Ul le 1There are -sgns indicating that return tbeir un of hetter days is flo't so far distant as it- ter bas1 has for a Ipng time seemed. Judge Ja- practica, sible forced sale of bis homne tVill do ail lie ca n tp prevent furthier unpleasantness. Help to provide tbe reai soluition of tbis, vexing.problem. Every eek %Nhile getting cuaned ,wýýtihnorth. sbore ne, s ye .read ith interest 'and amusement pages beadedý; "New~ T r i e r éew s .N. Te Notes."> They consti- New Noestuite* an inîiportant partý oftbe periodicai to ýN;c ~eý contribute wbat soinieeali es- say s and otber-s. edit o rials. The slogan- of tbe Notes first. catches' oùu.r roving ey-e-"N\ot the biggest-but the best." Confidenice is what w-e ailned Witliout ià 'v_wander aimlesslv. _Ne\vs of athletic evenits-foo tball, basket bail. swiniinig, tennis, hockev, "-fi stl>ai1,ý' track-gi\,es evidence of the popularity of the belief that ail work and no pIlay pro- duces dutliness. Other stories dwe.ll oni the pleasures of Nvriting and of disguisinig oiie's intenitionis by the use of foreign ton gue s. An excellenit editorial, aniswering thie to the question. A special colunîni, "11lere and Thlere," niakes amnusing. readIng.II Rox, otberwise know-n as Sanituel Rock- wveiI bias accunîuilated a fine basketful of .Side-splitters. We liked tlîis one espe-, cially : "Teen : 'Ginger aie.' Pop j.enks '1>.l?~Teeni: 'No, just a glass.'" Aiso the one about. the country -eggs. Reading these Notes we are reminded of 1iealtIi and happin exhausted. Now, however, that the Girls' club at New Trier *High school, plans to set up a psychorneter at the bazaar this Saturday, we, refrain with difficulty f romn taking the adventurous step,. being rather thoroughly convinced though we are,,that the ma- chine will' probably do littie elseý than give credence te.o sme of the unimistakably plain-tbough slightly less scienitific-verbal observations voluntecred ;by iriend and foe, MUSINGS 0F THE NIGHT EDITOÎR TI, Réason 1Wthy we haeënt gone bacl, tolthe îarrn, is conta iiied in the followýing. dazzliing ditty; Bright "P' 11-y thue ld fritter- But the cityV YesmY glitter. (;uess w e'll1 get started wýriting the Great ÀAmeri- zýai Novel. At the rate we turui out copy, we shouid he able to contributé about one wvord per day to Amnericani literature. That ,vould be 365 words a year (plus an extra týý-cty-five-cent wvord each Icap \year>. Which should keep the .eager public satisfied. But would it he aniother Aierican tragcdv if we sliould turn out to be short-Iived?ý Oh, thought.niost Wonde-lid weu we reached into one of the' dresser drawers 'for a pair of pajamas. Sox, letters, liandkerchiefs, bis (flot curreîlcy), razor biades and two worn-out toothbrushes aIl sprang into being at our rnagic. touch, but, alas, no pajarnas were fo rthcorning. (Thiey didn't even corne fiftli). And -it wvouldn't surprise us at ail if we pulied a rabbit out of 'that thiar"' dresser sonie day. ýAs for the pajarnas, we finally locatéd theni on the closet floor. WeIl, that's what one getis f-or being a ticularly for nîgnt prowlers? - -MIQUE.,

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